Common Configuration: When setting up SAML authentication for Community Portal or SynWeb you currently have to set in the configuration XML as following. First we have to enable SAML mode for the application.
Info |
icon | false |
title | Community Portal |
| AuthenticationMode = 14 |
Info |
| AuthenticationMode = SAML OverrideUserName = zSynWeb (user used to assume a login for the authenticated user) OverridePassword = encrypted password Warning |
zSynWeb user will require "db_accessadmin" role on the database. zSynWeb user will require the role of "Synergetic_main_dbo_ReservedDBRole" |
Login PropertiesSAMLLoginBinding - The binding method used to send the login request to the IDP. Methods include REDIRECT or POST (Default: REDIRECT) SAMLLoginDestination - The IDP URL of which the Authentication request can be sent to from the SP. SAMLLoginX509CertificatePath - The path of the SAML signing certificate used to authenticate the messages from the IDP, normally per example (including tilde prefix): ~/Site/Certificates/yourcertname.crt 1 SAMLSPIssuer - Issuer uri which is sent with every request for the IDP to verify.
Logout PropertiesSAMLLogoutBinding - The binding method used to send the LogoutRequest to the IDP. Methods include REDIRECT or POST. (Default: REDIRECT) SAMLLogoutDestination - The logout URL of the IDP used to send the SAML logout request and terminate the session from the SP. The endpoint must support Single Sign Out. SAMLLogoutX509CertificatePath2 - The path of the certificate used to sign the logout request being sent out to the IDP. This is most likely a private key (.pfx file). SAMLLogoutX509CertificatePrivateKeyPassword2 - The private key used to utilise the certificate to the sign the request. The key must be encoded using the Portal/SynWeb Configuration tool. SAMLIDPUserHomePageUrl - The URL of the login page of the IDP which is to be used only if there is a logout failure. The link will be used to redirect the user so a manual logout can be performed. Legacy Support PropertiesUseSAMLLegacyFlag2 - Set this to true to use legacy implementation of SAML. (Default: false) <UseSAMLLegacyFlag>true</UseSAMLLegacyFlag> Following Properties are only in use when UseSAMLLegacyFlag is true
- SAMLLoginDestination
- SAMLLogoutDestination
- SAMLLoginX509CertificatePath
- SAMLSPIssuer
- SAMLRequestFormat2 - Base64/Base64Deflate
- SAMLClaimAttributeName2 - Set SAML response claim attribute name linked to the IDP response. Supported values are (case sensitive - use same naming as generated in saml response - e.g. iDAMGuid):
NameID (Default) Value maps to any of (Network Login, Config User Login Name, IdamLogin or CommunityGUID) IdamGUID Value from claims/IdamGUID mapped to Synergetic Community.IdamGUID. This is custom claim attribute. NetworkLogin Name
Info |
1 The SAML signing certificate needs to be in Base-64 encoded X.509 (.CER) format. If required, the supplied certificate format can be adjusted by importing to Windows Certificate Manager console then exporting the file. 2 Optional Parameters |