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Main Synergetic views

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Views have been created by the Synergetic development team to make querying the database an easier process. These views are either from the:

View name


Base tables used


Use this view to list community members and the skills they have.

  • Ability
  • Community
  • luAbilityType
  • luAbilitySkillLevel


Use this view to list a history of changes to absence events.

  • AbsenceEventsAttendancesHistory
  • AbsenceEvents
  • AbsenceEventsDeleted
  • tAttendances
  • AttendanceMaster
  • Community
  • ConfigUsers


Use this field to view all current and past student award information.

  • StudentAwards
  • Community
  • Addresses
  • PastStudentAwards
  • FileSemesters
  • luAchievementType
  • luAward
  • luAwardClassification


Use this view to list current communications, with the name and address details of the recipients.

Automatically excludes deceased people.

  • CommunityCommunicationsCurrent
  • Addresses
  • Communications
  • Community
  • luAddressRegion
  • luNotifyMethod


Use this view to list past communications, with the name and address details of the recipients.

Automatically excludes deceased people.

  • CommunityCommunications
  • Communications
  • Community
  • Addresses
  • luAddressRegion
  • luNotifyMethod


Use this view to query on community members.

This view includes all fields from the Community and Addresses tables. It has spouse and occupation details as well.

  • Community
  • Addresses
  • luOccupation
  • luCountry


Use this view to query on community members and their constituencies.

This view includes all fields from the Community, Addresses and Constituency tables. Spouse and occupation details can be extracted as well. A community record will be duplicated for every constituency that they have. You would normally do a record selection on ConstitCode to only get one record per person.

  • Community
  • Constituencies
  • Addresses
  • luConstituency
  • luCountry
  • luOccupation


Use this view to list community members and the skills they have.

  • Community
  • CommunitySkills
  • Addresses
  • Staff
  • luDepartment
  • luOccupation
  • luSkill
  • luSkillLevel


Use this view to list donor information such as foundations, addresses and phone numbers.

  • Donors
  • Addresses
  • Community


Use this view to list donor pledges and the amount received against each pledge, with:

  • name and address details of the donor
  • appeal and fund details.
  • DonorPledges
  • Community
  • Addresses
  • luAppeal
  • luFund


Use this view to list donor pledges and detailed receipt information for each pledge with:

  • name and address details of the donor
  • appeal and fund details.
  • DonorPledges
  • Community
  • Addresses
  • DonorReceipts
  • luAppeal
  • luFund


Use this view for donor prospect name and address details, as well as:

  • fund and appeal information that they are prospected for
  • staff and volunteer name information, which comes from extra joins to the Community table.

Automatically excludes deceased prospects.

  • DonorProspects
  • Community
  • Addresses
  • luAppeal
  • luDonorProspectInclination


Use this view for donor prospect history (activities) with:

  • prospect name and address details
  • appeal information that they are prospected for.

Automatically excludes deceased prospects.

  • DonorProspects
  • Community
  • Addresses
  • DonorProspectHistory
  • luAppeal
  • luDonorProspectActivityStatus


Use this view for detailed receipt information with:

  • name and address details of the donor
  • appeal and fund information.
  • DonorReceipts
  • Community
  • Addresses
  • luAppeal
  • luFund


Use this view to list:

  • enquiry contacts
  • their name and address details
  • the students that they are associated with.

If the person is a member of the community, the information comes from the actual Community table, otherwise it comes off the enquiry tables.

Automatically excludes deceased people.

  • EnquiryStudentContacts
  • EnquiryStudents
  • Community
  • Addresses
  • luBoarder
  • luCampus
  • luEnquirySource
  • luHouse
  • luSubSchool
  • luYearLevel
  • luYearLevelGroup


Use this view to list future student and enquiry information such as:

  • personal information
  • campus
  • year level
  • form
  • house.
  • EnquiryStudents
  • Community
  • FutureStudents
  • luCampus
  • luEnquirySource
  • luForm
  • luFuturePriority
  • luHouse
  • luPreviousSchool
  • luTutor
  • luYearLevel


Use this view for information on events and their locations, without any attendee details.

  • Events
  • luLocation


Use this view for information on current events and their locations, with attendee name and address details.

Automatically excludes deceased attendees.

