The luSchool lookup table is used to populate the drop-down list of previous schools when creating a current or future student.
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Also see:
- Create New Student - School window in the Current students manual
- Maintaining community members in the Community manual.
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Note: These fields are not editable. All changes to these fields must be made via Community Maintenance. See Maintaining community members in the Community manual.
Field | Description |
Code | Unique code to represent the school. |
Description | Name of the school. |
Address1 | School's main address. |
Address2 | School's secondary address, if applicable. |
Address3 | School's third address, if applicable. |
Suburb | Suburb school is located in. |
State | State school is located in. |
PostCode | School's post code. |
Phone | School's main phone number. |
Fax | School's fax number. |
School's email address. | |
CountryCode | Code for country school is located in. |
RSBNumber | Registered School Board number. Used when exporting data. |
Type | School type. For example, a primary school. |
SchoolID | Synergetic ID for the school. |
PrincipalID | The Synergetic ID of the school principal. |
ExternalSystemType | Used for mapping data to external systems. |
ExternalSystemCode | Used for mapping data to external systems. |
ActiveFlag | If selected, this school is active and appears in drop-down lists. |
Principal Name | Name of the school's principal. |
AssociatedSchoolFlag | Select if this school is an associated school. |
CompetitorSchoolFlag | Select if this school is a competitor school. |
FeederSchoolFlag | Select if this school is a feeder school. |
ShareAppInfoFlag | Select to share student application information with this school. |
SortOrder | Order the schools are displayed in the drop-down list. |
ModifiedDate | Date of the last time the lookup table entry was modified. |
ModifiedUser | User that last modified the lookup table entry. |