Information | NewFieldName | NewFieldType | luTable | Lookup Procedure (if exists) | Futures | Enquiries | Comment | Introduced | Template |
OnlineImportStudents | ID | INT | |
| Yes | Yes | Will be blank | v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | ContactEnquiryID | INT | | |
| Yes | Yes | Not required | v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | Title | VARCHAR(30) | luTitle | LookupTitle | Yes | Yes | Can be defaulted when transferring using: - Config Key FutureStudents|Applications|DefaultTitle|Male
- Config Key FutureStudents|Applications|DefaultTitle|Female
| v3.0 | Yes |
OnlineImportStudents | Suffix | VARCHAR(20) | | |
| Yes | Yes | |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | Surname | VARCHAR(30) | | |
| Yes | Yes | |
| v3.0 | Yes |
OnlineImportStudents | Preferred | VARCHAR(20) | | |
| Yes | Yes | |
| v3.0 | Yes |
OnlineImportStudents | Given1 | VARCHAR(20) | | |
| Yes | Yes | |
| v3.0 | Yes |
OnlineImportStudents | Given2 | VARCHAR(50) | | |
| Yes | Yes |
| v3.0 | Yes |
OnlineImportStudents | BirthDate | DATETIME | | |
| Yes | Yes |
| v3.0 | Yes |
OnlineImportStudents | Gender | VARCHAR(1) | | |
| Yes | Yes | Hard-coded values : M, F | v3.0 | Yes |
OnlineImportStudents | CountryOfBirthCode | VARCHAR(15) | luCountry | LookupCountry | Yes | No | |
| v3.2 | Yes |
OnlineImportStudents | Category | VARCHAR(5) | | |
| Yes | Yes | |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | EnquiryDate | DATETIME | |
| Yes | Yes | Yes | Not required. Propagated via the OnlineImportApplication > EnquiryDate | v3.0 | Default to today |
OnlineImportStudents | ApplicationDate | DATETIME | | |
| Yes | No | |
| v3.0 | Default to today |
OnlineImportStudents | EnrolDate | DATETIME | | |
| Yes | Yes | Defaults to 01/01/{next year} during creation process if not supplied | v3.0 | Yes |
OnlineImportStudents | Status | VARCHAR(5) | luFutureStatus | LookupFutureStatus | Yes | No | |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | Priority | VARCHAR(3) | luFuturePriority | LookupFuturePriority | Yes | Yes |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | Campus | VARCHAR(3) | luCampus | LookupCampus | Yes | Yes |
| v3.0 | Yes |
OnlineImportStudents | YearLevel | INT | luYearLevel | LookupYearLevel | Yes | Yes | |
| v3.0 | Yes |
OnlineImportStudents | House | VARCHAR(5) | luHouse | LookupHouse | Yes | Yes | |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | Form | VARCHAR(15) | luForm | LookupForm | Yes | Yes | |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | Tutor | VARCHAR(15) | luTutor | LookupTutor | Yes | Yes | |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | SuppEnrolDate1 | DATETIME | luCampus | LookupCampus | Yes | Yes | |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | SuppCampus1 | VARCHAR(3) | | |
| Yes | Yes |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | SuppYearLevel1 | INT | luYearLevel | LookupYearLevel | Yes | Yes |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | SuppEnrolDate2 | DATETIME | ApplicationID | |
| Yes | Yes |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | SuppCampus2 | VARCHAR(3) | luCampus | LookupCampus | Yes | Yes |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | SuppYearLevel2 | INT | luYearLevel | LookupYearLevel | Yes | Yes | |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | Boarder | VARCHAR(3) | luBoarder | LookupBoarder | Yes | Yes | |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | Operator | VARCHAR(30) | |
| Yes | No |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | CourseClassificationCode | VARCHAR(8) | luCourseClassification | LookupCourseClassification | Yes | No |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | EnquirySource | VARCHAR(10) | luEnquirySource | LookupEnquirySource | Yes | Yes | |
