Login PropertiesSAMLLoginBinding - The binding method used to send the login request to the IDP. Methods include REDIRECT or POST (Default: REDIRECT) SAMLLoginDestination - The IDP URL of which the Authentication request can be sent to from the SP. SAMLLoginX509CertificatePath - The path of the SAML signing certificate used to authenticate the messages from the IDP, normally per example (including tilde prefix): ~/Site/Certificates/yourcertname.crt 1 SAMLSPIssuer - Issuer uri which is sent with every request for the IDP to verify. e.g https://synportal.schools.edu.au/login.aspx SAMLComparisonMode - The setting which determines the RequestedAuthnContext label in the request to the IDP. Values can be (minimum or exact). (Default: Minimum) SAMLClaimAttributeName - Set this to override NameId to another user attribute to be used to login. Azure Active Directory uses a GUID for NameId which can be inconvenient. To use email address to authenticate user, change this value to the attribute name. E.g. "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/emailaddress" (Default uses NameId).
Logout PropertiesSAMLLogoutBinding - The binding method used to send the LogoutRequest to the IDP. Methods include REDIRECT or POST. (Default: REDIRECT) SAMLLogoutDestination - The logout URL of the IDP used to send the SAML logout request and terminate the session from the SP. The endpoint must support Single Sign Out. SAMLLogoutX509CertificatePath2 - The path of the certificate used to sign the logout request being sent out to the IDP. This is most likely a private key (.pfx file). SAMLLogoutX509CertificatePrivateKeyPassword2 - The private key used to utilise the certificate to the sign the request. The key must be encoded using the Portal/SynWeb Configuration tool. SAMLIDPUserHomePageUrl - The URL of the login page of the IDP which is to be used only if there is a logout failure. The link will be used to redirect the user so a manual logout can be performed. Legacy Support PropertiesUseSAMLLegacyFlag2 - Set this to true to use legacy implementation of SAML. (Default: false) <UseSAMLLegacyFlag>true</UseSAMLLegacyFlag> Following Properties are only in use when UseSAMLLegacyFlag is true
- SAMLLoginDestination
- SAMLLogoutDestination
- SAMLLoginX509CertificatePath
- SAMLSPIssuer
- SAMLRequestFormat2 - Base64/Base64Deflate
- SAMLClaimAttributeName2 - Set SAML response claim attribute name linked to the IDP response. Supported values are (case sensitive - use same naming as generated in saml response - e.g. iDAMGuid):
NameID (Default) Value maps to any of (Network Login, Config User Login Name, IdamLogin or CommunityGUID) IdamGUID Value from claims/IdamGUID mapped to Synergetic Community.IdamGUID. This is custom claim attribute. NetworkLogin Name
Info |
1 The SAML signing certificate needs to be in Base-64 encoded X.509 (.CER) format. If required, the supplied certificate format can be adjusted by importing to Windows Certificate Manager console then exporting the file. 2 Optional Parameters |