Division Maintenance - Budget_Actual tab

Division Maintenance - Budget_Actual tab

Use the Budget/Actual tab to view the movements in the budget and to view actual income and expenditure against the budgeted amounts summarised for this division.
Note: Budgets and actual data is recorded against individual general ledger account codes. You can load your budget from a spreadsheet. See Importing general ledger budgets.

 Opening the Budget/Actual tab

To open the Budget/Actual tab:

  1. Select Module > General Ledger > Division Maintenance from the main menu.
    The Set Division Search Criteria window is displayed.
    Tip: You can also access General Ledger functions by clicking .
  2. Search for the division. See Searching for general ledger divisions.
    The General tab of the Division Maintenance window is displayed.
  3. Click the Budget/Actual tab.
    The Budget/Actual tab of the Division Maintenance window is displayed.
  4. Either:
    • Type the G/L Year and click .
    • Click on the up or down arrow on the G/L Year field.
    The window is redisplayed with data for the selected G/L Year

Division Maintenance - Budget/Actual tab key fields and buttons




G/L Year

Select to filter the general ledger year.

  • Type the G/L Year and click .
  • Click on the up or down arrow on the G/L Year field.

Grid area fields




Budget month.


Movement within the month.

Running Balance

Running balance of the income and expenditure for the month.


Budgeted amount for the month.

Budget Approved

Approved budget for the month.

Budget Cash

Additional budget field that can be used to store cash flow movement by month for individual general ledger accounts as opposed to normal accrued postings.

LY Movement

Journals summarised by month for all general ledger accounts allocated to this COA code.




Refresh the information in the grid from the database.
Use this if:

  • you change the G/L Year and need to refresh the data
  • someone else is maintaining budgets.

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