- Search for existing absence events. See Searching for absence events.
- Add new absence events, each with a different mode (absence event type):
- Record details of absence slips that were returned from classes. See Recording absence slips.
- Record details of a student who signed in late. See Recording late sign ins.
- Record details of a student signing in. See Recording a student signing in manually.
- Record details of a student signing out. See Recording a student signing out manually.
- Record details of a student who is expected in at a given date and time. See Recording a student's expected arrival.
- Record details of a student who is expected to leave at a given date and time. See Recording a student's expected departure.
- Record details of a student who is expected to leave at a given date and time, and is expected back by a given time. See Recording a student's expected departure and return.
- Record details of a student who is absent all day or for a number of days. See Recording all day absences.
- Record details of a student who is absent on an excursion. See Recording excursions.
- Record details of students sign in or signing out automatically. See Unattended sign in and sign out.
Note: To record a group absence, see Recording group absences in bulk.
- Modify existing absence events.
Changing the Synergetic configuration
For detailed information about configuring the way the Absence Events function operates, see:
- Maintaining absence events lookup tables in the System maintenance manual
- Maintaining absence events configuration settings in the System maintenance manual.
If you need to restrict the overall modes available, including on a PC by PC basis, this can be done using the luAbsenceEventType lookup table. See luAbsenceEventType lookup table in the System maintenance manual.
In the example shown, below a PC has been setup up for unattended sign in and sign out of students. The Auto Sign In and Auto Sign Out options have been set up to be displayed only for the PC specified.
Multiple host names can be set up against one mode (such as Sign In) by specifying each computer, each separated by a comma.
If you want to turn off the host names specified, just put an asterisk in front of them. This saves having to type them in at a later date.
If you need to speed up data entry of individual student absences, discuss with the Synergetic administrator clearing the ShowAttendDetailsOnCreateFlag in the luAbsenceEventType lookup table. The absences history and student's timetable are not displayed when creating absences. See ShowApplyAbsenceTypeAlwaysFlag configuration setting in the System maintenance manual.