Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Use the Occupation Address tab to specify the occupation address details.

titleOpening the Occupation Address tab

To open the Occupation Address tab:

  1. Select Module > Community Maintenance from the main menu.
    The Set Community Search Criteria window is displayed.

    You can also access the Set Community Search Criteria window by clicking

  2. Search for the community member. See Searching for community members.
    The Constits tab of the Community Maintenance window is displayed.
  3. Click the Occupation Address tab.
    The Occupation Address tab of the Community Maintenance window is displayed.
    Image RemovedImage Added

Community Maintenance - Occupation Address tab fields

Address search area fields

Note: For information about enabling address validation using the Quick Address System (QAS), see Configuring address validation.



Address search

Search for the community member's address online using the Quick Address System (QAS).

To search for an address:

  1. Select the country using the Country drop-down list.
  2. Type the address into the Address search field.
    The list of matching addresses is displayed.
  3. Select the address you would like to add.

Tip: You can narrow search results by typing more details of the address.


Select a country from this drop-down list to filter the addresses displayed in the Address search field.

Enter Manual/Overseas AddressSelect to disable the Address search area fields and enter the address manually.

General area fields



Line 1

First line of the address.

Line 2

Second line of the address, if required.

Line 3

Third line of the address, if required.





Note: Only Australian states are available for selection. If the community member lives overseas, do not enter state details.


Community member's postcode.

Note: Only Australian postcodes can be entered. If the community member lives overseas, do not enter a postcode.


Country of residence if applicable.

Note: Only use for overseas community members.


Additional addressing information, such as the nearest cross road.


Delivery postal identifier used to format postal addressing information on envelopes. Used to:

  • increase mailing accuracy
  • reduce postal charges.

Note: DPID, Sort Plan Number and PAF Version are automatically populated if RAT is used at your organisation. These fields are cleared to avoid them being made invalid by any manual address changes.

Sort Plan Number

Barcode sort plan number used for large mailing runs using Australia Post.

PAF Version

Version of the postal address file from Australia Post

Auxiliary area fields




Additional addressing information, such as the nearest cross road.