Current Student Maintenance - Pastoral Care tab - DocMan sub-tab
Use the DocMan sub-tab to view documents relating to the pastoral care item.
Current Student Maintenance - Pastoral Care tab grid area fields
Field | Description |
CreatedByName | Name of the staff member who created the pastoral care item. |
ModifiedByName | Name of the staff member who last modified the pastoral care item. |
EmailSentByName | Name of the staff member who sent an email about the pastoral care item. |
DocumentClassificationDescription | Description of the document classification for the pastoral care item. |
PastoralCareSeq | Unique code identifying the pastoral care item. |
ID | ID of the student relating to the pastoral care item. |
CampusAndClassCode | Code for the class and campus that the pastoral care item relates to. |
ItemDate | Date of the incident that the pastoral care item relates to. |
MethodCode | Code of the method relating to the pastoral care item. |
Details | Information on the pastoral care item that is available to all staff. |
PrivateDetails | Information on the pastoral care item that is confidential. |
InitiatorCode | Staff code of the staff member who initiated the pastoral care item. |
TypeCode | Code of the type of pastoral care item. |
Type | Description of the type of pastoral care item. |
CategoryCode | Code of the pastoral care item category. |
Category | Description of the pastoral care item category. |
ClassificationCode | Code of the pastoral care item classification. |
IsFollowUpFlag | Whether or not the pastoral care item should be followed up. |
FollowUpDate | Date the pastoral care item was followed up. |
ConfidentialFlag | Whether the pastoral care item was marked as confidential. |
CreatedDate | Date the pastoral care item was created. |
CreatedByID | Synergetic community ID of the staff member who created the pastoral care item. |
ModifiedDate | Date the pastoral care item was modified. |
ModifiedByID | Synergetic community ID of the staff member who modified the pastoral care item. |
EmailSentDate | Date an email was sent regarding the pastoral care item. |
EmailSentByID | Synergetic community ID of the staff member who sent an email about the pastoral care item. |
Description | Description of the pastoral care item. |
ClassCode | Code of the class the pastoral care item relates to. |
ClassCampus | Campus of the class the pastoral care item relates to. |
CreatedByCurrentUserFlag | If selected, this pastoral care item was created by this staff member. |
SubjectClassesSeq | Unique identifier of the subject that the class of the pastoral care item relates to. |
CommentCount | Number of comments on the pastoral care item. |
TutorRead | If selected, the student's tutor has read this pastoral care item. |
FormRead | If selected, the student's form leader has read this pastoral care item. |
HouseRead | If selected, the student's head of house has read this pastoral care item. |
YLCRead | If selected, the student's year level coordinator has read this pastoral care item. |
Current Student Maintenance - DocMan sub-tab key fields and buttons
Filter area fields
Field | Description |
Classification | Classification of the documents to be displayed. Access to documents can be restricted based on user security levels. |
Description | Filter the documents to those which have the typed words in the description. |
Document Type | Type of document. For example:
Source Reference | Filter the documents to those which have the typed words in the source reference. |
Grid area fields
Field | Description |
Created Date | Date and time the document, spreadsheet or picture was imported into Synergetic. |
Classification | Classification of the item. |
Description | Short description of the item. |
Source Code | Source of the item. Typical examples include:
Source Date | Date the item was published or received. |
Source Reference | Cross-reference to the source. For example the name, issue date and page of a newspaper where the student's photograph appeared. |
Source Path | Location of the document in the file system or URL. |
Type | Type of document. Typical examples include:
Seq | Unique number identifying the document. |