Adding bookings by date

Adding bookings by date

To create a new booking for a date:

  1. Select Objects > Bookings - By Date from the SynWeb main menu.
    The Bookings - By Date window is displayed.
  2. Select the Object Type you want to book.
  3. Select the Object Category, if applicable.
  4. Clear the My Bookings field.
  5. Click .
    The available objects are displayed.
  6. If you want to make a booking for a different date:

    • Right click on a timeslot and select Go To Date....
    • Select the date in the Go To Date window.
    • Click .

  7. Find an available object in the timeslot you want to book.
  8. Right click on the timeslot.
    The Schedule Menu is displayed.
  9. Select Add Booking.
    The Add Booking window is displayed.
  10. If required, change the Start time or End time.
  11. Type a Comment.
  12. Click .
    The object booking is created.