| v3.0 | Yes |
OnlineImportStudents | EnquirySourceComment | VARCHAR(50) | | |
| Yes | Yes |
| v3.0 | Yes |
OnlineImportStudents | EnquiryCampaignCode | VARCHAR(15) | luEnquiryCampaign | LookupEnquiryCampaign | Yes | Yes |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | PreviousSchool | VARCHAR(15) | luSchool | LookupSchool | Yes | Yes |
| v3.0 | Yes |
OnlineImportStudents | MedicalAlert | VARCHAR(2000) | | |
| Yes | No |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | ExternalStudentFlag | BIT | | |
| Yes | No |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | EnquirerIsContactFlag | BIT | | |
| Yes | Yes | |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | EnglishSecondFlag | BIT | | BIT |
| Yes | No | |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | DisabilityFlag | BIT | | |
| Yes | No |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | FullFeeFlag | BIT | |
| Yes | No |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | TuitionVariationType | VARCHAR(3) | luTuitionVariation | LookupTuitionVariation | Yes | No | |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | TuitionNoSibFlag | BIT | | |
| Yes | No |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | PhotoSubmittedFlag | BIT | |
| Yes | No | |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | BirthCertificateFlag | BIT | | |
| Yes | No | |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | NonResidentFlag | BIT | |
| Yes | No |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | ImmunisedFlag | BIT | | |
| Yes | No | |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | CrecheFlag | BIT | | |
| Yes | No | |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | BeforeSchoolCareFlag | BIT | | |
| Yes | No |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | AfterSchoolCareFlag | BIT | | |
| Yes | No | |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | VisaType | VARCHAR(5) | luVisa | LookupVisa | Yes | No | |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | VisaExpiryDate | DATETIME | |
| Yes | No |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | PassportNo | VARCHAR(15) | | |
| Yes | No | |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | Comment | VARCHAR(MAX) | | |
| Yes | No |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | CommentWarningFlag | BIT | | |
| Yes | No |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | DebtorPrimaryOnlyFlag | BIT | | |
| Yes | No | |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | StudentBillingFlag | BIT | | | Yes |
| Yes | No |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | IBFlag | BIT |
| No | | v3.0 | No | Deprecated, now reference the LearningPathway field | n/a |
OnlineImportStudents | IBFlag | BIT | | LearningPathway | VARCHAR(30) | luLearningPathway | LookupLearningPathway | Yes | No | | v3.0 | Yes |
| v69 |
OnlineImportStudents | VisaNumber | VARCHAR(20) | | |
| Yes | No | |
| v3.0 | Yes |
OnlineImportStudents | PassportCountryCode | VARCHAR(5) | luCountry | LookupCountry | Yes | No |
| v3.0 | Yes |
OnlineImportStudents | PassportExpiryDate | DATETIME | |
| Yes | No | |
| v3.0 | Yes |
OnlineImportStudents | BaptismFlag | BIT | | |
| Yes | No |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | BaptismDate | DATETIME | |
| Yes | No |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | ReconciliationFlag | BIT | | |
| Yes | No | |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | ReconciliationDate | DATETIME | |
| Yes | No | |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | CommunionFlag | BIT | | |
| Yes | No |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | CommunionDate | DATETIME | | |
