Creating activities (enquiry students)

Creating activities (enquiry students)

To create a new activity for an enquiring student:

  1. Open the Activity tab in Enquiry Student Maintenance. See Enquiry Student Maintenance - Activity tab.
    The Activity tab of the Enquiry Student Maintenance window is displayed.
  2. Click .
    The Create new Enquiry Activity window is displayed.

Create New Activity window key fields



Created By

Person who created the activity. This is a read-only field.


Description of the activity. The available options are maintained in the luActivity lookup table. See luActivity lookup table in the System maintenance manual.

Note: You must select an activity. The following window is displayed if you attempt to create an activity without selecting an option in the Activity drop-down list.

Activity Date

Date the activity is scheduled for.

Activity Status

Status of the activity. For example:

  • Complete
  • Incomplete
  • Waiting for someone.
    The available options are maintained in the luActivityStatus lookup table. See luActivityStatus lookup table in the System maintenance manual.

Activity By

Person in your organisation who is responsible for the activity.
Valid values include all community members that belong to the FSAS (Future Student Activity Staff) constituency.

See Adding a community member to a user-defined constituency in the Community manual.

Follow Up

Indicates whether or not follow up is required.