Payday Filing Maintenance window

New Zealand organisations can use the Payday Filing Maintenance window to:

  • View a full listing of Payday export submissions
  • Export Payday filing export files as either:

    - text files
    - reports.

 Opening the Payday Filing Maintenance window

To open the Payday Filing Maintenance tab:

  1. Select Payroll > Payday Filing Maintenance from the main menu.
    The Payday Filing Maintenance window is displayed.

Payday Filing Maintenance window key fields and buttons

Grid area fields

Posting NumberPosting number of the selected Payday Filing export.
Pay Type

Pay type of the selected Payday Filing export. This field can be set to either:

  • Regular
  • Special
  • Employee Details.

Note: For information about initiating employee details exports, see Initiating employee details exports.
Pay/Generate Date

Date the selected Payday Filing export was processed or generated.

Note: For information about initiating employee details exports, see Initiating employee details exports.


Submission status of the selected Payday Filing export. This field can be set to either:

  • Payday Started
  • Payday Cancelled
  • Payday Complete.

Note: You can click  to launch the Process Payday Filing window and continue processing incomplete Payday Filing exports. See Processing STP and Payday Filing.
For information about the fields and buttons of the Process Payday Filing window, see Process Payday Filing window.



Search the generated Payday Filing export.
View the Actual Export Content

Select to view the actual export content.



Display the Set Search Criteria window.

View the Process Payday Filing window to continue the Payday filing export finalisation process for the selected Payday filing export.

Expand the Payday filing export details.

Collapse the Payday filing export details.

View the next search result.

Export the Payday filing export as a text file.

Export employee details marked Ready for export on the Declarations tab of Payroll Maintenance. See Payroll Maintenance - Declarations tab.

See Initiating employee details exports.