| Yes | No | |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | ConfirmationFlag | BIT | |
| Yes | No |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | ConfirmationDate | DATETIME | | |
| Yes | No | |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | AllowAutoChargesFlag | BIT | | |
| Yes | No |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | AllowAutoTuitionFlag | BIT | |
| Yes | No | |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | AltCode | VARCHAR(15) | | |
| Yes | No | |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | AustudyFlag | BIT | |
| Yes | No |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | LockerBook | VARCHAR(15) | luLocker | LookupLocker | Yes | No | |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | LockerOther | VARCHAR(15) | luLocker | LookupLocker | Yes | No | |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | DoctorName | VARCHAR(80) | | |
| Yes | No | |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | DoctorPhone | VARCHAR(15) | | |
| Yes | No |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | DoctorPhoneAlt | VARCHAR(15) | | |
| Yes | No | |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | DoctorAddress | VARCHAR(200) | | |
| Yes | No |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | DoctorSpecialisation | VARCHAR(50) | |
| Yes | No |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | Doctor2Name | VARCHAR(80) | | |
| Yes | No | |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | Doctor2Phone | VARCHAR(15) | |
| Yes | No | |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | Doctor2PhoneAlt | VARCHAR(15) | | |
| Yes | No | |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | Doctor2Address | VARCHAR(200) | | |
| Yes | No |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | Doctor2Specialisation | VARCHAR(50) | | |
| Yes | No |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | DentistName | VARCHAR(80) | | |
| Yes | No | |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | DentistPhone | VARCHAR(15) | | ) |
| Yes | No | |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | DentistPhoneAlt | VARCHAR(15) | | |
| Yes | No |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | DentistAddress | VARCHAR(200) | |
| Yes | No |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | EmergencyName | VARCHAR(80) | | |
| Yes | No | |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | EmergencyAddress | VARCHAR(200) | |
| Yes | No |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | EmergencyPhone | VARCHAR(15) | | |
| Yes | No | |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | EmergencyPhoneAlt | VARCHAR(15) | | |
| Yes | No |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | EmergencyRelat | VARCHAR(5) | luRelationship | LookupRelationship | Yes | No |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | Emergency2Name | VARCHAR(80) | | |
| Yes | No | |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | Emergency2Address | VARCHAR(200) | | |
| Yes | No | |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | Emergency2Phone | VARCHAR(15) | | |
| Yes | No |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | Emergency2PhoneAlt | VARCHAR(15) | | |
| Yes | No | |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | Emergency2Relat | VARCHAR(5) | luRelationship | LookupRelationship | Yes | No | |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | Emergency3Name | VARCHAR(80) | |
| Yes | No |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | Emergency3Address | VARCHAR(200) | | |
| Yes | No | |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | Emergency3Phone | VARCHAR(15) | | |
