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v69 - My Details - Confirmation of Details

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Confirm Details - Glossary

Confirmation PeriodA time period which schools set, and during which student contacts are asked to check, update and confirm their families 'My Details' in Community Portal. 
Community Member whose My Details are being confirmed

The Community Member whose My Details need to be confirmed.

Referred to as Confirmee in Maint, Audit and Action Centre messages.

Confirmer (Approver)The Community Member who is confirming the My Details of another Community Member (or themselves).
Fully ConfirmedWhen a Community Member has confirmations for all of the My Details Groups in a Confirmation Period, with the confirmations being in the periods open to close dates, then they are Fully Confirmed in that Confirmation Period.
ImpersonationCommunity Portal allows staff to log-in "as" a family member and impersonate a family member. While impersonating they have the ability to do all functionality that the impersonated family member can.
My DetailsMy Details - a tab in Community Portal in which are listed the personal details of family members. Community members identified as approvers are able to edit and confirm My Details.
My Details GroupMy Details are grouped in to 'like' Groups, eg Personal Information, Medical and Immunisation information, Census Information, etc.


Schools require confidence that the ‘My Details’ of students and their contacts are correct and up to date.  

To facilitate this, Synergetic has the Confirm My Details process.  This process centres around Confirmation Periods - a time period which schools set, and during which student contacts are asked to check, update and confirm their families 'My Details' in Community Portal.  Parents are reminded that confirmations are due by banners in Community Portal and via targeted action centre messages.

Schools are able to monitor progress of confirmations in Synergetic Application and Synergetic Web, by the use of purpose designed screens, reports and action centre messages.

Confirmation Period Configuration

Confirmation periods define who are to have their My Details confirmed, what My Details Group are to be confirmed, what messages a community member sees in Community Portal and when the Confirmation Period is in effect.

Confirmation Periods are configured in Look Up table maintenance.  

My Details are Confirmed in Community Portal

My Details are confirmed in Community Portal on the My Details tab.  They can be also be confirmed via Impersonation, or via  manual confirmation functionality for school staff in Synergetic Application and Synergetic Web) 

During the Confirmation Period, when parents log-in to Community Portal a Community Portal header banner prompts them  to go to My Details and confirm their families My Details.  

Families are expected to update My Details as required prior to confirming them.

Within My Details there are visual queues for who and where confirmation is required.  As confirmations are completed these visual queues disappear. When a families My Details are fully confirmed, then there will be no Confirm My Details visual queues remaining visible in Community Portal.

Functionality for Staff in Synergetic Windows and Synergetic Web

Synergetic Windows and Synergetic Web have purpose designed tabs and pages with functionality to allow staff to:

  • Monitor the progress of individuals My Details confirmations within Confirmation Periods
  • View the confirmation status of each My Details Group for Community Members 
  • Manually add and remove confirmations
  • Review individual confirmation activity for each My Details Group

Synergetic Application has this functionality for:

  • Current Student Maintenance

  • Future Student Maintenance

  • Community Maintenance

  • Maint

Synergetic Web has a sub-set of this functionality for:

  • Current Student Maintenance

  • Community Maintenance

Action Centre Messages

There are 4 Staff use and 2 Parent use Action Centre messages for Confirmation Periods.

For Staff use:

  • Confirmation Periods Open and Empty

  • Confirmations Made Recently - Daily 

  • Confirmation Periods Open Status - Daily 

  • Confirmation Periods Overdue Status - Daily

For Parent use:

  • Confirmations - Portal Approver

  • Confirmations Overdue - Portal Approver 


Reports that allow monitoring of progress in Confirmation Periods are:

  • Confirmation Period - Confirmers Report

  • Confirmation Period - Aggregate Progress

  • Report Confirmation Period - Confirmation Periods Report

  • Confirmation Period - Individual Progress Report

Audit table

There exists an Audit table to track:

  • Every confirmation transaction activity made, who made it and who it was made for
  • The nightly status of every Confirmee for every Open and Active Confirmation Period they are in 


Confirm My Details functionality is linked to licensing, so that only schools licensed for My Details can use Confirm My Details.

