Events Maintenance - Current Attendees tab - Attendee Guests sub-tab

Events Maintenance - Current Attendees tab - Attendee Guests sub-tab

Use the Attendee Guests sub-tab to maintain details of the guests of the invited person.

Also see Events Maintenance - Current Attendees tab, which includes details of the Attendee Details sub-tab.

Note: Use the Attendee Details sub-tab to maintain details about those people directly invited to attend the event, including their spouse. See Events Maintenance - Current Attendees tab - Attendee Details sub-tab.

 Opening the Attendee Guests sub-tab

To open the Attendee Guests sub-tab:

  1. Select Module > Development > Events Maintenance from the main menu.

    You can also access the development functions by clicking .

    The Set Events Search Criteria window is displayed.

  2. Select the event. See Searching for events.
    The Event tab of the Events Maintenance window is displayed.
  3. Click the Current Attendees tab.
    The Current Attendees tab of the Events Maintenance window is displayed.

    Note: The Attendee Details sub-tab is displayed by default.

  4. Select the Status field and click , if required.
  5. Select the person or couple invited and update as required. See Events Maintenance - Current Attendees tab - Attendee Details sub-tab.

  6. Click the Attendee Guests sub-tab.
    The Attendee Guests sub-tab of the Current Attendees tab of the Events Maintenance window is displayed.

Events Maintenance - Current Attendees tab - Attendee Guests sub-tab key fields and buttons

Current Attendees tab fields and buttons

Tip: You can use the Name search bar field to quickly find attendees.





Name of the attendee.


Display only those attendees with the attendance status selected from the drop-down list.

Note: This Status field is used to select records to view, whereas the other Status fields in the grid area, on the Attendee Details tab, and in the right-click menu relate to each attendee.

Note: The values in this field are defined using the luCommunityCurrEventStatus lookup table. See luCommunityCurrEventStatus lookup table.

Only Show Attendees with no Status

Select to only display attendees that do not have a status. Attendees are given a status when they reply to an invitation.

Use this field to get a list of attendees who have not yet replied.


Number of primary records in the event.


Number of people in the list, including guests.

Tip: Use the Status field to get counts of all those attending an event.

Grid area fields



NameMailing name of the attendee.

Attendance status code for the attendee. For example, ATT - Attending.

Note: The values in this field are defined using the luCommunityCurrEventStatus lookup table. See luCommunityCurrEventStatus lookup table.

# GuestsNumber of guests attending the event with the attendee.
AddressHome address of the attendee.
IDCommunity ID of the attendee.
SurnameSurname of the attendee.
PreferredPreferred name of the attendee.
Given 1First given name of the attendee.
Given 2Second given name of the attendee.
Mobile PhoneMobile phone number of the attendee.
Email addressEmail address of the attendee.




Add or delete community members to an event in bulk.
The Events Bulk Add/Delete window is almost identical to the Communications Bulk Add/Delete window. See Adding or deleting community members to communications in bulk.

Note: The fields on this window change according to your selection in the Constituency field. See Additional selections for the Communications or Events Bulk Add/Delete window for examples.

Add a community member to the current event, using the Find Name on Community window.

Delete the highlighted attendee from the current event.

Launch into Community Maintenance for the primary contact of the highlighted donor or prospect. See Maintaining community members in the Community manual.

Launch into Development Maintenance for the highlighted donor or prospect. See Maintaining donors and prospects.

Events Maintenance - Attendee Guests sub-tab key fields and buttons

Grid area fields




Last name of the guest.


Preferred (first) name of the guest.


Synergetic ID of the guest, if they are found in the Synergetic database.

This field is blank if the Surname and Preferred name are for a guest not listed in Synergetic.


The table of the guest, if different from the primary person invited.


Sequence number of the guest, automatically generated by Synergetic.


Email address of the person or couple invited.


Mobile phone of the person or couple invited.





Synergetic ID of the selected guest.

This field is blank if the guest does not belong to the Synergetic community.


Title of the guest.


Preferred (first) name of the guest.

You can type in the preferred first name of the person, if they are not listed in Synergetic.


Last name of the guest.

You can type in the last name of the person, if they are not listed in Synergetic.


Company name, if required.


Email address.


Mobile phone number.


Industry type, if required.

Company Position

Position of the guest in the company.

Table No.

Table number, if different from the primary person invited.

Dietary Requirements

List any special dietary requirements for the selected person. For example, the person may be a vegetarian.

: This field is automatically populated with the value from the Dietary Requirements field on the Other tab of Community Maintenance. See Community Maintenance - Other tab