| Yes | No |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | Emergency3PhoneAlt | VARCHAR(15) | | |
| Yes | No |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | Emergency3Relat | VARCHAR(5) | luRelationship | LookupRelationship | Yes | No | |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | IndigenousFlag | BIT | | |
| Yes | No |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | NaturalisationDate | DATETIME | | |
| Yes | No |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | StudiesCode | VARCHAR(15) | | |
| Yes | No | |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | TimetableCode | VARCHAR(15) | | |
| Yes | No |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | MedicalAlertFlag | BIT | |
| Yes | No |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | SpecialNeedsFlag | BIT | | |
| Yes | No | |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | SpecialBillingType | VARCHAR(5) | |
| Yes | No |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | StudyAtHomeFlag | BIT | | |
| Yes | No | |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | TSIFlag | BIT | | |
| Yes | No | |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | ESLProficiencyLevel | VARCHAR(15) | luESLProficiencyLevel | LookupESLProficiencyLevel | Yes | No |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | TertiaryRegistrationCode | VARCHAR(15) | | |
| Yes | No | |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | PreEntryComment | VARCHAR(MAX) | | |
| Yes | No | |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | BoardingHouse | VARCHAR(15) | luBoardingHouse | LookupBoardingHouse | Yes | No |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | IntendsTertiaryFlag | BIT | | |
| Yes | No | |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | PassportIssuedDate | DATETIME | | |
| Yes | No | |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | VisaIssuedDate | DATETIME | |
| Yes | No |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | PriorityOverrideFlag | BIT | | |
| Yes | No | |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | TravelAllowanceFlag | BIT | | |
| Yes | No |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | FundingApplicationFlag | BIT | |
| Yes | No |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportStudents | StudentXML | VARCHAR(MAX) | | |
| Yes | No | Legacy storage for custom values - now placed in OnlineImportStudentsCustom | v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | ApplicationID | INT | | |
| n/a | n/a | Manufactured | v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | StudentStatus | VARCHAR(15) | luEnquiryStudentStatusluOnlineApplicationStudentStatus | LookupEnquiryStudentStatus | Yes | Yes | The lookup table values in Synergetic have a ‘SynergyMeaning’ so the code against the ‘Pending’ value will be inferred on load | v3.0 | |
OnlineImportStudents | IntendedTertiaryCourseCode | VARCHAR(15) | luTertiaryCourse | LookupTertiaryCourse | Yes | No | |
| v3.3 |
OnlineImportStudents | CountryOfApplicationCode | VARCHAR(5) | luCountry | LookupCountry | Yes | No |
| v3.3 | Yes |
OnlineImportStudents | DebtorID | INT | | |
| Yes | No | |
| v3.3 |
OnlineImportStudents | ReligionReligionCode | VARCHAR(5) | luParishluReligion | LookupReligion | Yes | Yes |
| v3.4 | |
OnlineImportStudents | ParishParishCode | VARCHAR(5) | luParish | LookupParish | Yes | Yes |
| v3.4 |
OnlineImportStudents | NationalityCode | VARCHAR(5) | luNationality | LookupNationality | Yes | No |
| v68 |
OnlineImportStudents | HomeLanguageCode | VARCHAR(5) | luLanguage | LookupLanguage | Yes | No |
| v68 |
OnlineImportStudents> CustomField | FieldName | VARCHAR(50) | | | | |
| *NOTE* Any data here needs to be managed within a user stored procedure | v3.3 | |