Detailed Description

Using the 'Confirmation of Details Dates' Look Up table

The luConfirmationOfDetailsDates lookup table is used to define a Confirmation Period:

  • Name
  • When the period runs
  • Who is included
  • Messages to display in Community Portal
  • What is to be confirmed

As minimal validations have been built in to luConfirmationOfDetailsDates lookup table, ie:

  1. Description is mandatory
  2. PortalMessage is mandatory
  3. PortalMessageOverdue is mandatory

the User has maximum flexibility to establish Confirmation Periods that meet their needs.  However this will allow non-sensical Confirmation Periods to be established.  Users need to take care when establishing Confirmation Periods, that the Period is configured to achieve the desired outcome; eg check that:

  • dates are in chronological order
  • If student contacts are included that student contact - My Details Groups have been selected for confirmation (and vice versa),
  • Year Levels exist at chosen Campus
  • Year Level To is greater than Year Level From.
  • etc

Example: luConfirmationOfDetailDates

luConfirmationOfDetailDates Contents

Seq The sequence number of the Confirmation Period row in the Look Up table.
ConfirmationDescriptionDescription of the Confirmation Period
OpenDateDate from which the Confirmation Period will appear in Community Portal, Synergetic Application, Synergetic Web, Action Centre Messages, Reports, etc
RequiredDateFrom this date the school considers any outstanding My Details confirmations as overdue. On 'Required Date' the 'Portal Message Overdue' header banner displays in Community Portal.

An in-built extension to Required Date; between Required Date and up to and including the Cut-Off Date, non confirmed Community Members are considered late, but can still make confirmations.

The 'Portal Message Overdue' displays in Community Portal as a header banner.

CloseDateThe last day upon which the Confirmation Period will appear in 'Confirm Details' tabs in SynMain and Synergetic Web.
CampusOnly students and their Contacts from this Campus will be included in the Confirmation Period as Confirmees. Either All (blank) or one Campus only, can be selected.
YearLevelFromOnly students and their contacts in this Year Level or higher will be included in the Confirmation Period as confirmees.

Only students and their contacts in this Year Level or below will be included in the Confirmation Period as confirmees.

Note: Ensure that Year Level To is greater than Year Level From.

This message will display as a header banner in Community Portal from Open Date to the day before Required Date. 

Message can include a html link in the form:

<a href="">Please confirm all My Details for your family.</a>


This message will display as a header banner in Community Portal from Required Date up to and including Portal Cut-Off Date. 

Message can include a html link in the form:

<a href="">Please confirm all My Details for your family.</a>


Include Current students and their student contacts in the Confirmation Period.

Student contacts are included if one or more of the Include SC flags below is On.


Include Future students and their student contacts in the Confirmation Period.

Student contacts are included if one or more of the Include SC flags below is On.

IncludeAllSCContactsInclude all types of student contacts for students included in the Confirmation Period. (If this Flag is on, this flag overrides the next 4 Include contacts flags
IncludeLivesWithContactsInclude student contacts marked as living with the student. * See Note
IncludeParentContactsInclude student contacts marked as parents of the student. * See Note
IncludeMailContactsInclude student contacts marked as mail contacts of the student. * See Note
IncludeReportsContactsInclude student contacts marked as receiving reports on the student. * See Note 
IncludeOtherConstits** Reserved for future use. Not currently in use. ** 
ConfirmStudentPersonalInclude the My Details Group - 'Personal' for students in the Confirmation Period. If 'On', Personal information will need to be confirmed for students included in the Confirmation Period.
ConfirmStudentMedicalInclude the My Details Group - 'Medical' for students in the Confirmation Period. If 'On', Medical information will need to be confirmed for students included in the Confirmation Period.
ConfirmStudentImmHCInclude the My Details Group - 'Immunisation and Health Care' for students in the Confirmation Period. If 'On', 'Immunisation and Health Care information will need to be confirmed for students included in the Confirmation Period. 
ConfirmStudentReqsInclude the My Details Group - 'Requirements' for students in the Confirmation Period. If 'On', 'Requirements the student has will need to be confirmed for Students included in the Confirmation Period. 
ConfirmStudentAbilitiesInclude the My Details Group - 'Abilities' for students in the Confirmation Period. If 'On', Student Abilities will need to be confirmed for students included in the Confirmation Period. 
ConfirmStudentLegalInclude the My Details Group - 'Legal' for students in the Confirmation Period. If 'On', Legal information will need to be confirmed for students included in the Confirmation Period. 
ConfirmStudentCensusInclude the My Details Group - 'Census' for students in the Confirmation Period. If 'On', Legal information will need to be confirmed for students included in the Confirmation Period. 
ConfirmContactCommunityPersonalInclude the My Details Group - 'Personal' for student contacts in the Confirmation Period. If 'On', Personal information will need to be confirmed for student contacts included in the Confirmation Period.
ConfirmContactCommunityAddressesInclude the My Details Group - 'Addresses ' for student contacts in the Confirmation Period. If 'On', the Address of student contacts included in the Confirmation Period will need to be confirmed .
ConfirmContactCommunityOccupationInclude the My Details Group - 'Occupation' for student contacts in the Confirmation Period. If 'On', the Occupation of student contacts included in the Confirmation Period will need to be confirmed . 
ConfirmContactCommunityCensusInclude the My Details Group - 'Census' for student contacts in the Confirmation Period. If 'On', the Census of student contacts included in the Confirmation Period will need to be confirmed . 
ActiveFlagWhether the selected Confirmation Period is active.
ModifiedDateDate Confirmation Period last modified.
ModifiedUserUser Confirmation Period last modified by.