  • CommunityEventsCurrent
  • Addresses
  • Community
  • Events
  • luLocation


Use this view for information on past events and their locations, with attendee name and address details.

  • CommunityEvents
  • Addresses
  • Community
  • Events
  • luLocation


Use this view for future student names and entry information, along with:

  • contact name and address details for each of the student's contacts
  • spouse information for each contact.

Automatically excludes:

  • deceased future students and contacts
  • term contacts (contact type = SCT).
  • FutureStudents
  • Addresses
  • Community
  • CommunityLegal
  • FutureStudentContacts
  • Relationships
  • luBoarder
  • luCampus
  • luContact
  • luCountry
  • luFutureStatus
  • luIndustry
  • luOccupation
  • luOccupationPosition
  • luRelationship
  • luYearLevel


Use this view to obtain:

  • future student names
  • address and occupation information for each relation
  • their relationship with the future student.

Automatically excludes term contacts (Type = SCT).

  • FutureStudents
  • FutureStudentContacts
  • Addresses
  • ConfigUsers
  • Community
  • CommunityLegal
  • Relationships
  • StudentStatic
  • luContact
  • luCountry
  • luLanguage
  • luNationality
  • luOccupation
  • luParish
  • luRelationship
  • luReligion


Use this view to obtain future student medical information as well as:

  • primary contact (SC1 contact) information for emergency contacts
  • their relationship to the future student.

Retrieves information as detailed in the vFutureContactAddress view, covered earlier.

  • vFutureContactAddress
  • FutureStudents
  • FutureStudentMedicalDetails
  • Addresses
  • Community
  • CommunityLegal
  • StudentStatic
  • luAsthmaCategory
  • luCountry
  • luHouse
  • luImmunisationFormStatus
  • luLanguage
  • luMedicalPrivateInsuranceFund
  • luNationality
  • luParish
  • luPreviousSchool
  • luRelationship
  • luReligion
  • luYearLevel


Use this view for future student names and entry information, if you do not want any contact or relationship information.

Automatically excludes cancelled or deceased future students.

  • FutureStudents
  • Community
  • CommunityLegal
  • StudentStatic
  • luBoarder
  • luFuturePriority
  • luFutureStatus
  • luHouse
  • luParish
  • luPreviousSchool
  • luRelationship
  • luReligion
  • luYearLevel


Use this view for future student names and entry information, if you do not want any contact or relationship information.

Includes cancelled future students, automatically excludes deceased future students.

  • FutureStudents
  • Community
  • CommunityLegal
  • StudentStatic
  • luBoarder
  • luFuturePriority
  • luFutureStatus
  • luHouse
  • luParish
  • luPreviousSchool
  • luRelationship
  • luReligion
  • luYearLevel


Use this view to list future students and their abilities.

  • FutureStudents
  • vAbility


Use this view to list future students and their allergies.

  • vFutureStudent
  • MedicalAllergies


Use this view to list future students and their medical conditions.

  • FutureStudents
  • vMedicalCondition


Use this view to list future students and their medical consents.

  • FutureStudents
  • vMedicalConsent


Use this view to obtain future student medical information.

  • Addresses
  • Community
  • CommunityLegal
  • FutureStudentContacts
  • FutureStudents
  • luDisabilityLevel
  • luMedicalPrivateInsuranceFund
  • luYearLevel
  • MedicalDetails
  • StudentStatic


Use this view to list future students and their immunisations.

  • FutureStudents
  • vMedicalImmunisation


Use this view to list future students and their medications.

  • FutureStudents
  • vMedicalMedication


Use this view to list future students and their medical symptoms.

  • vFutureStudent
  • MedicalSymptom


Use this view to list community members and their allergies.

  • vMedicalAllergyAll


Use this view to list community members and their medical conditions.

  • vMedicalConditionAll


Use this view to list community members and their medical consents.

  • Community
  • Consent
  • luConsentType


Use this view to list community members and their immunisations.

  • Community
  • luMedicalImmunisationType
  • luMedicalVaccineBrand
  • MedicalImmunisation


Use this view to list community members and their medical incidents.

  • Community
  • luMedicalIncidentType
  • PastStudents
  • Staff
  • Students
  • StudentYears
  • vMedicalIncidents


Use this view to list community members and their medical symptoms.

