Service path | Use Case | URL |
GetStaffAssignmentsForStaff | Retrieve all the Staff Assignments (job positions) for a single staff | GET ... / StaffPersonals / <Staff_SIF3RefID> / StaffAssignments |
GetStaffAssignmentsForSchoolInfo | Retrieve all the Staff Assignments (job positions) for a single school/campus | GET ... / SchoolInfos / <SchoolInfo_SIF3RefID> / StaffAssignments |
GetStaffPersonalsForStaffAssignment | Retrieve all the Staff records for a single staff assignment (job position) | GET ... / StaffAssignments / <StaffAssignment_SIF3RefID> / StaffPersonals |
GetStaffPersonalsForStudent | Retrieve all the Staff records for a single student | GET ... / StudentPersonals / <Student_SIF3RefID> / StaffPersonals |
GetStaffPersonalsForTeachingGroup | Retrieve all the Teachers for a single class | GET ... / TeachingGroups / <SubjectClasses_SIF3RefID> / StaffPersonals |
GetStaffPersonalsForSchoolInfo | Retrieve all the Teachers for a single school/campus | GET ... / SchoolInfos / <SchoolInfo_SIF3RefID> / StaffPersonals |
GetStudentContactPersonalForStudentEnrolment | Retrieve all the TeachingGroups (classes) for a single student | GET ... / StudentSchoolEnrollments / <StudentEnrollment_SIF3RefID> / StudentContactPersonals |
GetStudentContactPersonalsForStudent | Retrieve all the Contacts for a single Student | GET ... / StudentPersonals / <Student_SIF3RefID> / StudentContactPersonals |
GetStudentPersonalForStudentEnrollment | Retrieve all the StudentPersonals for a single Student Enrollment | GET ... / StudentSchoolEnrollments / <StudentEnrollment_SIF3RefID> / StudentPersonals |
GetStudentPersonalsForStaff | Retrieve all the student details that a single staff member teaches | GET ... / StaffPersonals / <Staff_SIF3RefID> / StudentPersonals |
GetStudentPersonalsForStudentContact | Retrieve all the Students (& their details) for a single student contact (parent) | GET ... / StudentContactPersonals / <Contact_SIF3RefID> / StudentPersonals |
GetStudentPersonalsForTeachingGroup | Retrieve all the StudentPeronals (students) for a single subject class | GET ... / TeachingGroups / <SubjectClasses_SIF3RefID> / StudentPersonals |
GetStudentPersonalsForSchoolInfo | Retrieve all the StudentPeronals (students) for a single school/campus | GET ... / SchoolInfos / <SchoolInfo_SIF3RefID> / StudentPersonals |
GetTeachingGroupsForStaff | Retrieve all the TeachingGroups (classes) for a single staff | |
GetTeachingGroupsForStudent | Retrieve all the TeachingGroups (classes) for a single student | GET ... / StudentPersonals / <Student_SIF3RefID> / TeachingGroups |
GetTeachingGroupsForSchoolInfo | Retrieve all the TeachingGroups (classes) for a single school/campus | GET ... / StudentPersonals / <SchoolInfo_SIF3RefID> / TeachingGroups |
GetStudentAttendanceTimeListsForSchoolInfo | Retrieve all the AttendanceTimeLists for a single school/campus | GET ... / SchoolInfos/ <SchoolInfo_SIF3RefID> / StudentAttendanceTimeLists |
Service path | Use Case | URL |
GetStudentContactRelationshipsForStudent | Retrieve all the Student contact Relationships (student contacts) for a single student | GET ... / StudentPersonal / <Student_SIF3RefID> / StudentContactRelationships |
GetStudentContactRelationshipsForStudentContact | Retrieve all the Student contact Relationships (student contacts) for a single student contact | GET ... / StudentContactPersonal / <Contact_SIF3RefID> / StudentContactRelationships |
GetStudentEnrollmentsForStudent | Retrieve all the Student Enrollments for a single student | GET ... / StudentPersonal / <Student_SIF3RefID> / StudentSchoolEnrollments |