- Open the Contacts tab of Future Student Maintenance. See Future Student Maintenance - Contacts tab.
- Click .
The Create New Future Student Contact - Name window is displayed.
- Select the relationship between the two people.
Note: This window is only displayed the first time a particular person is added as the student's contact. For example, if a parent already exists as the SC2 contact and you want to add them as the SE1 contact, the Select Relationship window does not appear as their relationship has already been defined.
Note: See the key fields on the Contacts tab of Future Student Maintenance. See Future Student Maintenance - Contacts tab.
- Click
The contact details for the student are added.
Tip: Depending on your organisation's preferences and the type of relationship, the Use Email or Use SMS flags may be automatically set to Default. For example, relationships of Mother may be configured to be Default. Check the grid area Relations tab to override any inappropriate email or SMS settings for both members of the relationship. .