  • Community
  • luMedicalSymptomType
  • MedicalSymptom


Use this view to list community members and their medical symptoms for active records only.

  • vMedicalSymptomAll


Use this view to list community members and their medications.

  • MedicalConditionMedication
  • vMedicalCondition
  • vMedicalMedicationAll


Use this view for the school number and name based on campus, using the configuration for the New Zealand Ministry of Education (NZMoE) electronic attendance register (eAR).

If the configuration details are not available, the following details are retrieved:

  • The school name from the configuration file maintenance using the System | Install |Name key
  • The school number from the School table.
  • Config
  • School
  • luCampus


Use this view for data changes by student and year level.

This is required for New Zealand Ministry of Education (NZMoE) electronic attendance register (eAR) audit requirements.

  • SystemDataChanges
  • Community
  • FileSemesters
  • StudentYears


Use this view for past student names and their:

  • address
  • schooling information
  • occupation information.
  • PastStudents
  • Community
  • CommunityLegal
  • Addresses
  • luBoarder
  • luBranch
  • luCampus
  • luHouse
  • luLeavingDestination
  • luOccupation
  • luYearLevel


Use this view for personal staff details. This view contains detailed name and address information.

Automatically excludes deceased staff members.

  • Staff
  • Addresses
  • Community
  • luCampus
  • luStaffCategory
  • luWorkWithChildrenCheckStatus
  • luYearLevel


Use this view to list staff members and their abilities.

  • Staff
  • vAbility


Use this view to list staff members and their allergies.

  • Staff
  • vMedicalAllergy


Use this view to list staff members and their medical conditions.

  • Staff
  • vMedicalCondition


Use this view to list staff members and their medical consents.

  • Staff
  • vMedicalConsent


Use this view to obtain staff medical information

  • Addresses
  • luCampus
  • luDisabilityLevel
  • luStaffCategory
  • luYearLevel
  • MedicalDetails
  • pvCommunity
  • Staff


Use this view to list staff members and their immunisations.

  • Staff
  • vMedicalImmunisation


Use this view to list staff members and their medications.

  • Staff
  • vMedicalMedication


Use this view to list staff members and their medical symptoms.

  • Staff
  • vMedicalSymptom


Use this view for staff timetable details. This view does not contain detailed name and address information.
Automatically excludes deceased staff members.

  • Staff
  • Community
  • SubjectClasses
  • Timetable
  • TimetableDefinition
  • luCampus
  • luTimetableGroup
  • luYearLevel


Use this view to list future, current and past students and their abilities.

  • StudentYears
  • vAbility


Use this view for absentee information with student name details.

This view has been superseded by vStudentAbsenceEvents.

  • Absences
  • Community
  • ConfigUsers
  • Students
  • StudentSemester
  • luAbsencePeriod
  • luAbsenceReason
  • luAbsenceType
  • luBoarder
  • luYearLevel


Use this view for all absence events that have not been superseded.
Includes student details.

  • AbsenceEvents
  • AttendanceMaster
  • tAttendances
  • Community
  • StudentYears
  • Students
  • luAbsenceEventType
  • luAbsenceReason
  • luAbsenceType
  • luAbsencePeriod
  • luBoarder
  • luCampus
  • luForm
  • luHouse
  • luStudentStatus
  • luTutor
  • luYearLevel


Use this view for attendance information.

Includes attendances and nonattendances.

This view is based on vStudentAbsenceEvents.

  • vStudentAbsenceEvents
  • tAttendances
  • Community
  • luAbsenceType
  • luAbsenceReason
  • AttendanceMaster
  • SubjectClasses
  • pvTimetableDefinition


Use this view to list students and the classes they are taking. Also includes:

  • relevant information about the staff member who teaches the classes
  • information about house captains and Head of Campus.

Automatically excludes students who:

  • have left the class or school prior to the current date
  • are on leave of absence
  • are deceased.

Note: This view is based on vStudentClassesAll where the class stop date is blank or set to a future date.

