The tests found that when there are multiple concurrent connections the Web service would intermittently get this error "Exception occurred ReviveSqlLiteSession"
A mini refactor refactoring project was done as part of this ticket: of DSY-12454 completed 30/10/2018
The improvements are listed below:
- Remove SqlLite database
- Store all Mobile Session activity in the table: MobileSession
- Store all Mobile API Activity in MobileSessionHistory so there is an audit log of what the SynMobile App users are doing
- Store the PINs in MobilePin
- Split the Session Expiry and PIN Expiry in to separate logic
- Shift these ExpiryMinutes values out of the XML file and in to the Config Table
- SynMobile|Session|KeepAliveMinutes (Default 20160 - 2 Weeks)
- SynMobile|PIN|KeepAliveMinutes (Default 262080 - 26 Weeks)
- Handle session expiry and Pin expiry situations clearer : tell the user the Session or PIN has expired and they need to log in again
Fix Available
Initially available in a Patch Form (rolled out to some test clients):
- WebService V69.13.00
- SynMobile WebService Improvement DBPatch
Compatible Available in v69.14 onwards.
Can be made available with any V68 and V69 versionClients on earlier versions can have a hot fix applied- please contact support for more information.