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Use the searchable Groups view of the Group/User Security Maintenance window to:


Use the security Rights area on the Group/User Security Maintenance window to choose the security areas to be displayed for configuration.

Resource options




Security access to Synergetic programs, tabs and functions.

Reports CDA

Reports that have been supplied with Synergetic by Synergetic Management Systems.

Note: If you have modified a report and placed it in the Site directory with the same name as an existing Synergetic Management Systems report then this comes under this category.

Reports Site

Reports interfaces that have been set up by your organisation.

User Forms

Custom user forms.

User Search Screen

Access to custom search screens for modules.

Web User Forms

Custom user forms for the web products.

SQL Server Objects

Create a SQL database role to encapsulate the permission that allows members of the role to access information using ODBC connections through programs such as Microsoft Excel.


1. The SQL role is prefixed with SYN when you view it in SQL Server Management Studio in: Server > Database > Synergetic_SCHOOLCODE > Security > Roles > Database Roles.

2. Users are not automatically added into SQL roles even if the user belongs to the same Synergetic security group. You must use SQL Server Management Studio to do this.

3. Roles are only created for the database you are currently in (Database field at the top right of the window).

Document Classifications

Access to types of documents stored in Synergetic and linked to community members via DocMan tabs. For example, only users in the Enrolment Office group are permitted to see enrolment application forms.


Security access to constituencies with the group security meaning. See luConstituency lookup table.

File Types

Access to file types. See luFileType lookup table.

Action Centre Types

Access to Action Centre message types stored in Synergetic and linked to community members using subscriptions.

API RolesAccess to API Role types.

Event Types

Custom event types.

Dashboard TilesAccess to dashboard widget tiles on the SynWeb dashboard.

Job Position Assignment

Custom job position assignments. See the luJobPositionCategory lookup table.

Staff CategoryCustom staff category assignments. See theĀ luStaffCategory lookup table.


  1. Against the STU entry, select Select.
  2. Give Select/Update/Insert/Delete rights to Student Medical Details and the tabs within this that you want the users to be able to view or edit.




Tab or program can be viewed by users in the group.

Note: Users who do not have Select permissions for a module are not able to see the module in the Synergetic menu or icons, regardless of what other permissions they have.


Users in this group can modify data and existing records.


Users in this group can create new records in the database.


Users in this group can delete records from the database.


Group/User Security Maintenance window - Groups view key fields and buttons




Select whether to display either:

  • all records
  • authorised records
  • non-authorised records.

Show Authorised Users And Groups

Select to display the users and groups that are authorised to access the selected resource.




Edit the Synergetic schema descriptions.

The Edit Synergetic Schema Descriptions window is displayed.

  1. Double-click the Description field of the schema.
  2. Type a new description into the Description field.
  3. Click .

Maintain users in the highlighted group. See Adding multiple users to a security group.

Apply the updates you have just made to the group details.

Do not apply the changes you have made to the group details.