OnlineImportStudents > CustomField | FieldData | VARCHAR(MAX) | | | | | |
| v3.3 | |
OnlineImportContacts | ApplicationID | INT | | |
| n/a | n/a | Manufactured | v3.0 | |
OnlineImportContacts | ContactTypeCode | VARCHAR(3) | luContact | LookupContact | Yes | No | Can be predefined or generated on insert (SC1, SC2, etc) | v3.3 |
OnlineImportContacts | CommunityID | INT | | |
| Yes | Yes | Optional, if populated will use existing community record information | v3.3 |
OnlineImportContacts | Surname | VARCHAR(30) | | |
| Yes | Yes | |
| v3.0 | Yes |
OnlineImportContacts | Title | VARCHAR(30) | luTitle | LookupTitle | Yes | Yes |
| v3.0 | Yes |
OnlineImportContacts | Suffix | VARCHAR(20) | |
| Yes | No |
| v3.0 | |
OnlineImportContacts | Preferred | VARCHAR(20) | | |
| Yes | Yes | |
| v3.0 | Yes |
OnlineImportContacts | Given1 | VARCHAR(20) | | |
| Yes | Yes |
| v3.0 | Yes |
OnlineImportContacts | Given2 | VARCHAR(50) | |
| Yes | Yes |
| v3.0 | Yes |
OnlineImportContacts | Gender | VARCHAR(1) | | |
| Yes | Yes | Hard-coded values : M, F | v3.0 | Yes |
OnlineImportContacts | CountryOfBirthCode | VARCHAR(15) | luCountry | LookupCountry | Yes | Yes |
| v3.2 | Yes |
OnlineImportContacts | MobilePhone | VARCHAR(15) | | |
| Yes | Yes | Is mapped to MobilePhoneActual | v3.0 | Yes |
OnlineImportContacts | SilentMobilePhoneFlag | BIT | | |
| Yes | No |
| v3.3 | |
OnlineImportContacts | Email | VARCHAR(100) | | |
| Yes | Yes | |
| v3.0 | Yes |
OnlineImportContacts | OccupPhone | VARCHAR(15) | | |
| Yes | Yes |
| v3.0 | Yes |
OnlineImportContacts | OccupCode | VARCHAR(8) | luOccupation | LookupOccupation | Yes | No | |
| v3.3 |
OnlineImportContacts | OccupCompany | VARCHAR(50) | | |
| Yes | No |
| v3.0 | Yes |
OnlineImportContacts | OccupDesc | VARCHAR(50) | | |
| Yes | No | |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportContacts | OccupIndustryCode | VARCHAR(8) | luIndustry | LookupIndustry | Yes | No |
| v3.3 | |
OnlineImportContacts | OccupPositionCode | VARCHAR(8) | luOccupationPosition | LookupOccupationPosition | Yes | No |
| v3.3 | |
OnlineImportContacts | OccupFax | VARCHAR(15) | | |
| Yes | No | |
| v3.3 |
OnlineImportContacts | OccupEmail | VARCHAR(100) | | |
| Yes | No | |
| v3.3 | |
OnlineImportContacts | OccupMobilePhoneActual | VARCHAR(15) | |
| Yes | No |
| v3.3 |
OnlineImportContacts | SilentOccupMobilePhoneFlag | BIT | | |
| Yes | No | |
| v3.3 | |
OnlineImportContacts | RelationshipToStudent | VARCHAR(5) | luRelationship | LookupRelationship | Yes | Yes | Needed to establish relationship with student, inferred when manually imported | v3.3 | |
OnlineImportContacts | RelationshipToSpouse | VARCHAR(5) | luRelationship | LookupRelationship | Yes | Yes | Needed to establish relationship with spouse, inferred when manually imported | v3.3 | |
OnlineImportContacts | ReligionReligionCode | VARCHAR(5) | luParishluReligion | LookupReligion | Yes | Yes | |
| v3.4 | |
OnlineImportContacts | Parish | VARCHAR(5) | luParish | LookupParish | Yes | No | |
| v3.4 | |
OnlineImportContacts | Birthdate | DATETIME | | |
| Yes | No | |
| v3.4 |
OnlineImportContacts | SpouseID | INT | |
| Yes | Yes | Optional, if populated will use existing community record information | v3.0 |
OnlineImportContacts | SpouseSurname | VARCHAR(30) | | |
| Yes | Yes |
| v3.0 | Yes |
OnlineImportContacts | SpouseTitle | VARCHAR(30) | luTitle | LookupTitle | Yes | Yes | |
| v3.0 | Yes |
OnlineImportContacts | SpouseSuffix | VARCHAR(20) | |
| Yes | Yes |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportContacts | SpousePreferred | VARCHAR(20) | | |
| Yes | Yes | |
| v3.0 | Yes |
OnlineImportContacts | SpouseGiven1 | VARCHAR(20) | | |
| Yes | Yes | |
| v3.0 | Yes |
OnlineImportContacts | SpouseGiven2 | VARCHAR(50) | | |