Note:  Include Contacts can be chosen based on the on the Contacts 

Those Being Confirmed and Those Confirming

Community Member whose My Details are being confirmed

This is a Community Member who meets the requirements of a Confirmation Period; and is thus, someone who must have their My Details confirmed.  Such a Community Member is sometimes referred to as a Confirmee.  If such a Community Member has all of their My Details Groups within a Confirmation Period confirmed, then they are fully confirmed.  


A Confirmer is a Community Portal Approver who has Community Members in an open, active Confirmation Period.

What is a Confirmation

When each individual confirmation is made the following is recorded:

(even when multiple confirmations are manually made simultaneously):

  1. A sequence number for the confirmation
  2. Who the Confirmee was
  3. What My Details Group was confirmed
  4. When the confirmation is "As At"
  5. Who the Confirmer was
  6. When the confirmation actually happened
  7. Who actually made the confirmation
  8. A Reason for the confirmation


  • For confirmations made through Community Portal (including impersonation) the "As At" is the date and time the confirmation is made
  • For manual confirmation the 'When the confirmation is "As At".', may differ to when the confirmation was actually made.
  • For manual confirmation (including impersonation) the 'Who actually made the confirmation.' may differ to who the Confirmer was.
  • For confirmations made through Community Portal (including impersonation) the Reason is automatically recorded as 'Community Portal' or 'Impersonation', otherwise they are entered by the User.

Confirmation Periods are Dynamic

The system dynamically determines the contents of a Confirmation Period; the contents of a Confirmation Period are not stored and maintained, but calculated as and when needed, such as when:

  • A Confirmer logs into Community Portal
    • the system determines who of the family requires confirmation (confirmees) and displays them, based on the Community Portal configuration
  • A Windows tab or Synergetic Web Confirm Details row is loaded
    • the system determines which, if any, Confirmation Periods and confirmations should be displayed
  • A report is run; or
    • the system determines the Confirmation Period specific contents of the report when the report is generated
  • An Action Centre message is generated, etc

If the:

  • contents of an luConfirmationOfDetailDates is changed
  • Student Campus or Year Level changes
  • Future Student or Current Student changes to be Current or Past

these changes will flow out across Confirmation Period functionality.

When Is A Confirmation Relevant to a Confirmation Period

When a confirmation meets the requirements ( Who | What | When ) of a Confirmation Period, ie:

  • Confirmee fits the Confirmation Period, eg Current Student | Year 11 |  Campus S 
  • My Details Group fits the Confirmation Period, ie  luConfirmationOfDetailDates column is 'On', eg StudentPersonal is ticked
  • Confirmation Date, is between Open and Close Dates

then the system applies that confirmation to the Confirmation Period.

A single confirmation can apply to one, many or no Confirmation Periods.

Community Portal

My Details are confirmed in Community Portal on the My Details tab.  They can be also be confirmed via Impersonation, or via  manual confirmation functionality by school staff in Synergetic Application and Synergetic Web.

