SAML Prior to V68 (v67 and Before)

SAML Prior to V68 (v67 and Before)

Setup Config XML Files


Common Configuration:

SAMLSSOHttpUrl - The application url defined when configuring the IDP. This is normally a generated url of which this application uses to authenticate with the IDP.

SAMLLogoutHttpUrl - Logout url of IdP to end Synergetic and IdP session. When user logout from SynWeb user will get redirected to this url (please note this is not just for purpose of redirection but actually to end user's session). E.g. https://synergetic.okta.com/login/signouthttps://app.onelogin.com/logout

SAMLX509CertificatePath - Copy the SAML signing certificate to a subfolder of the website, normally per example (including tilde prefix): ~/Site/Certificates/yourcertname.crt 1

SAMLRequestFormat - Set Base64 to pass plain Base64 encoded string or Base64Deflate to pass compressed Base64 encoded string message. Default value: Base64Deflate

ClaimAttributeName - Set SAML response claim attribute name linked to the IDP response. Supported values are (case sensitive - use same naming as generated in saml response - e.g. iDAMGuid):

NameID (Default) Value maps to any of (Network Login, Config User Login Name, IdamLogin or CommunityGUID)

IdamGUID Value from claims/IdamGUID mapped to Synergetic Community.IdamGUID. This is custom claim attribute.



SAMLComparisonMode - The setting which determines the RequestedAuthnContext label in the request to the IDP. Values can be (minimum or exact). (Default: Minimum)


The SAML signing certificate needs to be in Base-64 encoded X.509 (.CER) format. If required, the supplied certificate format can be adjusted by importing to Windows Certificate Manager console then exporting the file.


Set parameters stated below in the Synergetic.xml file specific to SynWeb:


OverrideUserName - Create a user (if does not exists) zSynWeb, with db_owner permissions to SynergyOne, SynergyOneFinance and SynergyOneMedia Database. zSynWeb will be the database role/user that SAML mode authenticates with.


SynWebLoginHttpUrl - Url you use to login to SynWeb. E.g.https://synweb.schools.edu.au/login.aspx (this needs to be same as you specified in application connection when configuring IDP

Community Portal

Set parameters stated below in SynCommPortal.xml file:

AuthenticationMode=14 - Mode 14 enables Community Portal's SAML authentication mode.

CommunityPortalLoginHttpUrl - Url you use to login to community portal. E.g.https://synportal.schools.edu.au/login.aspx (this needs to be same as you specified in application connection in step 2)


Setup Certificates

Download X509 Certificate from IdP and place them in Community Portal's ~/Site/Certificates directory (create Certificates directory if doesn't exist).

The SAML signing token needs to be in Base-64 encoded X.509 (.CER) format. If required, the supplied certificate format can be adjusted by importing to Windows Certificate Manager console then exporting the file.