Events Maintenance - Current Attendees tab - Attendee Guests sub-tab
Use the Attendee Guests sub-tab to maintain details of the guests of the invited person.
Also see Events Maintenance - Current Attendees tab, which includes details of the Attendee Details sub-tab.
Note: Use the Attendee Details sub-tab to maintain details about those people directly invited to attend the event, including their spouse. See Events Maintenance - Current Attendees tab - Attendee Details sub-tab.
Events Maintenance - Current Attendees tab - Attendee Guests sub-tab key fields and buttons
Current Attendees tab fields and buttons
Tip: You can use the Name search bar field to quickly find attendees.
Field | Description |
Name | Name of the attendee. |
Status | Display only those attendees with the attendance status selected from the drop-down list. Note: This Status field is used to select records to view, whereas the other Status fields in the grid area, on the Attendee Details tab, and in the right-click menu relate to each attendee. Note: The values in this field are defined using the luCommunityCurrEventStatus lookup table. See luCommunityCurrEventStatus lookup table. |
Only Show Attendees with no Status | Select to only display attendees that do not have a status. Attendees are given a status when they reply to an invitation. |
Count | Number of primary records in the event. |
People | Number of people in the list, including guests. Tip: Use the Status field to get counts of all those attending an event. |
Grid area fields
Field | Description |
Name | Mailing name of the attendee. |
Status | Attendance status code for the attendee. For example, ATT - Attending. Note: The values in this field are defined using the luCommunityCurrEventStatus lookup table. See luCommunityCurrEventStatus lookup table. |
# Guests | Number of guests attending the event with the attendee. |
Address | Home address of the attendee. |
ID | Community ID of the attendee. |
Surname | Surname of the attendee. |
Preferred | Preferred name of the attendee. |
Given 1 | First given name of the attendee. |
Given 2 | Second given name of the attendee. |
Mobile Phone | Mobile phone number of the attendee. |
Email address | Email address of the attendee. |
Button | Description |
Add or delete community members to an event in bulk. | |
Add a community member to the current event, using the Find Name on Community window. | |
Delete the highlighted attendee from the current event. | |
Launch into Community Maintenance for the primary contact of the highlighted donor or prospect. See Maintaining community members in the Community manual. | |
Launch into Development Maintenance for the highlighted donor or prospect. See Maintaining donors and prospects. |
Events Maintenance - Attendee Guests sub-tab key fields and buttons
Grid area fields
Field | Description |
Surname | Last name of the guest. |
Preferred | Preferred (first) name of the guest. |
GuestID | Synergetic ID of the guest, if they are found in the Synergetic database. |
OverrideTableNumber | The table of the guest, if different from the primary person invited. |
Seq | Sequence number of the guest, automatically generated by Synergetic. |
sqlcEmail | Email address of the person or couple invited. |
sqlcMobilePhone | Mobile phone of the person or couple invited. |
Field | Description |
ID | Synergetic ID of the selected guest. |
Title | Title of the guest. |
Preferred | Preferred (first) name of the guest. |
Surname | Last name of the guest. |
Company | Company name, if required. |
Email address. | |
Mobile | Mobile phone number. |
Industry | Industry type, if required. |
Company Position | Position of the guest in the company. |
Table No. | Table number, if different from the primary person invited. |
Dietary Requirements | List any special dietary requirements for the selected person. For example, the person may be a vegetarian. |