How Online Import Application works
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Info |
Please be aware of a limitation when importing applications that, if an existing Community ID is used, that information will be used rather than the detail in the online application. We are currently reviewing this implementation to revise this to allow user selection around which information to keep if there is an existing record. This has been further discussed on Discourse.
Should you experience any unexpected results as part of the import process please let us know via our support desk. |
Note |
Attachments are unable to be imported with the XML import process. Attachments can only be imported with the use of application forms created via the Online Form Builder |
How Online Import Application works
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- Either type or use the
Image Added button to select an XML file for importing. - Press the
Image Added button to begin the import. - The top grid displays the header section of the Application
- The middle grid displays the student information associated with the application
- The bottom grid displays the contact information associated with the application
- Select a student in the middle grid and either press one of the transfer buttons or right click on the grid select one of the transfer options.
The transfer will- Pre fill the required wizard and allow the user to process the data accordingly
- After the wizard is finished, if Transfer To Future student had been selected, then the application fee if any will be processed using the Enrolment Deposit Wizard
- After either the Enquiry wizard or Future Student wizard has completed either the Enquiry Student Maintenance screen or Future Student Maintenance screen will display
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Enrolment Deposit Wizard
There is a Config key OnlineApplications|StudentTransferMode that has 3 possible values.
Student Transfer Mode:
- Allow transfer to Future Students
- Allow transfer to Enquiry Students
- Allow transfer to both Future Students and Enquiry Students
- screen will display
Image Added
Enrolment Deposit Wizard
There is a Config key OnlineApplications|StudentTransferMode that has 3 possible values.
Student Transfer Mode:
- Allow transfer to Future Students
- Allow transfer to Enquiry Students
- Allow transfer to both Future Students and Enquiry Students
Student Contacts
It is important to note that student contacts have some fields that need to be considered, per contact, when being included for an XML import.
For example. if there is no ParentFlag set, the contact will be considered an other contact (constituency @SFOC) rather than a future parent (@FP).
- PrimaryOnlyFlag
- NormalMailFlag
- ReportsFlag
- ParentFlag
- LivesWithFlag
Note |
When using the Synergetic online application import these can be defaulted via configuration maintenance options that can be found via OnlineApplications|Defaults |
Custom Nodes
XML Format for Custom Node
The first section of the stored procedure fills the temporary table #CustomNodes with any data found in custom nodes.
FieldName | FieldData | ApplicationNode | AppCustomField | AppCustomData |
ContactNode | ContactCustomField | ContactCustomData |
StudentNode | StudentCustomField | StudentCustomData |
Supported Fields
Information | FieldName | FieldData |
