Entering stored comments

Departmental or learning area comments are set up by the people with rights to Subject Assessment Area Maintenance. A comment bank can also be maintained by individual staff members. See Maintaining the staff personal comment bank.
Comments can be added to student results from the comment bank, using the icon next to fields on either the:

  • Single window
  • Class window of Results Maintenance.

In the following example, the icon can be selected for:

  • one or more of the topic comments
  • the overall comment.

To use comments from the comment bank:

  1. Open the Single window of Results Maintenance. See Results Maintenance - Single window.

    You can also use comments from the comment bank when using the Class window. See Results Maintenance - Class window.
  2. Select the student.

    The student's results are displayed.
  3. Click beside the relevant Topic Comment or Overall Comment field.

    The Comment Bank window is displayed with a list of:
     pre-defined comments for the assessment that this class is associated with
     pre-defined comments for the assessment areas
     your Personal comments.
  4. Locate and select the required comment.
    In the example, select the comment that reads: ? has a positive attitude towards this subject.

    If comments have been created under topic (for example, General) and rating (for example, Very Good) categories, they can be selected by drilling down into these categories. That is, click on the + symbols to expand the required branch of the comment tree.

    You can also click to maintain your own stored comments. See Maintaining the staff personal comment bank.
  5. Click .
    The comment field is updated with the selection from the Comment Bank window.
  6. Repeat steps 3 through 5 for each comment to be added.
  7. Click .
    The following window is displayed if the spell check has been set to check automatically. 
  8. Correct any spelling mistakes. See Checking the spelling of comments.
  9. Click when the spell check is completed.
    The Single window of Results Maintenance is redisplayed.
    In this example, the comment from the bank has been converted to: Byron has a positive attitude towards this subject.

Comment Bank window key fields and buttons




Topic used to define the second level categories of personal comments.


Rating used to define the third level categories of personal comments.


Stored comment that can be pasted into the relevant Comment field.

Name substitution occurs in comments wherever a question mark (?) is present. When you manually enter comments, if you type in a question mark, the student's name is automatically substituted.
Departmental or learning area comments are set up by the people with rights to Subject Assessment Area Maintenance. A comment bank can also be maintained by individual staff members.


: You can use the following buttons to add text into the memo field. This is helpful when you select several comments, and want to continue using the mouse to add simple words (and), characters (full stop, comma, colon and semicolon) or a new line. You can also use your keyboard to edit the memo field.



Paste the selected comment into the memo field.

Tip: You can select and paste several comments into the memo field.

: The question mark character (?) is automatically changed to the student's name. Also, gender-specific pronouns, such as his, are changed to their equivalent, such as her.

Clear the memo field.

You can then select and paste new comments.

Maintain personal comments on the Staff Personal Comments window.

See Maintaining the staff personal comment bank.

Apply the text:

  • from the memo field of the Comment Bank window
  • to the comment field on the Results Maintenance window.

Close the Comment Bank window without affecting the comment field on the Results Maintenance window.