Error Code | Error Description | Resolution |
SAML1XX | Error in configuration | |
SAML101 | No certificate file loaded to validate SAML login response. | Confiugration XML. SAMLLoginX509CertificatePath not populated/found. |
SAML102 | Certificate file not found in path specified. | Configuration XML. SAMLLoginX509CertificatePath links to a file which does not exists. |
SAML103 | Binding method not supported or specified for decoding authentication request. | Configuration XML. Ensure SAMLLoginBinding is defined to supported types. |
SAML2XX | Error in communication | |
SAML201 | Unable to verify/validate SAML response with certificate file. | Check login certificate specified points to active certificate being used by the IDP. |
SAML202 | Unable to resolve/find claim attribute (NameID) in response message. | Ensure the SAML response contains NameID in response XML. The NameID element must be nested in the following order:
SAML203 | Unable to resolve/find issuer in the response message. | SAML response must contain Issuer in response XML. In the following order:
SAML204 | SAML responses via Artifact Binding not supported. | Synergetic does not support SAML responses via artificat binding. As of 9/11/2016. |
SAML205 | SAML session index not specified. | Session index not found in response message from IDP |
SAML206 | Unable to determine binding method of SAML logout response. | Verify that logout response sent by the IDP is in either a POST or REDIRECT format. |
SAML207 | Logout response from IDP was not successful. | Verify that the logout binding method used is permitted by the IDP. |
SAML208 | Multi tenant application did not contain tenant code in relaystate. | If application is in a multi tenant application the tenant code must be passed back from the IDP as part of the relaystate. |
SAML209 | SAML Response not found in POST message from IDP. | |
SAML210 | SAML Request not found in message from IDP. | |
SAML211 | SAML IDP Initiated SignOut Not Successful | Verify that the claim attribute matches the session value as well as the session index. Check exception log for more detail. |
SAML3XX | Error in Data | |
SAML301 | Unable to resolve tenant code provided. | The tenant code provided did not match a subsequent record in the xreplSchoolLogin table using spsxreplSchoolLogins. |
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