  • Students
  • StudentClasses
  • StudentSemester
  • StudentYears
  • SubjectClasses
  • Addresses
  • Community
  • CommunityLegal
  • ConfigUsers
  • FileSemesters
  • LearningAreas
  • StudentStatic
  • SubjectAssessments
  • SubjectClassStaff
  • Staff
  • luBoarder
  • luHouse
  • luCampus
  • luStudentClassStatus
  • luStudentStatus
  • luYearLevel


Use this view to list students and the classes they are taking. Also includes:

  • relevant information about the staff member who teaches the classes
  • information about house captains and Head of Campus.

Automatically excludes students who:

  • are deceased
  • have left your organisation
  • are on a leave of absence.
  • Students
  • StudentClasses
  • StudentYears
  • SubjectClasses
  • Addresses
  • Community
  • CommunityLegal
  • ConfigUsers
  • FileSemesters
  • LearningAreas
  • Staff
  • StudentStatic
  • SubjectAssessments
  • SubjectClassStaff
  • luBoarder
  • luCampus
  • luHouse
  • luStudentClassStatus
  • luStudentStatus
  • luYearLevel


Use this view for student names and schooling information, along with:

  • contact name and address details for primary and alternative contacts
  • spouse information for each contact.

Automatically excludes:

  • term contacts (SCT)
  • deceased students
  • deceased contacts.
  • Students
  • Addresses
  • Community
  • CommunityLegal
  • ConfigUsers
  • Relationships
  • StudentContacts
  • StudentSemester
  • StudentStatic
  • luBoarder
  • luCampus
  • luContact
  • luCountry
  • luForm
  • luHouse
  • luLanguage
  • luNationality
  • luOccupation
  • luOccupationPosition
  • luParish
  • luRelationship
  • luReligion
  • luStudentStatus
  • luYearLevel


Use this view for student names and schooling information, along with contact name and address details for all contacts, including term contacts.

Automatically excludes deceased:

  • students
  • contacts.
  • Students
  • Addresses
  • Community
  • CommunityLegal
  • ConfigUsers
  • Relationships
  • StudentContacts
  • StudentSemester
  • StudentStatic
  • luCampus
  • luContact
  • luCountry
  • luForm
  • luStudentStatus
  • luYearLevel


Use this view to obtain student names and schooling details, along with name and address details for the student's:

  • debtor
  • mother
  • father.

Excludes students who:

  • have left your organisation
  • are deceased.
  • Students
  • Addresses
  • Community
  • CommunityLegal
  • ConfigUsers
  • Relationships
  • StudentContacts
  • StudentSemester
  • StudentStatic
  • luBoarder
  • luCampus
  • luContact
  • luForm
  • luIndustry
  • luOccupation
  • luOccupationPosition
  • luPreviousSchool
  • luRelationship
  • luStudentStatus
  • luYearLevel


Use this view to obtain:

  • student names
  • address and occupation information for each relation
  • their relationship with the student.

Automatically excludes term contacts (SCT).

  • Students
  • StudentContacts
  • Addresses
  • Community
  • CommunityLegal
  • ConfigUsers
  • FileSemesters
  • Relationships
  • StudentStatic
  • StudentYears
  • luCampus
  • luContact
  • luCountry
  • luForm
  • luLanguage
  • luNationality
  • luOccupation
  • luParish
  • luRelationship
  • luReligion


Use this view to obtain information on courses that a student is doing. Includes basic name information.

  • Students
  • StudentCourses
  • Courses
  • Community
  • StudentYears
  • luBoarder
  • luCampus
  • luStudentCourseStatus
  • luYearLevel


Use this view to obtain a list of absent students by form.

  • luForm
  • StudentSemester
  • Absences
  • Community
  • ConfigUsers
  • luAbsenceType
  • luYearLevel


Use this view to list future, current and past students and their allergies.

  • StudentYears
  • vMedicalAllergy


Use this view to list future, current and past students and their medical conditions.

  • StudentYears
  • vMedicalCondition


Use this view to list future, current and past students and their medical consents.

  • StudentYears
  • vMedicalConsent


Use this view to obtain:

  • all student healthcare information
  • information from current students and community functions.

One record is output per student.