During the Confirmation Period, when parents log-in to Community Portal a Community Portal header banner prompts them  to go to My Details and confirm their families My Details.  

Families are expected to update My Details as required prior to confirming them.

Within My Details there are visual queues for who and where confirmation is required.  As confirmations are completed these visual queues disappear. When a families My Details are fully confirmed, there will be no Confirm My Details visual queues remaining visible in Community Portal.

A Family's Community Portal Page with Confirmations To Be Done

(1)The Portal Message / Portal Message Overdue banner.
(2)Family members who are Confirmees will have an (warning) Action Required or a (tick) Confirmed.  If neither a (warning) or a (tick) displays this means either that the Confirmee is not in the Period, or the family is fully confirmed.
(3)My Details will have an (warning) Action Required or a (tick) Confirmed.  If neither a (warning) or a (tick) displays, this means either that the Confirmee is not in the Period, or the family is fully confirmed.


This banner instructs the Confirmer on what to do, and names the My Details Group and Confirmee selected.


"Awaiting confirmation" - At least one member of the family has at least one My Details Group not yet confirmed.
(6)Confirm banner is where the confirmation is made by the Confirmer ticking the box and clicking confirm.  The banner names the My Details Group and Confirmee selected.

Synergetic Application and Synergetic Web

Synergetic Windows and Synergetic Web have purpose designed tabs and rows with functionality to allow staff to:

  • Monitor the progress of individuals My Details confirmations within Confirmation Periods
  • View the confirmation status of each My Details Group for Community Members 
  • Manually add and remove confirmations
  • Review individual confirmation activity for each My Details Group

Synergetic Application has this functionality for:

  • Future Student Maintenance > Confirm Details

  • Current Student Maintenance > Confirm Details

  • Community Maintenance > Confirm Details

  • Maint tab within these modules

Synergetic Web has this functionality for:

  • Current Student Maintenance > Confirm Details

  • Community Maintenance > Confirm Details

Synergetic Application

Student Maintenance > Confirm Details tab

(1)     Confirm Details has three sub tabs:

  • Open Confirmation Periods
  • Student Confirmation Status
  • Student Contacts Confirmation Status

Open Confirmation Periods sub tab

For the Student (as Confirmee) and their Student Contacts (as Confirmers) display all open and active Confirmation Periods, and their current status.  (For image see above.)


Open Confirmation Periods sub-tab >

Confirmation Periods (Student) grid

Displays all open and active Confirmation Periods, and their current status, for the Current Student.

Confirmation DescriptionThe Confirmation Period Description.

One of:

  • Yes - the Confirmee is fully confirmed in the Confirmation Period
  • Blank - the Confirmee not fully confirmed in the Confirmation Period
  • N/A - the Confirmee has no relevant My Details Groups marked as on for the Confirmation Period
Finalised ByThe person who confirmed the final My Details Group for the Confirmee in the Confirmation Period
Finalised DateThe date the final confirmation was made
My Details Groups

Only My Details Groups relevant to the Confirmee show in the grid, they are one of:

  • Yes - the Confirmee is confirmed in that My Details Group
  • Blank - the Confirmee not confirmed in that My Details Group
  • N/A - the My Details Group is not marked as on for the Confirmation Period

Open Confirmation Periods sub-tab >

Confirmation Periods (Student Contacts) grid

Displays all open and active Confirmation Periods, and their current status for the Student Contacts of the Current Student

Confirmation DescriptionThe Confirmation Period Description.
TypeFrom Student Maintenance > Students Contacts for the selected Confirmee (Student)

From Student Maintenance > Students Contacts for the selected Confirmee (Student)

If the Student Contact row is a couple, then they have a row each in this grid


One of:

  • Yes - the Confirmee is fully confirmed in the Confirmation Period
  • Blank - the Confirmee not fully confirmed in the Confirmation Period
  • N/A - the Confirmee has no relevant My Details Groups marked as on for the Confirmation Period
Finalised ByThe person who confirmed the final My Details Group for the Confirmee in the Confirmation Period
Finalised DateThe date the final confirmation was made
My Details Groups

Only My Details Groups relevant to the Confirmee show in the grid, they are one of:

  • Yes - the Confirmee is confirmed in that My Details Group
  • Blank - the Confirmee not confirmed in that My Details Group
  • N/A - the My Details Group is not marked as on for the Confirmation Period
(4)Add Confirmations button

Clicking Add Confirmation opens the Manual Confirmation window.

