Use the Set Past Student Search Criteria window to search for past students. See Searching in the Introduction manual for details on how to use the search tools.
Note: If the student is not found, click to add a new past student from this window. See Creating past students.
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To open the Set Past Student Search Criteria window:
In the Set Past Student Search Criteria window, type in the information you know about the student or group of past students.
Set Past Student Search Criteria window key fields and buttons
General area fields
Field | Description |
File Type | Search for students by the file type of the class. |
Year / | Search for students by year and term of enrolment. |
Campus | Search for students by the campus where their classes or courses are held. |
Class/Course area fields
Field | Description |
Class Code | Search for students by class code, if applicable. |
Course Code | Search for students by course code, if applicable. |
Linked Course Code | Search for students with courses that are linked to the course code specified, if applicable. |
Course Status | Search for students by course status, if applicable. |
Student area fields
Field | Description |
Peer Year | Year the student would have completed their final year of secondary schooling. Also known as alumni year. |
Year Left | Last year of schooling at your organisation. |
Last Campus | Last campus attended. |
Sub School | Search for students by the sub-school they are grouped into, if applicable. This is used mostly by multi-campus organisations that provide schooling for all year levels at each campus. For example, year levels can be grouped into:
Warning: Do not add sub-schools by selecting from the right click menu because entries are required in both the luSubSchool and the luYearLevel lookup tables. |
Last Year Level | Year level that the student left your organisation. |
Last House | House the student was involved with. |
Branch | Branch of the association that the past student is a member of. |
Gender | Search for students by gender. Note: You can define the list of genders used at your organisation using the luGender lookup table. See luGender lookup table. |
Surname | Student's last name. |
Prev Surname | Previous surname if the student has changed their name. For example, the immediate previous surname of a student that has married once. |
Given 1 | Student's given name. |
Preferred | Student's preferred name. |
Name at School | Normally in the form of Surname, Given 1 (Preferred) but for searching purposes you can use the surname only. |
Gov Student No | Student number assigned to the student by the government. |
ID | Automatically generated by Synergetic when you create a new past student. Used for searching for an individual student. |
Tagged IDs | Past students you have previously tagged. |
Button | Description |
Add a new student record. See Creating past students. |