ApplicationNode | AppCustomField | AppCustomData |
ContactNode | ContactCustomField | ContactCustomData |
StudentNode | StudentCustomField | StudentCustomData |
Supported Fields
Table filter |
inverse | false,false,false |
default | ,, |
cell-width | 150,150,150 |
sparkName | Sparkline |
userfilter | NewFieldName,NewFieldType |
column | Information |
datepattern | dd/mm/yy |
id | 1494912324168_1888693738 |
isOR | AND |
separator | Point (.) |
labels | Information‚NewFieldName‚NewFieldType |
order | 0,1,2 |
Note |
Please note that the fields names are Case Sensitive. For example Postcode will not work, but PostCode will. |
Information | NewFieldName | NewFieldType | luTable | Lookup Procedure (if exists) | Futures | Enquiries | Comment | Introduced | Template |
OnlineImportStudents | ID | INT |
| OnlineImportStudents | ContactEnquiryID | INT |
| OnlineImportStudents | Title | VARCHAR(30) | luTitle | LookupTitle | Yes |
| Yes | Can be defaulted when transferring using: - Config Key FutureStudents|Applications|DefaultTitle|Male
- Config Key FutureStudents|Applications|DefaultTitle|Female
| v3.0 | Yes | OnlineImportStudents | Suffix | VARCHAR(20) |
| OnlineImportStudents | Surname | VARCHAR(30) |
| v3.0 | Yes | OnlineImportStudents | Preferred | VARCHAR(20) |
| v3.0 | Yes | OnlineImportStudents | Given1 | VARCHAR(20) |
| v3.0 | Yes | OnlineImportStudents | Given2 | VARCHAR(50) |
| v3.0 | Yes | OnlineImportStudents | BirthDate | DATETIME |
| v3.0 | Yes | OnlineImportStudents | Gender | VARCHAR(1) |
| Yes | Yes | Hard-coded values : M, F | v3.0 | Yes | OnlineImportStudents | CountryOfBirthCode | VARCHAR(15) | luCountry | LookupCountry | Yes | No |
| v3.2 | Yes | OnlineImportStudents | Category | VARCHAR(5) |
| OnlineImportStudents | EnquiryDate | DATETIME |
Not required. Propagated via the OnlineImportApplication > EnquiryDate | v3.0 | Default to today | OnlineImportStudents | ApplicationDate | DATETIME |
| v3.0 | Default to today | OnlineImportStudents | EnrolDate | DATETIME |
Defaults to 01/01/{next year} during creation process if not supplied | v3.0 | Yes | OnlineImportStudents | Status | VARCHAR(5) | luFutureStatus | LookupFutureStatus | Yes | No |
| OnlineImportStudents | Priority | VARCHAR(3) | luFuturePriority | LookupFuturePriority | Yes | Yes |
| OnlineImportStudents | Campus | VARCHAR(3) | luCampus | LookupCampus | Yes | Yes |
| v3.0 | Yes | OnlineImportStudents | YearLevel | INT | luYearLevel | LookupYearLevel | Yes | Yes |
| v3.0 | Yes | OnlineImportStudents | House | VARCHAR(5) | luHouse | LookupHouse | Yes | Yes |
| OnlineImportStudents | Form | VARCHAR(15) | luForm | LookupForm | Yes | Yes |
| OnlineImportStudents | Tutor | VARCHAR(15) | luTutor | LookupTutor | Yes | Yes |
| OnlineImportStudents | SuppEnrolDate1 | DATETIME | luCampus | LookupCampus | Yes | Yes |
| OnlineImportStudents | SuppCampus1 | VARCHAR(3) |
| OnlineImportStudents | SuppYearLevel1 | INT | luYearLevel | LookupYearLevel | Yes | Yes |
| OnlineImportStudents | SuppEnrolDate2 | DATETIME | ApplicationID |
| OnlineImportStudents | SuppCampus2 | VARCHAR(3) | luCampus | LookupCampus | Yes | Yes |
| OnlineImportStudents | SuppYearLevel2 | INT | luYearLevel | LookupYearLevel | Yes | Yes |
| OnlineImportStudents | Boarder | VARCHAR(3) | luBoarder | LookupBoarder | Yes | Yes |
| OnlineImportStudents | Operator | VARCHAR(30) |
