Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Use the General tab to view or update information about the fee, including:

  • a description of the fee
  • the amount to be charged, if applicable
  • any discounts
  • the description that is to appear on the statement.


titleOpening the General tab

To open the General tab:

  1. Select Module > Debtors > Fee Maintenance from the main menu.
    The Set Debtor Fee Search Criteria window is displayed.
    Tip: You can also access the debtor functions by clicking .
  2. Enter the search criteria. See Searching in the Introduction manual for information on how to use the search tools.
  3. Click .
    The General tab of the Debtor Fee Maintenance window is displayed.
    Image RemovedImage Added

Debtor Fee Maintenance - General tab key fields




A description of the fee.


Select the category to which the fee belongs. See luDebtorFeeCategory lookup table in the Finance manual.


If selected, the debtor fee is active and can be used by Synergetic programs.
Note: This field is read-only. If you want to change the active status of the fee, use the or buttons described below.


The amount of the fee, if applicable. For example, tuition fees have set amounts, whereas bookshop sales do not.

Fee is Normally a Credit

Most fees are positive amounts. Select this field if the fee is a negative amount.
If set, then a warning message displays in the Debtor Charges Entry function if the amount is not entered as negative.

Use Instalments

If selected, the fee code is defined as an instalment payable code. Only use this if your organisation offers payment by instalment.

Allow Zero Charge Amount

Select this field if you want an entry on the debtor's statement for this fee, regardless of whether the amount is zero or not.
Will allow comments only in the Debtor Charges Entry function.

Discount Percentage

If the fee code is for a discount, enter the percentage of the discount. You can only enter a Discount Percentage if the Amount field is zero.

Discount Based on

If the fee code is a discount, select the figure that the discount is to be based on.
See Applying discounts for more information on how discounts work.

Discount Alters Nett Base

If this is selected, the discount will alter the nett base that might be used by later discounts being changed in the Automatic Tuition function.

Description on Statement

The type of description that appears on statements to debtors:

  • Fee Description + Charge Description
  • Charge Description Only (copies fee desc if not entered)
  • Fee Description Only
  • Summarise.

Tip: If you periodically change your Fee Descriptions (for example, to reflect the current term) use Charge Description Only (copies fee desc if not entered) and leave the Charge Description blank. The Fee Description is copied into the statement description. When you update your Fee Descriptions, the existing statements keep the old description.

Print Student Name

Select to print the student's name on every line of the statement.
If your organisation uses family based billing, you can select this field so that the relevant student name appears on each statement line relating to this fee. See Types of billing.
The student name on each statement is superfluous if:

  • You use student-based billing. That is, one statement per student.
  • Your statement group changes under each student's name.




Mark the debtor fee as Active or Not Active. An Active debtor fee can be used in Synergetic programs.
