Maintenance windows have a set of buttons at the bottom that allow you to navigate quickly.
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O_5634 | O_5634
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O_5635 | O_5635 |
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| Save where you currently are.
This allows you to start up a new program (or the same program with different search criteria). The window you were using is kept open and you can navigate back to it at any time.
Tip: This is useful if you have a quick query to answer for someone. You can go into any area of Synergetic, find out the information you want and then go back to where you were without losing any changes you have made. |
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O_5636 | O_5636 | Image Modified
| Display the Set Search Criteria window. |
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O_5637O_5637 | Image Modified
| Go to the previous tab. Same as Alt + B. |
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O_5638 | O_5638 |
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| Go to the next tab. Same as Alt + N. |
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O_5639 | O_5639 | Image Modified
| Move from one window to another. For example, moving from the maintenance window to the Selector grid or vice versa. |
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O_6772O_6772 | Image Modified
| Close the current application, including the maintenance window and the Selector grid. |
There are also a number of other buttons that can appear on relevant community windows.
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O_5640O_5640 | Image Modified
| Display the spouse record of the currently selected community record.
Depending on the record, the following buttons may be displayed instead: Image Modified to display the primary contact record for the selected spouse. Image Modified if the primary contact record does not have a spouse and you need to add a spouse to your community database.
anchorO_5641 | O_5641 | Image Modified
| Display the primary contact record for the selected spouse. |
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O_5642 | O_5642 |
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| Create a spouse record if the primary contact does not currently have a spouse record. |