| OnlineImportStudents | CourseClassificationCode | VARCHAR(8) | luCourseClassification | LookupCourseClassification | Yes | No |
| OnlineImportStudents | EnquirySource | VARCHAR(10) | luEnquirySource | LookupEnquirySource | Yes | Yes |
| v3.0 | Yes | OnlineImportStudents | EnquirySourceComment | VARCHAR(50) |
| v3.0 | Yes | OnlineImportStudents | EnquiryCampaignCode | VARCHAR(15) | luEnquiryCampaign | LookupEnquiryCampaign | Yes | Yes |
| OnlineImportStudents | PreviousSchool | VARCHAR(15) | luSchool | LookupSchool | Yes | Yes |
| v3.0 | Yes | OnlineImportStudents | MedicalAlert | VARCHAR(2000) |
| OnlineImportStudents | ExternalStudentFlag | BIT |
| OnlineImportStudents | EnquirerIsContactFlag | BIT |
| OnlineImportStudents | EnglishSecondFlag | BIT |
| OnlineImportStudents | DisabilityFlag | BIT |
| OnlineImportStudents | FullFeeFlag | BIT |
| OnlineImportStudents | TuitionVariationType | VARCHAR(3) | luTuitionVariation | LookupTuitionVariation | Yes | No |
| OnlineImportStudents | TuitionNoSibFlag | BIT |
| OnlineImportStudents | PhotoSubmittedFlag | BIT |
| OnlineImportStudents | BirthCertificateFlag | BIT |
| OnlineImportStudents | NonResidentFlag | BIT |
| OnlineImportStudents | ImmunisedFlag | BIT |
| OnlineImportStudents | CrecheFlag | BIT |
| OnlineImportStudents | BeforeSchoolCareFlag | BIT |
| OnlineImportStudents | AfterSchoolCareFlag | BIT |
| OnlineImportStudents | VisaType | VARCHAR(5) | luVisa | LookupVisa | Yes | No |
| OnlineImportStudents | VisaExpiryDate | DATETIME |
| OnlineImportStudents | PassportNo | VARCHAR(15) |
| OnlineImportStudents | Comment | VARCHAR(MAX) |
| OnlineImportStudents | CommentWarningFlag | BIT |
| OnlineImportStudents | DebtorPrimaryOnlyFlag | BIT |
| OnlineImportStudents | StudentBillingFlag | BIT |
| OnlineImportStudents | IBFlag | BIT |
| No | No | Deprecated, now reference the LearningPathway field | n/a |
| OnlineImportStudents |
LearningPathway | VARCHAR(30) | luLearningPathway | LookupLearningPathway | Yes |
Yes |
| v69 |
| OnlineImportStudents | VisaNumber | VARCHAR(20) |
| v3.0 | Yes | OnlineImportStudents | PassportCountryCode | VARCHAR(5) | luCountry | LookupCountry | Yes | No |
| v3.0 | Yes | OnlineImportStudents | PassportExpiryDate | DATETIME |
| v3.0 | Yes | OnlineImportStudents | BaptismFlag | BIT |
| OnlineImportStudents | BaptismDate | DATETIME |
| OnlineImportStudents | ReconciliationFlag | BIT |
| OnlineImportStudents | ReconciliationDate | DATETIME |
| OnlineImportStudents | CommunionFlag | BIT |
| OnlineImportStudents | CommunionDate | DATETIME |
| OnlineImportStudents | ConfirmationFlag | BIT |
| OnlineImportStudents | ConfirmationDate | DATETIME |
| OnlineImportStudents | AllowAutoChargesFlag | BIT |
| OnlineImportStudents | AllowAutoTuitionFlag | BIT |
| OnlineImportStudents | AltCode | VARCHAR(15) |
| OnlineImportStudents | AustudyFlag | BIT |
| OnlineImportStudents | LockerBook | VARCHAR(15) | luLocker | LookupLocker | Yes | No |
| OnlineImportStudents | LockerOther | VARCHAR(15) | luLocker | LookupLocker | Yes | No |
| OnlineImportStudents | DoctorName | VARCHAR(80) |
| OnlineImportStudents | DoctorPhone | VARCHAR(15) |
| OnlineImportStudents | DoctorPhoneAlt | VARCHAR(15) |
| OnlineImportStudents | DoctorAddress | VARCHAR(200) |
| OnlineImportStudents | DoctorSpecialisation | VARCHAR(50) |
| OnlineImportStudents | Doctor2Name | VARCHAR(80) |
