If you need to sync to any other 3rd party system, e.g. MyEDiary, in addition to Synergetic, then you’ll need to select “(multiple systems)” in this dropdown.
Config | Description |
URL | The URL should start with https:// and end with SynergeticWcfService.svc |
Password | This password is generated for each third party system and will be supplied from Synergetic once SynAPI has been setup and Edval Sync has been configured. |
Web GUID | This Web GUID is generated for each third party system and will be supplied from Synergetic once SynAPI has been setup and Edval Sync has been configured. |
Default Timetable Code | This code should match exactly the corresponding Timetable Code configuration as per the Synergetic |
Timetable Maintenance > Timetable Config entry shown in the next section. In addition, if you’re using Edval’s multi-campus/multi-grid feature, then the campus name must match the Synergetic Timetable name – this is set up in “Edval | File > Year levels > More > Edit list of campuses”. | |
Yard Duty Timetable Code | This code should match exactly the corresponding |
Timetable Code configuration as per the Synergetic Timetable Maintenance > Timetable Config entry shown in the next section. This may be the same as the Default Timetable Code in some cases. In addition, if you’re using Edval’s multi-campus/multi-grid feature, then the campus name must match the Synergetic Timetable name – this is set up in “Edval | File > Year levels > More > Edit list of campuses”. |
The Password and Web GUID are stored in the Windows registry in encrypted form. The other items are stored in the .dayorgz file, so you’ll need to save the file for this to be remembered.
The top screen configures where the files are located and the bottom screen configures the settings used to import the timetablee.
You will configure this integration for time periods to align with your timetable start and end dates.
Refer to ImportStartDateTime and ImportEndDateTime below.
Timetable Config Tab
Field | Description |
TimetableCode | This is the code that is used when importing the timetable. This is the link from Edval to Synergetic. If Yard duties have been separated then this will need to be configured separately. |
Description | A description of the timetable being imported. This is an internal description which isn’t populated through the imports |
TimetablePath | This field is not required for this import as we are pushing the data directly into Synergetic without a file in between |
FileYear | The Year that we are importing into |
FileSemester | The Semester / Term that we are importing into |
FileType | The FileType we are importing into. |
ClassCampus | The ClassCampus that is being imported |
TimetableGroup | The TimetableGroup that is being |
imported against (doesn’t matter what is in the imported XML) | |
TimetableType | What type of import are we doing. For Edval we should be using CUSTOM Valid Values: CodeDescriptionTIMETABLERTimetable data TIMETABLEREXTExtras / Room replacementsTIMETABLERYDYard duties CUSTOMCustom Import |
YearLevelFrom | This will need to be set for the starting year level we are working at in the Edval file |
YearLevelTo | This will need to be set for the last year level we are working at in the Edval file |
StudentLinkField | Edval stores a student code in the database. This is what that code represents in Synergetic and what we will be matching it to |
Valid Values: |
AltCode - Match based on Alternate Code |
ID - Match based on Synergetic ID |
PreviousSystemCode - Match based on Previous System Code |
TimetableCode - Match based on Timetable Code. | |
StaffLinkField | Edval stores a staff code in the timetable. This is what that code represents in Synergetic. Valid Values: |
ID - Match based on |
Synergetic ID SchoolStaffCode - Match based on School Staff Code | |
ImportOrderSeq | The order that we importing the files in |
Set to 1 if not sure |
TimetableOperationMode | This links to luTimetableOperationMode which has various settings for the import. See below for all of the options. Examples might be as follows: |
TERM - Term Mode Clear Staff & Set any Student Class changes to be Non-Assessable during |
term ASSESS - Assessment Mode Clear Staff but don't Set any Student Class changes to be Non-Assessable during Report writing | |
ImportStartDateTime | The date that the import will start from. If the date the import is running doesn’t fall inside this range then nothing will be imported. |
ImportEndDateTime | The date that the import will end. If the date the import is running doesn’t fall inside this range then nothing will be imported |
EnabledFlag | Whether the import is enabled. If this is set to 0 then nothing will be imported for the schedule selected |
PeriodOffset | This field allows you to set an offset on the periods that are being imported. This adjusts the timetable period that is being imported by the periodoffset |
This looking table controls various options around the Automatic Import of the Timetable
Field | Description |
SetExistingNonAssessableFlag | If class not imported for students with matching campus and year level this class is set to non-assessable. |
SetNewNonAssessableFlag | If there are new classes in Edval that are not in Synergetic this controls the Assessable flag for these classes. If there are new classes being imported from the import they are set to non-assessable. |
SetStoppedFlag | If class not imported for students with matching campus and year set classes to Stopped with a stop date of todays date. |
AllowCoreClassClearFlag | If Set this will also clear Synergetic Classes that are marked as Core Classes. If not set Synergetic Classes that are marked as Core classes are not cleared. |
ClearStaffFlag | Clear the staff against the classes in Synergetic based on the campus that is being imported. Note: this will only clear classes where the Never Clear on Timetable import and Keep Assessable Flags are unticked. |
CreateLuRoomFlag | Creates entries in luRoom in Synergetic based on data from Edval if the Room Code exists in Edval but not in Synergetic. |
RemoveAsterixFlag | Removes asterixes from the end of the Staff Code from Edval before importing. |
UpdateFormFlag | Updates the Synergetic Student Form from Edval. |
ExplodeObjectsFlag | Imports the timetable into Object boookings |
UpdateClassDescriptionFlag | Updates the class description based on the timetable. |
UpdateTutorFlag | Updates the Synergetic Student Tutor from Edval. |
Transfer Term Configuration
The following are any Configuration Keys that affect the Edval Import
Key1 | Key2 | Key3 | Key4 | Key5 | Value | |
Timetabler | AutoImport | CreateMissingTimetable | True/False | If True this will create the timetable for any classes without students. If False only classes with students will be created. | ||
Timetabler | AutoImport | Timetable | AllowDuplicates | True/False | If True only one staff member is assigned to the timetable record. This is to avoid duplicates in the Staff Timetable. If False any staff members that are listed against the timetable record as assigned. |
Running the Sync
Trigger a sync in Edval Daily by selecting ‘File > Sync with system > Sync now’(or using the keyboard shortcut ctrl-K).