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Table of Contents

1 New income stream type field

All remuneration must now be reported using income stream type codes.

Note: Some income stream types also require country codes. See 03.01 Pay code types.

To support this change within Pay Code Maintenance, the Income Stream Type drop-down list has been added to the following windows and tabs:

Important: When your organisation is transitioned to STP-2, pay codes will be set to use the Salary and Wages (SAW) income stream type. For most organisations, no further action will be required. However, if your organisation uses multiple income stream types (e.g. Foreign employment), you will need to search for the codes using Pay Code Maintenance and update the Income Stream Type field for each pay code.

2 Updated list of reporting categories

The list of reporting categories has been updated. For a full details of the changes to the list, see 03.01 Pay code types.

To support this change within Pay Code Maintenance, the Reporting Category drop-down list has been updated on the following windows and tabs:

3 New Maint tab

The Maint tab has been added to Pay Code Maintenance to allow you to view details of changes made to a selected pay code. See 03.05 Pay Code Maintenance - Maint tab.

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