Testing web service methods

Testing web service methods

To test your web service method before sending it to third party vendors:

  1. Request the following information from Synergetic for all third party vendors who interact with your web service method:
     vendor token GUID
     vendor password
     web service address.
    For example, https://synapi.schools.edu.au/SynergeticWcfService.svc.
  2. Select System > Test Web Service from the SynWeb main menu.
    The Test Synergetic WCF Service window is displayed.
  3. Type in the information you received from Synergetic in the following fields:
    • Web Service Address
    • Vendor Token GUID
    • Vendor Password.
  4. Select the Web Service Method Name you want to test.
  5. Select which Version you want to test.
  6. Type in any parameter values you want to test.
  7. Click .
    The web service method results are displayed in the Output XML field below.

    The <Results> and <Result> fields in the example above are populated respectively by the Web Service Table Name and Web Service Dataset Name configuration settings in the SynWeb Settings window. See SynWeb configuration settings.

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