Group User Security (Default Z Groups)
Synergetic has updated the default groups schools inherit when they are implemented. These new groups will hopefully assist in the naming convention of groups moving forward and hopefully allow for a better structure for schools to use. If you would like your school's 'Z' groups to be replaced with these new groups contact Synergetic and request this item. We will gladly help you.
NOTE: These groups are to be used as a guide for schools. The school must take ownership of these groups to ensure correct security permissions have been setup for their users.
These groups are foundation security groups that contain core security settings for large groups of users (i.e. larger than a single department or business unit) - e.g. All Staff, All Teaching Staff, All Finance Staff). Every user will need to be placed into the All Staff group, and possibly additional BAS groups (depending on which super-groups they belong to). Full Rights (which you might give to the Business Manager) and Full Read (which you might give to the Principal) also fall into that category. What is important to note about the BAS groups is that they comprise BASE functionality (not specific to a particular department or role).
Short for Department, these comprise common security that everybody within a specific department (e.g. Admissions, Alumni, Reception, Accounts Receiveable, etc)
These represent security permissions where it has been established that a particular set of permissions don't sit within any specific department (e.g. Cash Receipting, HR PD, Medical, Rollover) or where more granular control might be needed (e.g. Email Send As, SMS Sending, Community Maintenance Icon).
The basic syntax of the group code is: <SCHOOL PREFIX LETTER><SECURITY GROUP TYPE>_<NAME CODE>.
SCHOOL PREFIX LETTER - a single letter prefix which denotes school (in the Z Group space, this will be Z, but, when copied for a specific school, a school letter will need to be chosen)
SECURITY GROUP TYPE - the three letter code that denotes the type (as per the previous section)
NAME CODE - a codified version of the Security Group name (remember, as the code has a total of 15 characters, and the initial part is 5 characters, the name code has only 10 characters available)
Some examples:
The basic syntax of the group description is: <SCHOOL PREFIX> (<SECURITY GROUP TYPE>): <FRIENDLY NAME>
SCHOOL PREFIX - a three letter code for the school (in the Z Group space, this will always be COL [for college], but this will be replaced, once copied for a school, to the school code)
SECURITY GROUP TYPE - the same as the CODE area
FRIENDLY NAME - a fuller name/description of the group (remember, as the description has a total of 30 characters, and the initial part makes up 11, the friendly name has only 16 characters available)
Some examples (following on from codes in previous section):
- COL (BAS): All Staff
- COL (BAS): Teaching Staff
- COL (DPT): Admissions
- COL (DPT): Reception
- COL (SPC): Send Emails
- COL (SPC): STU Data Import/Export
There are a number of NZ specific tabs and reports, and these aren't hidden as by System Country/Region Code (like CEO is). Thus, these tabs and reports need their own specific groups. Please remember that these groups are ONLY the NZ tabs/reports. Thus, for NZ schools, the applicable users will need to be added to the standard group AND the NZ-specific groups (e.g. CDPT_STUADM and CDPT_STUADMNZ).
Summary of Security
Below is the summary of the new Z groups in terms of Programs/Tabs and Standard Crystal reports. They were generated using the Crystal Report SYSEC - Group Security Permissions
Programs/Tabs | Standard Crystal Reports |
Z_Groups_Default_Tabs.pdf | Z_Groups_Default_Reports.pdf |
Additional scripts have been attached to this article to assist with managing Staff Job Positions to Security Groups matching.
Staff Security Groups with Job Position Link.sql
List all staff along with their user groups.
If staff member does not have any groups they are still listed.
If they have multiple groups all groups are listed.
GroupSource indicates if the group may have been added by Job Position (JobPositionsConfigGroup link ecists) or if it has been manually added.
This list only includes users that are also created as Staff.
Staff Job Position Group Security - view missing groups.sql
This script outputs the security groups that are missing from users based on Job Positions.
Uses the JobPositionsConfigGroup link.
It can easily be changed to an insert query by un-commenting the INSERT line.
This query is INSERT only and will not remove any groups - USE WITH CAUTION!