| OnlineImportStudents | Doctor2Phone | VARCHAR(15) |
| OnlineImportStudents | Doctor2PhoneAlt | VARCHAR(15) |
| OnlineImportStudents | Doctor2Address | VARCHAR(200) |
| OnlineImportStudents | Doctor2Specialisation | VARCHAR(50) |
| OnlineImportStudents | DentistName | VARCHAR(80) |
| OnlineImportStudents | DentistPhone | VARCHAR(15) |
| OnlineImportStudents | DentistPhoneAlt | VARCHAR(15 |
| OnlineImportStudents | DentistAddress | VARCHAR(200) |
| OnlineImportStudents | EmergencyName | VARCHAR(80) |
| OnlineImportStudents | EmergencyAddress | VARCHAR(200) |
| OnlineImportStudents | EmergencyPhone | VARCHAR(15) |
| OnlineImportStudents | EmergencyPhoneAlt | VARCHAR(15) |
| OnlineImportStudents | EmergencyRelat | VARCHAR(5) | luRelationship | LookupRelationship | Yes | No |
| OnlineImportStudents | Emergency2Name | VARCHAR(80) |
| OnlineImportStudents | Emergency2Address | VARCHAR(200) |
| OnlineImportStudents | Emergency2Phone | VARCHAR(15) |
| OnlineImportStudents | Emergency2PhoneAlt | VARCHAR(15 |
| OnlineImportStudents | Emergency2Relat | VARCHAR(5) | luRelationship | LookupRelationship | Yes | No |
| OnlineImportStudents | Emergency3Name | VARCHAR(80) |
| OnlineImportStudents | Emergency3Address | VARCHAR(200) |
| OnlineImportStudents | Emergency3Phone | VARCHAR(15) |
| OnlineImportStudents | Emergency3PhoneAlt | VARCHAR(15) |
| OnlineImportStudents | Emergency3Relat | VARCHAR(5) | luRelationship | LookupRelationship | Yes | No |
| OnlineImportStudents | IndigenousFlag | BIT |
| OnlineImportStudents | NaturalisationDate | DATETIME |
| OnlineImportStudents | StudiesCode | VARCHAR(15) |
| OnlineImportStudents | TimetableCode | VARCHAR(15) |
| OnlineImportStudents | MedicalAlertFlag | BIT |
| OnlineImportStudents | SpecialNeedsFlag | BIT |
| OnlineImportStudents | SpecialBillingType | VARCHAR(5) |
| OnlineImportStudents | StudyAtHomeFlag | BIT |
| OnlineImportStudents | TSIFlag | BIT |
| OnlineImportStudents | ESLProficiencyLevel | VARCHAR(15) | luESLProficiencyLevel | LookupESLProficiencyLevel | Yes | No |
| OnlineImportStudents | TertiaryRegistrationCode | VARCHAR(15) |
| OnlineImportStudents | PreEntryComment | VARCHAR(MAX) |
| OnlineImportStudents | BoardingHouse | VARCHAR(15) | luBoardingHouse | LookupBoardingHouse | Yes | No |
| OnlineImportStudents | IntendsTertiaryFlag | BIT |
| OnlineImportStudents | PassportIssuedDate | DATETIME |
| OnlineImportStudents | VisaIssuedDate | DATETIME |
| OnlineImportStudents | PriorityOverrideFlag | BIT |
| OnlineImportStudents | TravelAllowanceFlag | BIT |
| OnlineImportStudents | FundingApplicationFlag | BIT |
| OnlineImportStudents | StudentXML | VARCHAR(MAX) |
| Yes | No | Legacy storage for custom values - now placed in OnlineImportStudentsCustom | v3.0 |
| OnlineImportStudents | ApplicationID | INT |
| OnlineImportStudents | StudentStatus | VARCHAR(15) |
luOnlineApplicationStudentStatus | LookupEnquiryStudentStatus | Yes | Yes |
The lookup table values in Synergetic have a ‘SynergyMeaning’ so the code against the ‘Pending’ value will be inferred on load | v3.0 |
| OnlineImportStudents | IntendedTertiaryCourseCode | VARCHAR(15) | luTertiaryCourse | LookupTertiaryCourse | Yes | No |
| OnlineImportStudents | CountryOfApplicationCode | VARCHAR(5) | luCountry | LookupCountry | Yes | No |
| v3.3 | Yes | OnlineImportStudents | DebtorID | INT |
luReligion | LookupReligion | Yes | Yes |
