Use the Constits tab to:
- List all constituencies that the community member is associated with. This includes Synergetic constituencies. System constituencies are generally prefixed with @. For example, the Staff constituency code is @STF.
- Add a community member to a user-defined constituency. For example, the school council. User-defined groups do not have a prefix. See Adding a community member to a user-defined constituency.
- Modify and delete community members from user-defined constituencies.
- Select a Synergetic constituency and launch the related maintenance window. Either double click on the record or clickÂ
This only applies to Synergetic constituencies. For example, double click on @STF to open the Staff Maintenance window.
Note: Synergetic constituencies cannot be maintained using the Constits tab. Perform maintenance in the related function. For example, update staff details in Staff Maintenance.
Constituency membership is listed by:
- code
- description
- date joined
- campus
- the date range of the association.
To open the Constits tab: - Select Module > Community Maintenance from the main menu.
The Set Community Search Criteria window is displayed.
Tip: You can also access the Set Community Search Criteria window by clicking .
- Search for the community member. See Searching for community members.
The Constits tab of the Community Maintenance window is displayed.

Community Maintenance - Constits tab key fields and buttons
Field | Description |
Code | Constituency code: - Synergetic constituencies are prefixed with @
- user-defined constituencies generally do not have a prefix.
Description | Description of the constituency. |
Date Joined | Date the community member(s) is added to the constituency. |
Campus | Campus the community member(s) is a constituent of, if applicable.
For example, use this field when a new staff member is appointed and assigned to a campus. |
From | Date the community member(s) started their involvement relating to the constituency(user-defined). For example: - a member of the School Council constituency has the date they started at the school in any capacity as the From date.
- a member of the Past School Council constituency has the date they started at the school council as the From date.
To | Date the community member(s) was removed from the constituency(user-defined).
Note: Do not complete the field when adding community member(s) to a constituency. Some organisations may use this field when entering historical information or when they know the date that the community member's constituency membership ends. |
Button | Description |
| Click to open the maintenance window associated with the selected constituency. For example, if @SC Current Student is selected, click to open the Current Student Maintenance window. |
| Click to add the community member to a constituency. See Adding a community member to a user-defined constituency. |
| Click to modify constituency details, for example by adding an end date.
Note: You can only modify constituency details for user-defined constituencies. |
| Click to delete the community member from a constituency.
Note: You can only delete community members from user-defined constituencies. |

| Click to display the spouse's details. |