| Yes | Yes |
| v3.0 | Yes |
OnlineImportContacts | SpouseGender | VARCHAR(1) | |
| Yes | Yes | Hard-coded values : M, F | v3.0 | Yes |
OnlineImportContacts | SpouseCountryOfBirthCode | VARCHAR(15) | luCountry | LookupCountry | Yes | No |
| v3.2 | Yes |
OnlineImportContacts | SpouseMobilePhone | VARCHAR(15) | | |
| Yes | Yes | Is mapped to MobilePhoneActual | v3.0 | Yes |
OnlineImportContacts | SpouseSilentMobilePhoneFlag | BIT | |
| Yes | No | |
| v3.3 | |
OnlineImportContacts | SpouseEmail | VARCHAR(100) | | |
| Yes | Yes | |
| v3.0 | Yes |
OnlineImportContacts | SpouseOccupPhone | VARCHAR(15) | | |
| Yes | Yes | |
| v3.0 | Yes |
OnlineImportContacts | SpouseOccupCode | VARCHAR(8) | luOccupation | LookupOccupation | Yes | No | |
| v3.3 |
OnlineImportContacts | SpouseOccupCompany | VARCHAR(50) | |
| Yes | No |
| v3.3 | Yes |
OnlineImportContacts | SpouseOccupDesc | VARCHAR(50) | | |
| Yes | No |
| v3.3 | |
OnlineImportContacts | SpouseOccupIndustryCode | VARCHAR(8) | luIndustry | LookupIndustry | Yes | No |
| v3.3 | |
OnlineImportContacts | SpouseOccupPositionCode | VARCHAR(8) | luOccupationPosition | LookupOccupationPosition | Yes | No |
| v3.3 |
OnlineImportContacts | SpouseOccupFax | VARCHAR(15) | | |
| Yes | No | |
| v3.3 |
OnlineImportContacts | SpouseOccupEmail | VARCHAR(100) | |
| Yes | No |
| v3.3 | |
OnlineImportContacts | SpouseOccupMobilePhoneActual | VARCHAR(15) | | |
| Yes | No | |
| v3.3 |
OnlineImportContacts | SpouseSilentOccupMobilePhoneFlag | BIT | | |
| Yes | No |
| v3.3 | |
OnlineImportContacts | SpouseRelationshipToStudent | VARCHAR(5) | luRelationship | LookupRelationship | Yes | Yes | Needed to establish relationship with student, inferred when manually imported | v3.3 |
OnlineImportContacts | SpouseRelationshipToSpouse | VARCHAR(5) | luRelationship | LookupRelationship | Yes | Yes | Needed to establish relationship with spouse, inferred when manually imported | v3.3 | |
OnlineImportContacts | SpouseReligion | VARCHAR(5) | luParishluReligion | LookupReligion | Yes | Yes | |
| v3.4 | |
OnlineImportContacts | SpouseParish | VARCHAR(5) | luParish | LookupParish | Yes | No |
| v3.4 | |
OnlineImportContacts | SpouseDOB | DATETIME | | |
| Yes | No | |
| v3.4 | |
OnlineImportContacts | AddressID | INT | | |
| Yes | Yes | Not required | v3.0 | |
OnlineImportContacts > Address | AddressType | VARCHAR | | |
| Yes | Yes | P = Postal, H = Home, O = Occupation [ DEFAULT PPlease use 'P' as a default] NOTE Having a H value here will automatically set the HomeAddressSameFlag to false | v3.3 | Yes |
OnlineImportContacts > Address | AddressContact | VARCHAR | |
| Yes | Yes | P = Primary, S = Spouse [ DEFAULT P]Please use 'P' as a default] NOTE Spouse address will always be inferred as the same address of the primary contact and does not need to be passed separately- The only requirement to pass the 'S' value here is for a spousal occupation address ONLY | v3.3 | Yes |
OnlineImportContacts > Address | Address1 | VARCHAR(40) | | |
| Yes | Yes | |
| v3.0 | Yes |
OnlineImportContacts > Address | Address2 | VARCHAR(40) | | |
| Yes | Yes | |
| v3.0 | Yes |
OnlineImportContacts > Address | Address3 | VARCHAR(40) | | |
| Yes | Yes | |
| v3.0 | Yes |
OnlineImportContacts > Address | Suburb | VARCHAR(40) | |
| Yes | Yes |
| v3.0 | Yes |
OnlineImportContacts > Address | State | VARCHAR(5) | luState | LookupState | Yes | Yes |
| v3.0 | Yes |
OnlineImportContacts > Address | CountryCode | VARCHAR(5) | luCountry | LookupCountry | Yes | Yes | |
| v3.0 | Yes |
OnlineImportContacts > Address | PostCode | VARCHAR(5) | |
| Yes | Yes |
| v3.0 | Yes |
OnlineImportContacts > Address | Phone | VARCHAR(15) | |
| Yes | Yes | NOTE Valid for AddressType = HomeAddress only | v3.0 | Yes |
