Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Check Timetabler Automatic Import in the troubleshooting section for some checks.

Unknown Timetable issues:

Check for the existence of the following user procedure: uspuwkTimetable. This runs before the timetable is imported. If there is a user procedure then this may be updating data before coming through.

Timetable only shows for 1 staff member

Check the following configuration key if this is set to true the both staff members will have a timetable created. This is false by default:


If False only one staff member is assigned to the timetable record. This is to avoid duplicates in the Staff Timetable.

If True any staff members that are listed against the timetable record as assigned.

Timetable entries without students are not imported.

Check the following configuration key. If this is set to true any timetable entries without students will be imported. If they have the same timetable going to multiple timetable groups the timetable may be duplicated for entries without students since we use the students to split up the classes. Note this key is not relevant for Yard Duties / Meetings / Not Available classes.


If False only one staff member is assigned to the timetable record. This is to avoid duplicates in the Staff Timetable.

If True any staff members that are listed against the timetable record as assigned.

Timetable Import is running slowly:

  • Check which version the school is running. There are specific fixes for each version. Running the wrong version could result in issue.
  • Version 70 - There was a slow trigger created as part of version 70. See DSY-21092 for fix.

Extras are not importing and are not in the wkxiTimetableSubstitutes table:

  • Try running the import into the work tables manually. They may have non-numeric period numbers.

    Code Block
    titleManual Import to work tables
    EXEc spuwkTimetable
      @TimetableCode = '2021T1'
    SELECT * FROM wkxiTimetableSubstitutes WHERE TimetableCode = '2021T1'

Senior Timetable has not staff attached.

  • If a single or multiple timetable imports are going into the same campus we'll need to ensure that the first import clears the staff and subsequent import don't clear the staff.
  • Check the Import Order and ensure that these have different numbers
  • The timetable with the lowest number should be set to a timetable operation mode code which has the ClearStaffFlag set to 1
  • Any other timetables should be set to a timetable operation mode code which has the ClearStaffFlag set to 0. If there isn't one then create an additional entry ie TERM_NOCLEAR.

Class description is not getting updated

Ensure that luTimetableOperationMode.UpdateClassDescriptionFlag is set to 1

Form / Tutor is not getting updated

Ensure that luTimetableOperationMode.UpdateFormFlag / UpdateTutorFlag is set to 1

Class description should come from the Subject name in Timetabler and not the class name

Ensure that the following configuration key is set to true


I don't want to see extras / substitutes so far in the future. I only want to see today's / tomorrows extras.

Change the following configuration key:


1 - Only import any Extras for today

2 - Import any extras for today and tomorrows