Does not include medical incidents

  • Addresses
  • Community
  • CommunityLegal
  • luBoarder
  • luCampus
  • luCountry
  • luDisabilityLevel
  • luForm
  • luHouse
  • luImmunisationFormStatus
  • luLanguage
  • luMedicalPrivateInsuranceFund
  • luNationality
  • luParish
  • luPreviousSchool
  • luRelationship
  • luReligion
  • luYearLevel
  • MedicalDetails
  • pvCommunity
  • Students
  • StudentStatic
  • StudentYears


Use this view to obtain student medical information as well as:

  • contact information for all contacts
  • their relationships to the student.
  • Community
  • CommunityLegal
  • luImmunisationFormStatus
  • luMedicalPrivateInsuranceFund
  • luPreviousSchool
  • luRelationship
  • luYearLevel
  • MedicalDetails
  • pvCommunity
  • Students
  • StudentStatic
  • vStudentContactAddress


Use this view to obtain student medical information as well as:

  • primary contact information for emergency contacts
  • their relationship to the student.

Retrieves information as detailed in the vStudentContactAddress view, covered earlier.

  • vStudentContactAddress
  • Students
  • StudentMedicalDetails
  • Addresses
  • Community
  • CommunityLegal
  • StudentStatic
  • luAsthmaCategory
  • luImmunisationFormStatus
  • luMedicalPrivateInsuranceFund
  • luPreviousSchool
  • luRelationship


Use this view to list future, current and past students and their immunisations.

  • StudentYears
  • vMedicalImmunisation


Use this view to list future, current and past students and their immunisations.

  • Addresses
  • CommunityLegal
  • ConfigUsers
  • fnGetLoginName
  • luBoarder
  • luCampus
  • luContact
  • luCountry
  • luForm
  • luLanguage
  • luOccupation
  • luParish
  • luReligion
  • luStudentStatus
  • luYearLevel
  • pvCommunity
  • StudentContacts
  • Students
  • StudentSemester
  • StudentStatic
  • vMedicalIncidents


Use this view to list future, current and past students and their medications.

  • StudentYears
  • vMedicalMedication


Use this view to list future, current and past students and their medical symptoms.

  • StudentYears
  • vMedicalSymptom


Use this view to extract MCEECDYA (Australian Ministerial Council of Education, Early Childhood Development and Youth Affairs) parent details, including:

  • Occupation Group
  • Home Language
  • Highest Qualification Level
  • Highest Secondary Level.
  • pvStudentParents
  • vCommunityAddresses
  • luLanguage
  • luQualificationLevel
  • luOccupationPosition
  • Config


Use this view to show students and all of their relations.

Excludes students who are deceased.

Also, see vStudentRelationsAll.

  • Students
  • StudentSemester
  • Relationships
  • pvCommunity
  • Addresses
  • luOccupation
  • luRelationship
  • luStudentStatus
  • luCampus
  • luForm
  • luBoarder
  • luYearLevel
  • CommunityLegal
  • StudentStatic


Use this view to show students and all of their relations.
Includes all records, including deceased students.
Also see vStudentRelations.

  • Students
  • StudentSemester
  • Relationships
  • pvCommunity
  • Addresses
  • luOccupation
  • luRelationship
  • luStudentStatus
  • luCampus
  • luForm
  • luBoarder
  • luYearLevel
  • CommunityLegal
  • StudentStatic


Use this view to show which:

  • students have not had results entered for them
  • which staff members are responsible for entering the results.
  • StudentClasses
  • StudentSemester
  • Community
  • ConfigUsers
  • LearningAreas
  • Staff
  • StudentAssessmentComments
  • StudentAssessmentResults
  • Students
  • StudentStatic
  • StudentYears
  • SubjectAssessments
  • SubjectAssessmentAreas
  • SubjectClassDefaultPrintFlags
  • SubjectClasses
  • SubjectClassStaff
  • luReportResultType
  • luYearLevel


Use this view to obtain the overall results of students, comments and staff information.

This view does not contain detailed results. To get detailed results, refer to vStudentReportsSemesterResults, covered below.

  • StudentSemester
  • Students
  • Community
  • ConfigUsers
  • LearningAreas
  • StudentAssessmentResults
  • Staff
  • StudentClasses
  • StudentStatic
  • SubjectAssessmentAreas
  • SubjectClasses
  • SubjectClassStaff
  • SubjectAssessments
  • StudentAssessmentComments
  • StudentYears
  • luBoarder
  • luBoardStudiesSubjects
  • luBoardStudiesType
  • luForm
  • luHouse
  • luReportResultClassification
  • luTutor
  • luYearLevel


Use this view to obtain detailed student results.

