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V69 & V68 - 2019 - NAPLAN - NSW and ACT

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First Release Version

69.20, 68.48


Background (2019)

The changes to NAPLAN submission for 2019 introduced by the NSW Educations Standards Authority (NESA) have resulted in two submission file templates that NESA require different sets of schools to use, one each for:

  • schools at which students do NAPLAN with Pen and Paper; and
  • schools at which students do NAPLAN Online

Synergetic was advised by NESA that intermediary bodies, such as Diocese may issue their own versions. 

For 2019, Synergetic has supplied the ‘Pen and Paper’ version only in our export logic.

Synergetic has been told by the ACT Education Directorate that ACT schools use the NSW templates, so this section is for NSW and ACT schools


The 2019 NAPLAN file version is available in V.68 and V.69.

Opening the NAPLAN tab

The file continues to be produced in the standard manner:

To open the NAPLAN tab:

  1. Select Module > Students > Student Data Import/Export from the main menu.
    The Curriculum Council tab of the Import/Export Student Data window is displayed.
    Tip: You can also access the student import and export functions by clicking .

  2. Click the NAPLAN tab.
    The NAPLAN tab of the Import/Export Student Data window is displayed.

Import/Export Student Data -  tab key fields and buttons



School Code

Code used to identify the school in Australia.

Year Level From / To

Range of year levels to export.

Process Date

Date when the tests were held. The month of May was chosen as the most appropriate time for the national tests. It is early enough in the year for the test results to be used as a diagnostic tool.


Gender of students to export. You can select either:

  • all
  • males only
  • females only.

File Name

Name and location of exported file.


Progress of the import.




Select the file location.

Create the file

Cancel and Exit

NAPLAN NSW and ACT File Format - 2019

The following table is the template provide by NESA (NSW Education Standards Authority) transposed so columns are rows.

The template is here:     NAPLAN_Online_2019_Student_Registration_AIS_Template.xlsx

ColumnMandatory (?)Description
School NameMandatory fieldSchool name

Max length = 255 characters
ASL School IDMandatory fieldACARA Australian Schools List school identifier

Max length = 10 characters
Student Registration Number (SRN)Optional fieldThis number is allocated by DoE

If SRN is known please populate this field, otherwise leave blank.

Max length = 9 characters
Local Student ID (School)Mandatory fieldThe student id assigned by and used by local school administrative system.

Max length = 36 characters
Family NameMandatory fieldFamily Name / Surname

Max length = 40 characters
Middle nameOptional fieldMiddle name

Max length = 40 characters
Given nameMandatory fieldGiven name / first name

Max length = 40 characters
Year levelMandatory field3,5,7,9
SexMandatory field1 = Male
2 = Female
3 = Intersex or indeterminate
9 = Not Stated/Inadequately Described
Date of BirthMandatory fielddd/mm/yyyy

Max length = 10 characters
Country of birthMandatory field4 digit code

See "1269.0 Countries" Worksheet

0003 = Not Stated
0004 = Unknown
0005 = Unidentified
Indigenous statusMandatory field1 - Aboriginal but not Torres Strait Islander Origin
2 - Torres Strait Islander but not Aboriginal Origin
3 - Both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Origin
4 - Neither Aboriginal nor Torres Strait Islander Origin
9 - Not Stated/Unknown
Student Main Language Other than English Spoken at HomeMandatory field4 digit code

See "1267.0 Languages" Worksheet

0000 = Inadequately Described
0001 = Non Verbal, so described
0002 = Not Stated
Parent 1 School Education
The highest level of school education completed by Parent 1.
Mandatory field1 - Year 9 or equivalent or below
2 - Year 10 or equivalent
3 - Year 11 or equivalent
4 - Year 12 or equivalent
0 - Not stated/Unknown
Parent 1 Non-school Education
This reflects the level of Parent 1's Non-School Education.
Mandatory field5 - Certificate I to IV (including trade certificate)
6 - Advanced diploma/Diploma
7 - Bachelor degree or above
8 - No non-school qualification
0 - Not stated/Unknown
Parent 1 Occupation
Code that defines employment type of Parent 1
Mandatory field1 - Senior management in large business organization, government administration and defence, and qualified professionals
2 - Other business managers, arts/media/sportspersons and associate professionals
3 - Tradesmen/women, clerks and skilled office, sales and service staff
4 - Machine operators, hospitality staff, assistants, labourers and related workers
8 - Not in paid work in last 12 months
9 - Not stated/Unknown
Parent 1 Main language spoken by Parent 1 at home, other than English.Mandatory field4 digit code

See "1267.0 Languages" Worksheet

0000 = Inadequately Described
0001 = Non Verbal, so described
0002 = Not Stated
Parent 2 School Education
The highest level of school education completed by Parent 2
Optional field1 - Year 9 or equivalent or below
2 - Year 10 or equivalent
3 - Year 11 or equivalent
4 - Year 12 or equivalent
0 - Not stated/Unknown
Parent 2 Non-school Education
This reflects the level of Parent 2's Non-School Education.
Optional field5 - Certificate I to IV (including trade certificate)
6 - Advanced diploma/Diploma
7 - Bachelor degree or above
8 - No non-school qualification
0 - Not stated/Unknown
Parent 2 Occupation
Code that defines employment type of Parent 2
Optional field1 - Senior management in large business organization, government administration and defence, and qualified professionals
2 - Other business managers, arts/media/sportspersons and associate professionals
3 - Tradesmen/women, clerks and skilled office, sales and service staff
4 - Machine operators, hospitality staff, assistants, labourers and related workers
8 - Not in paid work in last 12 months
9 - Not stated/Unknown
Parent 2 Main language spoken by Parent 2 at home, other than English.Optional field4 digit code

See "1267.0 Languages" Worksheet

0000 = Inadequately Described
0001 = Non Verbal, so described
0002 = Not Stated
Enrolled Full-fee Paying Overseas Student (FFPOS) StatusMandatory field1 = FFPOS
2 = Non-FFPOS
9 = Not Stated/Unknown
Class GroupOptional fieldMax length: 255

Recommended 2019 Submission Process for Schools 

Due to the variety of template formats that exist in 2019 in NSW and ACT, schools may need to manually manipulate the data extracted from Synergetic to conform with the template they must comply with.

To determine your course of action in filling in your particular version of the template, please generate the 2019 Synergetic NAPLAN export file at your school and compare its output to your NESA template form. Use the above table to assist you in this process.

If the file output as generated from Synergetic does not match your particular required spreadsheet template, we recommend the following approach:

 Confirm whether your NAPLAN template is based on the ‘Pen and Paper’ Variant or ‘Online’ file variant. 

  1. Populate the template according to your identified file variant:

Note: Please ensure you read the column heading descriptions in your file, to ensure you are populating values appropriately.

For ‘Pen and Paper’:

Create the Synergetic file, open this in Excel and Copy/Paste individual columns from the Synergetic output into the template you have been supplied, and manually enter any extra columns which were not able to be generated by Synergetic.

  • Make sure to not copy over any formulas embedded in the spreadsheet.
  • Make sure that you paste the Synergetic data into the correct destination column
  • Do not copy any un-needed columns 

For ‘Online’

Follow the initial column copy steps as per ‘Pen and Paper’ where relevant.

For any columns that were not able to be populated by Synergetic, you will need to populate these manually within the spreadsheet template, using appropriate values for your school and student records.  Some columns may have built in lookups and formulas to help you select the appropriate values.

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