ParishCode | VARCHAR(5) | luParish | LookupParish | Yes | Yes |
NationalityCode | VARCHAR(5) | luNationality | LookupNationality | Yes | No |
| v68 |
| OnlineImportStudents | HomeLanguageCode | VARCHAR(5) | luLanguage | LookupLanguage | Yes | No |
| v68 |
| OnlineImportStudents> CustomField | FieldName | VARCHAR(50) |
| *NOTE* Any data here needs to be managed within a user stored procedure | v3.3 |
| OnlineImportStudents > CustomField | FieldData | VARCHAR(MAX) |
| OnlineImportContacts | ApplicationID | INT |
| OnlineImportContacts | ContactTypeCode | VARCHAR(3) | luContact | LookupContact | Yes | No | Can be predefined or generated on insert (SC1, SC2, etc) | v3.3 |
| OnlineImportContacts | CommunityID | INT |
| Yes | Yes | Optional, if populated will use existing community record information | v3.3 |
| OnlineImportContacts | Surname | VARCHAR(30) |
| v3.0 | Yes | OnlineImportContacts | Title | VARCHAR(30) | luTitle | LookupTitle | Yes | Yes |
| v3.0 | Yes | OnlineImportContacts | Suffix | VARCHAR(20) |
| OnlineImportContacts | Preferred | VARCHAR(20) |
| v3.0 | Yes | OnlineImportContacts | Given1 | VARCHAR(20) |
| v3.0 | Yes | OnlineImportContacts | Given2 | VARCHAR(50) |
| v3.0 | Yes | OnlineImportContacts | Gender | VARCHAR(1) |
| Yes | Yes | Hard-coded values : M, F | v3.0 | Yes | OnlineImportContacts | CountryOfBirthCode | VARCHAR(15) | luCountry | LookupCountry | Yes | Yes |
| v3.2 | Yes | OnlineImportContacts | MobilePhone | VARCHAR(15) |
| Yes | Yes | Is mapped to MobilePhoneActual | v3.0 | Yes | OnlineImportContacts | SilentMobilePhoneFlag | BIT |
| OnlineImportContacts | Email | VARCHAR(100) |
| v3.0 | Yes | OnlineImportContacts | OccupPhone | VARCHAR(15) |
| v3.0 | Yes | OnlineImportContacts | OccupCode | VARCHAR(8) | luOccupation | LookupOccupation | Yes | No |
| OnlineImportContacts | OccupCompany | VARCHAR(50) |
| v3.0 | Yes | OnlineImportContacts | OccupDesc | VARCHAR(50) |
| OnlineImportContacts | OccupIndustryCode | VARCHAR(8) | luIndustry | LookupIndustry | Yes | No |
| OnlineImportContacts | OccupPositionCode | VARCHAR(8) | luOccupationPosition | LookupOccupationPosition | Yes | No |
| OnlineImportContacts | OccupFax | VARCHAR(15) |
| OnlineImportContacts | OccupEmail | VARCHAR(100) |
| OnlineImportContacts | OccupMobilePhoneActual | VARCHAR(15) |
| OnlineImportContacts | SilentOccupMobilePhoneFlag | BIT |
| OnlineImportContacts | RelationshipToStudent | VARCHAR(5) | luRelationship | LookupRelationship | Yes | Yes | Needed to establish relationship with student, inferred when manually imported | v3.3 |
| OnlineImportContacts | RelationshipToSpouse | VARCHAR(5) | luRelationship | LookupRelationship | Yes | Yes | Needed to establish relationship with spouse, inferred when manually imported | v3.3 |
luReligion | LookupReligion | Yes | Yes |
| OnlineImportContacts | Parish | VARCHAR(5) | luParish | LookupParish | Yes | No |
| OnlineImportContacts | Birthdate | DATETIME |
| OnlineImportContacts | SpouseID | INT |
| Yes | Yes | Optional, if populated will use existing community record information | v3.0 |
| OnlineImportContacts | SpouseSurname | VARCHAR(30) |
| v3.0 | Yes | OnlineImportContacts | SpouseTitle | VARCHAR(30) | luTitle | LookupTitle | Yes | Yes |
| v3.0 | Yes | OnlineImportContacts | SpouseSuffix | VARCHAR(20) |
| OnlineImportContacts | SpousePreferred | VARCHAR(20) |
| v3.0 | Yes | OnlineImportContacts | SpouseGiven1 | VARCHAR(20) |