Clicking cancel at any time closes the Manual Confirmation window.

The user selects / enters the:

  • My Details groups: Tick the My Details group(s) to be confirmed,
  • Confirmed By: Who confirmed the details,
  • Confirmed Date: When the confirmer made the confirmation
  • Reason for Manual Entry: Reason manual entry was used

When the details have been selected / entered the 'Confirm' button is clicked

This displays a final Confirm window:

  • Clicking OK executes the confirmation
  • Cancel returns to the previous screen
(5) Remove Confirmations button

Clicking Remove Confirmation opens the Remove Confirmation window. The name of the confirmee is displayed.

Clicking cancel at any time closes the Manual Confirmation window.

To remove a confirmation, the user chooses selection criteria, hits Refresh to display potential 'for removal' confirmations, selects the confirmations for removal, enters a removal reason and clicks remove.

Step by Step:

  • My Details Group: Select the My Details Groups which the confirmations to be removed belong to
  • From and To Date: Select a date range across which the confirmations to be removed are 'Confirmed As At'
  • Refresh button: Click to display the confirmations that meet the selected criteria in the grid
  • Remove column: Select the confirmations to remove
  • Removal Reason: Short explanation of why the confirmations are being removed
  • Remove button: Proceed to confirming the removal

The 'Confirm Remove Confirmation' window is displayed:

This displays a final Confirm window:

  • Clicking OK executes the removal
  • Cancel returns to the previous screen
(6) Launch Community Maintenance

Click  to launch into Community Maintenance.

Student Confirmation Status sub tab

For the Student (as Confirmee) display all the latest confirmation detail.

All of the My Details Groups (Personal, Medical etc) relevant to the student are displayed.  Each My Details Group shows:

  • Last Confirmed
    • the date the My Details Group was last confirmed
  • Confirmed By, 
    • the Confirmer who confirmed the My Details Group as correct

If the My Details Group is not yet confirmed, these two fields will be empty.

This page allows a quick visual scan to see the currency of the students My Details Groups.

Student Contacts Confirmation Status sub tab

The Student Contacts Confirmation Status sub tab displays confirmation information for the students' contacts.

(1)Student Contacts GridThis grid is made up of a view of some of the information shown in the Contacts tab. The last update date of the My Details Groups shows.
(2)Student Contacts ConfirmationsThis is a view of some of the information shown in the Contacts tab, for the selected Student Contact.
(3)My Details Groups

All of the My Details Groups (Personal, Occupation etc) relevant to the Student Contact are displayed.  Each My Details Group shows:

  • Last Confirmed
    • the date the My Details Group was last confirmed
  • Confirmed By, 
    • the Confirmer who confirmed the My Details Group as correct

If the My Details Group is not yet confirmed, these two fields will be empty.

This page allows a quick visual scan to see the currency of the Student Contacts My Details Groups.

Future Student Maintenance > Confirm Details tab

Future Student Maintenance has the same functionality as Current Student Maintenance (see) above.

Community Maintenance >  Confirm Details tab

Community Maintenance > Confirm Details sub tabs:

(1)      Open Confirmation Periods

      • See Student Maintenance > Open Confirmation Periods above

(2)      Community Confirmation Status

      • See Student Maintenance > See Student Contacts Confirmation Status
(Note:     Community Maintenance > Confirm Details sub tabs does not have Student Contacts Confirmation Status tab, as the focus is on the Community Member.)

Student  Maintenance >  Maint tab > Confirm Details sub tab

(Note:    Also Future Student Maintenance and Community Maintenance.)

Use the Maint tab to track confirmation activity and overnight status.  This information is retained for audit purposes.

A row is inserted into Maint for two activities:

  • Each time a confirmation activity occurs
    • Add confirmation
    • Remove confirmation
  • Nightly insert
    • Each night a row is inserted for each active, open Confirmation Period to capture the current confirmation status of the Community Member.

