Our new Stripe Pay Now feature allows you to manage payment processing costs efficiently while offering a variety of payment options. This guide will help you configure surcharges for Stripe using the Synergetic system, ensuring transparency and flexibility. As always, passing costs to your community is entirely optional and this feature is offered to provide flexibility for our schools.
Why Use Pay Now?
Pay Now links are integrated within existing billing functionality, allowing payments to be made from anywhere with no login required, seamlessly incorporated into Synergetic’s finance module – reducing admin hassle and ensuring timely payments.
You have signed the Synergetic Stripe Product Agreement, available from your CSM
You have completed Stripe registration using the provided Connect account URL (refer to this article)
You have been informed that your secure Stripe integration connection has been completed
Service Suite is , Events Portal, and Core API are active on your site (installation of Service Suite will be confirmed when your site connection is configured)
When upgrading to 71.33, the systems team can assist with activation of the modules above at no additional cost. Please make an upgrade booking and let the team know you are interested in trying Pay Now.
Other tasks you may wish to complete:
Configuring your Connected Stripe account to enable automatic email receipts
Attend a Stripe webinar and / or request professional services assistance with financial reconciliation procedures when using Stripe for Synergetic payments
Navigate to System → Online Payments Maintenance
If it does not already exist, add a Merchant with the the “Gateway Provider” of STRIPE
Leave the Password blank (your Stripe details have already been configured and are stored elsewhere in the system)
With the Stripe merchant selected, click the “Pay Now URL” button to populate the base URL for your site.
Synergetic Financial Configuration - Debtors tab - Sub Ledgers sub-tab
Note |
Pay Now URLs are unique to a debtor A big benefit of Pay Now is that the URL allows payment into a particular debtor’s account with full integration into Synergetic. Importantly, this means that Pay Now URL that is generated from the merge field is unique to a single debtor! Any payments made via that URL, will be applied to that debtor’s account. |
5.) Communicate with Your Community
Inform parents about the new feature. You may wish to provide screenshots and inform them that they can verify the base URL in their browser when making a payment. This will help them feel confident their payment is going straight to the school.
6.) Configure header logo (Optional)
You can either replace the Synergetic logo in the header or keep the default setup.
Logo specs:
Recommended dimensions: 1773 x 328 OR 470 x 75
Aspect ratio: 5:1
File format: png
Rename your file to logo2.png
Navigate to EventBooking > assets > img
Replace logo2.png with your file.
If you replace the logo, make sure to clear the cache so the changes are applied correctly.
Enjoy the Benefits
Use the power of our partnership with Stripe and our unmatched school financial management software to get your school paid quickly and safely, with less administration for schools and more convenience and choice for parents.