Use the Consignment sub-tab of the Business Units tab to manage stock on consignment to the business unit.
Synergetic Financial Configuration - Business Units - Consignment sub-tab key fields
Field | Description |
Consignment Stock Enabled | If this is selected, users have the ability to enter consignment stock in Item Maintenance. |
Consignment Stock Default | If this is selected, when a user creates a new stock item, it defaults to consignment stock. |
Include Consignment Stock on Search | If this is selected, consignment stock is included on the item search window. |
Include Consignment Stock in Stocktake process | If this is selected, consignment stock is included in the item stocktake process. |
Default Sale Tax Code | Default tax code for sale of consignment stock items. They are usually tax free. |
Commission Percent | Percentage commission due on the item. |
Min Payment to Supplier | Minimum amount that is due to the supplier before payment is made. |
Debtor Fee Code | Default debtor fee code for consignment stock item sales. |
Purchases G/L Code | General ledger code for purchases. |
Commission G/L Code | General ledger code for commission on consignment stock items. |
Commission Tax Code | Default tax code for commission, usually GST or 10. |