Maint tab rows are a composite row of matching rows from the:

  • My Details Confirmation Audit table; and the 
  • My Details Confirmation History table
Column NameDescriptionSource table
Date/TimeThe Date/Time the maintenance row was inserted.My Details Confirmation Audit table
Audit table SeqThere is an Audit table underlying Maint tab.  This field is the sequence number of the Maint row in the Audit table.My Details Confirmation Audit table
Action Type
  • Nightly Audit
  • Confirmation
  • Confirmation Removal
My Details Confirmation Audit table
Confirmee IDID of the Community MemberMy Details Confirmation Audit table
Confirmer ID'sThe list of those Community Members:
  • That are an Approver for the Confirmee; and
  • Have access to the Community Portal My Details tab
(Based on Community Member role, and Community Portal configuration)
My Details Confirmation Audit table
Confirmation Period
  • For a Nightly Audit insert row, the Sequence Number of the open and active Confirmation Period the Community Member is a participant in
  • For a Confirmation or Confirmation Removal, the Sequence Number of the open and active Confirmation Period that the Community Member is a participant in
  • Field is blank; if when Confirmation or Confirmation Removal transaction occurred, the Community Member is not a participant in an open and active Confirmation Period
lu Confirmation Of Details Dates
Personal Status

Nightly Audit

    • The confirmation status of the My Details Group at the time of the nightly run


    • If when Confirmation occurred, the Community Member is a participant in an open and active Confirmation Period
      • the status of the My Details Group after the transaction
    • if when Confirmation occurred, the Community Member is not a participant in an open and active Confirmation Period
      • Yes - for the My Details Group confirmed
      • All other My Details Group are N/A

Confirmation Removal

    • Deleted - for the My Details Group confirmed
    • All other My Details Group are N/A
My Details Confirmation Audit table
Medical Status
Imm & HC Status
Reqs Status
Abilities Status
Legal Status
Census Status
Address Status
Occupation Status
Triggered By
  • The sequence number of the Confirmations History table; for the Confirmation or Confirmation Removal transaction that triggered the maintenance table row insert
  • Blank for a Nightly Audit row
My Details Confirmation Audit table
Modified Date
  • The Date/Time the triggering transaction occurred
  • Blank for a Nightly Audit row

My Details Confirmation History table

Modified By
  • ID Of who made the triggering transaction
  • Blank for a Nightly Audit row
My Details Confirmation History table
History table Seq
  • The sequence number of the Confirmations History table; for the Confirmation or Confirmation Removal transaction that triggered the maintenance table row insert
  • Blank for a Nightly Audit row
My Details Confirmation History table
  • For an 'Insertion' - Confirmation
  • For a 'Deletion' - Confirmation Removal
  • Blank for a Nightly Audit row
My Details Confirmation History table
Confirmed Date
  • The Date/Time the Confirmation occurred (ie, if a Deletion row, the Date/Time the confirmation that has been deleted was made)
  • Blank for a Nightly Audit row
My Details Confirmation History table
Confirmed By
  • ID of Community Member who confirmed the My Details Group
  • Blank for a Nightly Audit row
My Details Confirmation History table
Confirmation Flag Name
  • My Details Group name
  • Blank for a Nightly Audit row
My Details Confirmation History table
  • The Date/Time the triggering transaction occurred
  • Blank for a Nightly Audit row
My Details Confirmation History table

Synergetic Web

Student Maintenance > Confirm Details tab

Students > Student Maintenance > Confirm Details > Open Confirmation Period

Functionality is same as Synergetic Application.  (See above.)

Students > Student Maintenance > Confirm Details > Student Confirmation Status

Functionality is same as Synergetic Application.  (See above.)

Students > Student Maintenance > Confirm Details > Student Contacts Confirmation Status

Functionality is same as Synergetic Application.  (See above.)

Note: Synergetic Web does not have Future Students.

Community > Confirm Details tab

Open Confirmation Period

Community Confirmation Status

(5 & 6) Action Centre Messages

The following Action Centre messages are available:

Synergetic Application > System > Settings Maintenance (Action Centre Message Types) > Community > Confirm My Details

Action Centre Messages For Staff


Confirmation Periods Open and Empty


This information message is for Staff and is a report that lists any open Confirmation Periods for which there are no Community Members meeting the
Confirmation Period inclusion criteria.

