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Use the Scholarships tab to maintain and view a list of scholarships that the student has applied for or has been awarded at your organisation. When you transfer a future student to current students, any scholarships with Finalised status are transferred with the student's record.

Note: Scholarships have no financial effect. Enter concessions to record discounts or other financial benefits awarded to students.

Music scholarships that offset lesson fees may require a special music class to be created linked to a debtor fee with a negative amount. See Class Maintenance - Charges tab in the Assessments and reports manual.


Current Student Maintenance - Scholarships tab key fields and buttons



Current Scholarships /
Scholarships applied for

Select either Current Scholarships or Scholarships applied for to view scholarship details in the grid area.

Grid area fields




Name of the scholarship.


Year the student applied for the scholarship.


Status of the scholarship application. Typical values are:

  • Applied
  • Confirmed.

A SynergyMeaning of Confirmed identifies scholarships that are confirmed. When future students are transferred to current students:

  • scholarship entries with a status of Confirmed are shown on the Scholarships tab when the Current Scholarships radio button is selected
  • any other scholarship entries can be viewed by selecting the Scholarships Applied For radio button.

Note: Maintain the values in the luScholarshipStatus lookup table. See luScholarshipStatus lookup table in the System maintenance manual.

Enq Date

Date of the initial enquiry for the scholarship.

Test Date

Date the student was tested for the scholarship.


Result of the scholarship test.

Finalised Date

Date the student's scholarship application was finalised.


Any comments about the student's scholarship application.





Type of scholarship applied for or awarded.

Note: Maintain the values in the luScholarship lookup table. See luScholarship lookup table in the System maintenance manual.

Testing Date

Date of the scholarship test.


Year the scholarship was granted or applied for.

Testing Mark

Result of the scholarship test.


Status of the scholarship application. Typical values are:

  • Applied
  • Confirmed.

A SynergyMeaning of Confirmed identifies scholarships that are confirmed. When future students are transferred to current students:

  • scholarship entries with a status of Confirmed are shown on the Scholarships tab when the Current Scholarships radio button is selected
  • any other scholarship entries can be viewed by selecting the Scholarships Applied For radio button.

Note: Maintain the values in the luScholarshipStatus lookup table. See luScholarshipStatus lookup table in the System maintenance manual.

Finalised Date

Date that the scholarship application was finalised.

Enquiry Date

Date of the initial enquiry for the scholarship.


Any comments about the student's scholarship application.




Add a new scholarship to the student's record.

Delete a scholarship from the student's record.
