Use the DocMan tab to add documents, spreadsheets and pictures to a student's file.
The file is converted and stored in the database. The original file can then be deleted.
Also see Using document management (DocMan) in the Introduction manual.
Note: The DocMan tab is identical to the DocMan tab in Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - DocMan tab in the Current students manual.
Expand |
title | Opening the DocMan tab |
To open |
- tab from one of the following maintenance windows:
- • Current Student Maintenance.
- See Current Student Maintenance - Medical tab
- in the Current students manual.
• Future Student Maintenance.
- See Future Student Maintenance - Medical tab
- in the Future students manual.
• Past Student Maintenance.
- See Past Student Maintenance - Medical tab
- in the Past students manual.
• Staff Maintenance.
- See Staff Maintenance - Medical tab
- in the Human resources manual.
- Click
Image Modified .
- window is displayed.
- Click
- window is displayed.
Image Modified
Medical Maintenance - DocMan tab key fields and buttons
Field | Description |
Classification | Classification of the documents to be displayed. Access to documents can be restricted based on user security levels. Select the classification from the drop-down list to filter the documents displayed. |
Document Type | Type of document. For example: - Microsoft Word Document
- JPG Photo
- Adobe Acrobat File
- Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet.
Note: The document types set up are those that are used at your organisation as defined in the luDocumentType lookup table. See luDocumentType lookup table in the Synergetic System maintenance manual. Select the type of document from the drop-down list to filter the documents displayed.
Description | Filter the documents to those which have the typed words in the description. |
Source Reference | Filter the documents to those which have the typed words in the source reference. |
Grid area fields
Field | Description |
Created Date | Date and time the document, spreadsheet or picture was imported into Synergetic. |
Classification | Classification of the document. Classifications are maintained in the luDocumentClassification lookup table. See luDocumentClassification lookup table in the System maintenance manual. |
Description | Short description of the document. |
Source Code | Source of the document. Typical examples include: - Archive
- Magazine
- Newspaper
- School Photo
- Website.
Document sources are maintained in the luDocumentSourceCode lookup table. See luDocumentSourceCode lookup table in the System maintenance manual.
Source Date | Date the document was published or received. |
Source Reference | Cross-reference to the source. For example the name, issue date and page of a newspaper where the student's photograph appeared. |
Source Path | Location of the document in the file system or URL. This field shows the document's original location if the file has been embedded in the Synergetic database. |
Type | Type of document. Typical examples include: - DOC, DOCX (Microsoft Word document)
- JPG (photo using the Joint Photographic Experts Group format)
- PDF (Adobe Acrobat file)
- XLS, XLSX (Microsoft Excel spreadsheet).
Document types are maintained in the luDocumentType lookup table. See luDocumentType lookup table in the System maintenance manual.
Seq | Unique number identifying the document. |
Button | Description |
Image Modified
| Open the highlighted document in the appropriate application to view the document. For example, a community member's record includes a Microsoft Word document in the DocMan tab. Click |
Anchor |
O_6875 | O_6875 | Image Modified to open the document in Microsoft Word.
Anchor |
O_3145 | O_3145 Anchor |
O_15455 | O_15455 |
Image Modified
| Import a document, spreadsheet, picture or link an external web page. See: - Linking documents using a tag list in the Introduction manual
- Importing one or more documents
- Updating existing documents.
Image Modified
Image Modified
| Export a document, spreadsheet or picture. To copy a document, spreadsheet or picture from the Synergetic database and save it in a Windows folder: - Click
Anchor |
O_15453 | O_15453 | Image Modified.- Browse for the folder.
- Click
Anchor |
O_7150 | O_7150 | Image Modified.
Anchor |
O_3147 | O_3147 |
Image Modified
| Open the highlighted document on the DocMan tab and update the information about the document. Note: You cannot update fields if the document is a photo loaded using Photo Maintenance. |
Anchor |
O_3148 | O_3148 |
Image Modified
| Delete the highlighted document from the DocMan tab. Note: Deleting an embedded record deletes the original document, spreadsheet or picture from the Synergetic database. Deleting a linked document removes the link from the Synergetic database but does not affect the original document. |