Confirmation Periods that are between their 'Open' and 'Close Dates' are included.

The message will be created by an overnight process and sent to all users that are subscribed to this message type.

The message runs nightly and reports the status as at run time. If there are no open, empty Confirmation Periods, no message is sent.

A Confirmation Period is included when all of its Include in Confirmation Period columns, (eg Include Current Students and Contacts) are Off (not ticked).

Confirmations Made Recently - Daily


This information message is for Staff and is a listing of Confirmations made:

  • Today (if run-time is between 8 am and midnight)
  • Yesterday (if run-time is between midnight and 8 am)

The message will be created by an overnight process and sent to all users that are subscribed to this message type.

If no Confirmation has been made during the report period no message is sent.

If the report runs between 8 am and midnight, it will not pick up any confirmations made between run-time and midnight.

Displays the:

Confirmee | Confirmer | My Details Group | Date Confirmed

for all confirmations that meet the above criteria

Confirmation Periods Open Status - Daily


This information message is for Staff and shows the confirmation status of all Community Members included in Confirmation Periods which have not yet reached the Required By Date.

The message will be created by an overnight process and sent to all users that are subscribed to this message type.

The message runs nightly and reports the status as at run time.

If there is no Active, Current Confirmation Period, no message is sent.

Confirmation Periods that are between their 'Open' and 'Required By' Dates are included.

This includes the 'Not Applicable' count, which is the count of all Community Members in the Confirmation Period, whose role does not have any My Details Group included for confirmation in the period (Confirm columns ticked in the Look Up table).

Confirmation Periods Overdue Status - Daily


This information message is for Staff and shows the confirmation status of all Community Members included in Confirmation Periods which are past the Required By Date.

The message will be created by an overnight process and sent to all users that are subscribed to this message type.

The message runs nightly and reports the status as at run time.

If there are no active, Confirmation Periods past their required by date, no message is sent.

Confirmation Periods that are between their 'Required By' and 'Close Dates' are included,

This message does not include any Community Members in the Confirmation Period, who do not have any My Details Group included for confirmation in the period; due to no Confirm columns being ticked in the Look Up table.

 Click here to view 'Confirmation Periods Open and Empty'

While the Confirmation Period Year 7 - Easter 2019 is open, no Community Members have been included, as can be seen from all the Include Student / Contacts and Include Contact Types columns being No.

 Click here to view 'Confirmations Made Recently - Daily'

 Click here to view 'Confirmation Periods Open Status - Daily'

The Not Applicable count, (in this case 1,390) - is the count of all Community Members in the Confirmation Period, who do not have any My Details Group included for confirmation in the period - all their My Details Groups are N/A.

 Click here to view 'Confirmation Periods Overdue Status - Daily'

This message does not include any Community Members in the Confirmation Period, who do not have any My Details Group included for confirmation in the period; due to no Confirm columns being ticked in the Look Up table.

Action Centre Messages For Families


Confirmations - Portal Approver


This information message is for Portal Approvers and is a reminder to complete My Details confirmations.
The message will be created by an overnight process and sent to all Portal Approval Authorities with outstanding confirmations, and access to Community Portal - My Details tab.
The message uses the latest My Details Confirmation Audit table data, if the Audit table nightly update has not run, the message will not generate and an error will log.
If no outstanding My Details confirmations exist then no message is sent.

Confirmations Overdue - Portal Approver


This information message is for Portal Approvers and is a reminder to complete overdue My Details confirmations.

The message will be created by an overnight process and sent to all Portal Approval Authorities with outstanding confirmations, and access to Community Portal - My Details tab.

The message uses the latest My Details Confirmation Audit table data, if the Audit table nightly update has not run, the message will not generate and an error will log.

If no overdue My Details confirmations exist then no message is sent.

 Click here to view 'Community Portal Action Centre'

(7) Reports

Reports are currently in development.

(9) Audit table

The Audit table (MyDetailsConfirmationAudit) is discussed in the Maint tab >Confirm Details sub tab section above.

The columns of the Audit table are:

Audit Table column

(10) Licensing

Schools have to be licensed users of My Details to utilise the Confirm My Details functionality.

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