| v3.0 | Yes | OnlineImportContacts | SpouseGiven2 | VARCHAR(50) |
| v3.0 | Yes | OnlineImportContacts | SpouseGender | VARCHAR(1) |
| Yes | Yes | Hard-coded values : M, F | v3.0 | Yes | OnlineImportContacts | SpouseCountryOfBirthCode | VARCHAR(15) | luCountry | LookupCountry | Yes | No |
| v3.2 | Yes | OnlineImportContacts | SpouseMobilePhone | VARCHAR(15) |
| Yes | Yes | Is mapped to MobilePhoneActual | v3.0 | Yes | OnlineImportContacts | SpouseSilentMobilePhoneFlag | BIT |
| OnlineImportContacts | SpouseEmail | VARCHAR(100) |
| v3.0 | Yes | OnlineImportContacts | SpouseOccupPhone | VARCHAR(15) |
| v3.0 | Yes | OnlineImportContacts | SpouseOccupCode | VARCHAR(8) | luOccupation | LookupOccupation | Yes | No |
| OnlineImportContacts | SpouseOccupCompany | VARCHAR(50) |
| v3.3 | Yes | OnlineImportContacts | SpouseOccupDesc | VARCHAR(50) |
| OnlineImportContacts | SpouseOccupIndustryCode | VARCHAR(8) | luIndustry | LookupIndustry | Yes | No |
| OnlineImportContacts | SpouseOccupPositionCode | VARCHAR(8) | luOccupationPosition | LookupOccupationPosition | Yes | No |
| OnlineImportContacts | SpouseOccupFax | VARCHAR(15) |
| OnlineImportContacts | SpouseOccupEmail | VARCHAR(100) |
| OnlineImportContacts | SpouseOccupMobilePhoneActual | VARCHAR(15) |
| OnlineImportContacts | SpouseSilentOccupMobilePhoneFlag | BIT |
| OnlineImportContacts | SpouseRelationshipToStudent | VARCHAR(5) | luRelationship | LookupRelationship | Yes | Yes | Needed to establish relationship with student, inferred when manually imported | v3.3 |
| OnlineImportContacts | SpouseRelationshipToSpouse | VARCHAR(5) | luRelationship | LookupRelationship | Yes | Yes | Needed to establish relationship with spouse, inferred when manually imported | v3.3 |
| OnlineImportContacts | SpouseReligion | VARCHAR(5) |
luReligion | LookupReligion | Yes | Yes |
| OnlineImportContacts | SpouseParish | VARCHAR(5) | luParish | LookupParish | Yes | No |
| OnlineImportContacts | SpouseDOB | DATETIME |
| OnlineImportContacts | AddressID | INT |
| OnlineImportContacts > Address | AddressType | VARCHAR |
| Yes | Yes | P = Postal, H = Home, O = Occupation [ |
Please use 'P' as a default] NOTE Having a H value here will automatically set the HomeAddressSameFlag to false | v3.3 | Yes | OnlineImportContacts > Address | AddressContact | VARCHAR |
S = Spouse [Please use 'P' as a default] NOTE Spouse address will always be inferred as the same address of the primary contact and does not need to be passed separately- The only requirement to pass the 'S' value here is for a spousal occupation address ONLY | v3.3 | Yes | OnlineImportContacts > Address | Address1 | VARCHAR(40) |
| v3.0 | Yes | OnlineImportContacts > Address | Address2 | VARCHAR(40) |
| v3.0 | Yes | OnlineImportContacts > Address | Address3 | VARCHAR(40) |
| v3.0 | Yes | OnlineImportContacts > Address | Suburb | VARCHAR(40) |
| v3.0 | Yes | OnlineImportContacts > Address | State | VARCHAR(5) | luState | LookupState | Yes | Yes |
| v3.0 | Yes | OnlineImportContacts > Address | CountryCode | VARCHAR(5) | luCountry | LookupCountry | Yes | Yes |
| v3.0 | Yes | OnlineImportContacts > Address | PostCode | VARCHAR(5) |
| v3.0 | Yes | OnlineImportContacts > Address | Phone | VARCHAR(15) |
NOTE Valid for AddressType = HomeAddress only | v3.0 | Yes | OnlineImportContacts > Address | PhoneAlt | VARCHAR(15) |