OnlineImportContacts > Address | PhoneAlt | VARCHAR(15) | |
| Yes | Yes | NOTE Valid for AddressType = HomeAddress only | v3.0 | Yes |
OnlineImportContacts > Address | Fax | VARCHAR(15) | | |
| Yes | Yes | NOTE Valid for AddressType = HomeAddress only | v3.0 | Yes |
OnlineImportContacts | PrimaryOnlyFlag | BIT | | |
| Yes | No | Can be defaulted on transfer using: - OnlineApplications|Defaults|PrimaryOnlyFlag (default True)
| v3.3 | |
OnlineImportContacts | NormalMailFlag | BIT | | | Yes | No | |
| Yes | No | Can be defaulted on transfer using: - OnlineApplications|Defaults|NormalMailFlag (default True)
| v3.3 |
OnlineImportContacts | ReportsFlag | BIT | |
| Yes | No | Can be defaulted on transfer using: - OnlineApplications|Defaults|ReportsFlag (default True)
| v3.3 | |
OnlineImportContacts | ParentFlag | BIT | |
| Yes | No | Can be defaulted on transfer using: - OnlineApplications|Defaults|ParentFlag (default True)
| v3.3 | |
OnlineImportContacts | LivesWithFlag | BIT | | |
| Yes | No | Can be defaulted on transfer using: - OnlineApplications|Defaults|LivesWithFlag (default True)
| v3.3 | |
OnlineImportContacts | IsDebtorFlag | BIT | | |
| Yes | No | Optional, set if contact is the student debtor. Default debtor is the first student contact if not set. | v3.3 | |
OnlineImportContacts > CustomField | FieldName | VARCHAR(50) | | | | |
| *NOTE* Any data here needs to be managed within a user stored procedure | v3.3 | |
OnlineImportContacts > CustomField | FieldData | VARCHAR(MAX) | | | | | |
| v3.3 |
OnlineImportContacts | ContactXML | VARCHAR(MAX) | | |
| No | Yes | Legacy storage for custom values | v3.0 |
OnlineImportApplications | ApplicationID | INT | | |
| Yes | Yes | Optional application number from source data | v3.0 | |
OnlineImportApplications | ApplicationTypeCode | VARCHAR | | |
| Yes | Yes | Required, used to determine what buttons show for a given record
Hard-coded values : ENQ, FUT, {blank} | v3.1 | |
OnlineImportApplications | ApplicationDate | DATETIME | |
| Yes | Yes |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportApplications | EnquiryDate | DATETIME |
| Yes | Yes | Will propagate to all student nodes |
| Default to today |
OnlineImportApplications | BillingEmailAddress | VARCHAR(100) | | |
| Yes | Yes | Non functional, can be optionally imported | v3.0 | |
OnlineImportApplications | ApplicationAmount | MONEY | | |
| Yes | Yes | |
| v3.0 |
OnlineImportApplications | PaymentTransactionCode | VARCHAR(1000) | | |
| Yes | Yes | Non functional, can be optionally imported | v3.0 |
OnlineImportApplications | PaymentResponseCode | VARCHAR(1000) | | |
| Yes | Yes | Non functional, can be optionally imported | v3.0 | |
OnlineImportApplications | PaymentResponseText | VARCHAR(1000) | | |
| Yes | Yes | Non functional, can be optionally imported | v3.0 | |
OnlineImportApplications | PaymentError | VARCHAR(1000) | |
| Yes | Yes | Non functional, can be optionally imported | v3.0 |
OnlineImportApplications | AgentID | INT | |
| Yes | Yes | |
| v3.1 | |
OnlineImportApplications | ApplicationStatus | VARCHAR(15) | luOnlineApplicationStatus |
| Yes | Yes | Default this to record where SynergyMeaning is 'Pending' | v3.0 |
OnlineImportApplications > CustomField | FieldName | VARCHAR(50) | | | | |
| *NOTE* Any data here needs to be managed within a user stored procedure | v3.3 |
OnlineImportApplications > CustomField | FieldData | VARCHAR(MAX) | | | | | |
| v3.3 | |
OnlineImportApplications | ApplicationDocumentXML | VARCHAR(MAX) | | |
| n/a | n/a | Storage of application XML for achival purposes | v3.0 | |
OnlineImportApplications | FamilyBasedFeeFlag | BIT | | |
| Yes | No | Required to show as TRUE if transacting an amount per application vs per student | v3.3 |