Configure Synergetic with a third-party email Provider

Synergetic can successfully be configured with Third-Party E-Mail Provider (ie. Office 365, Gmail, SendGrid, PostMarkApp) for sending emails.
This is recommended if there are handful of users sending emails.

These providers can be integrated to send emails from SynMain App, SynWeb, Community Portal and SMS.


Previous integration may have used a local SMTP mail relay. (List pros and cons, and link to internal page)


Third-party email provider requires encryption and authentication for all email and requires creating a 'proxy' user to send email on behalf of all users.

  1. Login into your Office 365 administration console and create a new user (to use as a proxy). Example -

  2. This Account needs to have a O365/others Mailbox and needs to be granted 'Send As' permission for users who would be emailing from Synergetic.

  3. Specific port (587), open for communication between the servers and third-party email provider.


The following information is used:

Key Name

Key Value

Key Name

Key Value

Mail Server Name

Mail Server Port

587 (Or any port configured by the School)

TLS/SSL Support

If Available - 1.2 Default



Proxy Username

<username for new proxy user>

Proxy Password

<password for new proxy user>

The settings window would look similar to the one below.


Please raise a Synergetic Case if you wish to configure one of these third-party email providers

Synergetic Systems' Specialist would then make relevant changes on the config file and test