My Details - International tab

The International tab is used to maintain information about citizenships and visas held by the staff member.


 Opening the My Details - International tab

To open the International tab of the My Details window:

  1. Select Human Resources > Staff Kiosk from the SynWeb main menu.
    The Personal tab of the My Details window is displayed.
  2. Click the International tab.
    The International tab of the My Details window is displayed.

My Details - International tab key fields and buttons





Country of citizenship.

Name on Passport

Name as recorded on the staff member's passport.

Passport Number

Passport number for the staff member's citizenship.

Issued Date

Date the passport was issued.

Expiry Date

Date the passport expires.




Open the edit window to change your details

Note: You can only edit your details if SynWeb is configured to permit editing. See Configuring the Staff Kiosk - My Details window in the System maintenance manual.

Save any changes to your details

Note: This button is only displayed on the Edit window.

Leave the edit window without saving changes to your details

Note: This button is only displayed on the Edit window.

Click to move the grid entry up or down in the list.

Click to edit this grid entry.

Click to add a new grid entry.

Click to delete this grid entry.