NOTE Valid for AddressType = HomeAddress only | v3.0 | Yes | OnlineImportContacts > Address | Fax | VARCHAR(15) |
NOTE Valid for AddressType = HomeAddress only | v3.0 | Yes | OnlineImportContacts | PrimaryOnlyFlag | BIT |
| Can be defaulted on transfer using: - OnlineApplications|Defaults|PrimaryOnlyFlag (default True)
| v3.3 |
| OnlineImportContacts | NormalMailFlag | BIT |
| Can be defaulted on transfer using: - OnlineApplications|Defaults|NormalMailFlag (default True)
| v3.3 |
| OnlineImportContacts | ReportsFlag | BIT |
| Can be defaulted on transfer using: - OnlineApplications|Defaults|ReportsFlag (default True)
| v3.3 |
| OnlineImportContacts | ParentFlag | BIT |
| Can be defaulted on transfer using: - OnlineApplications|Defaults|ParentFlag (default True)
| v3.3 |
| OnlineImportContacts | LivesWithFlag | BIT |
Can be defaulted on transfer using: - OnlineApplications|Defaults|LivesWithFlag (default True)
| v3.3 |
| OnlineImportContacts | IsDebtorFlag | BIT |
| Yes | No | Optional, set if contact is the student debtor. Default debtor is the first student contact if not set. | v3.3 |
| OnlineImportContacts > CustomField | FieldName | VARCHAR(50) |
| *NOTE* Any data here needs to be managed within a user stored procedure | v3.3 |
| OnlineImportContacts > CustomField |
| FieldData | VARCHAR(MAX) |
| v3.3 |
| OnlineImportContacts | ContactXML | VARCHAR(MAX) |
| No | Yes | Legacy storage for custom values | v3.0 |
| OnlineImportApplications | ApplicationID | INT |
| Yes | Yes | Optional application number from source data | v3.0 |
| OnlineImportApplications | ApplicationTypeCode | VARCHAR |
| Yes | Yes | Required, used to determine what buttons show for a given record
Hard-coded values : ENQ, FUT, {blank} | v3.1 |
| OnlineImportApplications | ApplicationDate | DATETIME |
| OnlineImportApplications | EnquiryDate | DATETIME |
| Yes | Yes | Will propagate to all student nodes |
| Default to today | OnlineImportApplications | BillingEmailAddress | VARCHAR(100) |
| Yes | Yes | Non functional, can be optionally imported | v3.0 |
| OnlineImportApplications | ApplicationAmount | MONEY |
| OnlineImportApplications | PaymentTransactionCode | VARCHAR(1000) |
| Yes | Yes | Non functional, can be optionally imported | v3.0 |
| OnlineImportApplications | PaymentResponseCode | VARCHAR(1000 |
| Yes | Yes | Non functional, can be optionally imported | v3.0 |
| OnlineImportApplications | PaymentResponseText | VARCHAR(1000) |
| Yes | Yes | Non functional, can be optionally imported | v3.0 |
| OnlineImportApplications | PaymentError | VARCHAR(1000) |
| Yes | Yes | Non functional, can be optionally imported | v3.0 |
| OnlineImportApplications | AgentID | INT |
| OnlineImportApplications | ApplicationStatus | VARCHAR(15) | luOnlineApplicationStatus |
| Yes | Yes | Default this to record where SynergyMeaning is 'Pending' | v3.0 |
| OnlineImportApplications > CustomField | FieldName | VARCHAR(50) |
| *NOTE* Any data here needs to be managed within a user stored procedure | v3.3 |
| OnlineImportApplications > CustomField | FieldData | VARCHAR(MAX) |
| OnlineImportApplications | ApplicationDocumentXML | VARCHAR(MAX) |
| n/a | n/a | Storage of application XML for achival purposes | v3.0 |
| OnlineImportApplications | FamilyBasedFeeFlag | BIT |
Required to show as TRUE if transacting an amount per application vs per student | v3.3 |
Sample XML Import Data