Defining the days for staff schedules

Defining the days for staff schedules

A default staff schedule can be set up for submitting timesheets through SynWeb. You can define:

  • which days a staff member works
  • the default time a staff member's schedule should start each day
  • the default time a staff member's schedule should end each day
  • the default break time a staff member receives each day.

To define the schedule days:

  1. Search for and open the Staff Schedule Maintenance window for the required staff member. See Searching for staff schedules.
    The Definition tab of the Staff Schedule Maintenance window is displayed.
  2. Click .
    The Set Days window is displayed.
  3. Select the days that have default timesheet times.
  4. Select the start and end times that the timesheet uses each day by default.
  5. Select the total time the staff member should take as a break each day. For example, if the staff member is expected to take two 15 minute breaks and one 20 minute break, the break time is 50 minutes.
  6. Click .
    The default times populate the Timesheet window in SynWeb.

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