Create New Community Member - Company Address window

The Company Address window is displayed when adding a new company or personal company. This window is also displayed when you create a Synergetic constituency member, such as a debtor.

On Company Address window:

  1. Enter the community member's company address. If address validation is:

    Disabled you can manually enter the address for the company by typing into the Line fields.
    Enabled you can enter an address by:

         - selecting a country using the Country drop-down list
         - typing the address into the Address search field
         - selecting the address you would like to add from the addresses displayed.

    Note: For information about enabling address validation using the Quick Address System (QAS), see Configuring address validation in the Synergetic System maintenance manual.

    Tip: You can enter manual addresses when address validation is enabled by selecting the Enter Manual/Overseas Address field.

    Tip: You can narrow QAS search results by typing more details of the address.

  2. If the company's post address is different from the company address, clear the Postal Address Same field and click .
    The Postal Address window is displayed.

  3. Enter the company's postal address. If address validation is:

    • Disabled you can manually enter the address for the company by typing into the Line fields.
    • Enabled you can enter an address by:

         - selecting a country using the Country drop-down list
         - typing the address into the Address search field
         - selecting the address you would like to add from the addresses displayed.

    Note: For information about enabling address validation using the Quick Address System (QAS), see Configuring address validation in the Synergetic System maintenance manual.

    Tip: You can enter manual addresses when address validation is enabled by selecting the Enter Manual/Overseas Address field.

    Tip: You can narrow QAS search results by typing more details of the address.

  4. Click .
    The following windows are displayed after the Company Address window, depending on the selections made:
     Couple relationship. See Select Couple Relationship window.
     Community member's phone and occupation details. See Phone/Occupation window.
     Spouse's phone and occupation details, if applicable. See Phone/Occupation window.

Create New Community Member - Company Address window key fields

Address search area fields

Note: For information about enabling address validation using the Quick Address System (QAS), see Configuring address validation in the Synergetic System maintenance manual.



Address search

Search for the community member's address online using the Quick Address System (QAS).

To search for an address:

  1. Select the country using the Country drop-down list.
  2. Type the address into the Address search field.

    The list of matching addresses is displayed.
  3. Select the address you would like to add.

Tip: You can narrow search results by typing more details of the address.


Select a country from this drop-down list to filter the addresses displayed in the Address search field.

Enter Manual/Overseas AddressSelect to disable the Address search area fields and enter the address manually.

General area fields



Postal Address Same

Clear if the postal address is not the street address.

When you click , the Postal Address window is displayed.

Silent Phone

Select if the phone number is not generally available to staff.