It does not include overall results or comments. To get overall results and comments, refer to the vStudentReportsSemester view, covered earlier.

  • StudentClasses
  • SubjectClasses
  • SubjectAssessmentAreas
  • StudentAssessmentResults
  • SubjectAssessments
  • LearningAreas
  • SubjectClassDefaultPrintFlags
  • luReportResultType
  • luReportResultTypeMaskExtended
  • luReportResultGroup
  • luReportResultClassification
  • StudentAssessmentComments
  • Students
  • StudentSemester
  • luCampus
  • luForm
  • luHouse
  • luYearLevel
  • luBoarder
  • Community
  • SubjectClassStaff
  • Staff
  • ConfigUsers
  • SubjectAssessmentTargets
  • StudentStatic
  • luSubjectClassType


Use this view for student schooling and name details. The view does not include:

  • contact details
  • relationship information.

Automatically excludes deceased students and students with a status that has a SynergyMeaning of:

  • LEFT - have left your organisation
  • LOA - are on leave of absence.

The view was designed for fast, simple queries. Also, see:

  • vStudentsAll
  • vStudentAndLOA, covered below.
  • Students
  • StudentSemester
  • Community
  • CommunityLegal
  • Config
  • ConfigUsers
  • FileSemesters
  • luStudentStatus
  • luCampus
  • luHouse
  • luYearLevel
  • luForm
  • luTutor
  • luBoarder
  • luParish
  • luReligion
  • luPreviousSchool
  • luCountry
  • luLanguage
  • luLeavingDestination
  • luNationality
  • luRelationship


Use this view for student schooling and name details. This view:

  • contains the same information as vStudents
  • includes all students, regardless of their status.

This view was created for more detailed queries but runs slower than the vStudents view.

  • Students
  • StudentSemester
  • Community
  • CommunityLegal
  • Config
  • ConfigUsers
  • FileSemesters
  • luStudentStatus
  • luCampus
  • luHouse
  • luYearLevel
  • luForm
  • luTutor
  • luBoarder
  • luParish
  • luReligion
  • luPreviousSchool
  • luCountry
  • luLanguage
  • luLeavingDestination
  • luNationality
  • luRelationship


Use this view for student schooling and name details. This view:

  • does not include contact or relationship information
  • includes a lot more information than the vStudents view, covered earlier
  • includes all current students and those on leave of absence but excludes students who have left your organisation.

This view was created for more detailed queries but runs slower than the vStudents view.
Also, see the vStudentAll view, covered earlier.

  • Students
  • StudentSemester
  • Community
  • CommunityLegal
  • Config
  • ConfigUsers
  • FileSemesters
  • luStudentStatus
  • luCampus
  • luHouse
  • luYearLevel
  • luForm
  • luTutor
  • luBoarder
  • luParish
  • luReligion
  • luPreviousSchool
  • luCountry
  • luLanguage
  • luLeavingDestination
  • luNationality
  • luRelationship


Use this view to obtain a list of classes that a student is doing, along with the staff member who is teaching that class.

Automatically excludes:

  • deceased students
  • classes with a stop date prior to today's date.
  • Students
  • StudentSemester
  • StudentClasses
  • Community
  • SubjectClasses
  • SubjectClassStaff
  • Staff
  • luBoarder
  • StudentStatic
  • ConfigUsers
  • luYearLevel


Use this view to obtain timetable details for students, including:

  • rooms
  • days
  • periods
  • the staff members teaching the classes.

Automatically excludes:

  • deceased students
  • classes with a stop date prior to today's date.
  • StudentSemester
  • Students
  • Community
  • luYearLevel
  • luTimetableGroup
  • luHouse
  • luCampus
  • luForm
  • StudentClasses
  • Timetable
  • Staff
  • TimetableDefinition
  • luBoarder
  • SubjectClasses
  • ConfigUsers
  • StudentStatic
  • luBoarder
  • SubjectClasses
  • ConfigUsers
  • TimetableDefinition


Use this view to obtain a list of student absences by tutor.

  • luTutor
  • StudentSemester
  • Absences
  • Community
  • luAbsenceType
  • luAbsencePeriod
  • ConfigUsers
  • luYearLevel
  • No labels