Current Student Maintenance - School tab - Extra Leaving Information sub-tab

If you are a New Zealand school, use the Extra Leaving Information sub-tab to maintain:

  • intended school region
  • up to six intended schools within the region
  • teaching and learning notes indicators.

Note: Use the Status tab to maintain current and next year status, including dates when leaving and possibly returning. See Current Student Maintenance - School tab - Status sub-tab.

 Opening the Extra Leaving Information sub-tab

To open the Extra Leaving Information sub-tab:

  1. Select Module > Students > Current Student Maintenance from the main menu.
    The Set Current Student Search Criteria window is displayed.

    You can also access the current student functions by clicking

  2. Search for the student. See Searching for existing students in the Current students manual.
  3. Click the School tab.
    The Status sub-tab of the School tab of the Current Student Maintenance window is displayed.
  4. Click the Extra Leaving Information sub-tab.
    The Extra Leaving Information sub-tab of the Current Student Maintenance window is displayed.

Current Student Maintenance - School tab - Extra Leaving Information sub-tab key fields



Intended Region

Regional geographic area the student intends to transfer to.
Select the intended region from the drop-down list. In the example, the Whakatane district has around 30 schools in the region.

Intended Destination School

One or more schools that the student intends to transfer to. You can nominate up to six schools.

Select the intended school from the drop-down list.

Teaching and Learning notes Indicators

Whether teaching and learning notes are applicable or not for the following areas:

  • academic
  • attendance
  • behavioural
  • custodial
  • health
  • personal.
    Select one or more of the checkboxes, as needed.