Use the Set Absence Events Search Criteria window to search for absence events to be reviewed and updated.
You can also use the Set Absence Events Search Criteria window to search for absence events for students in a tag list. See Displaying absence events using tag lists.
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To open the Absence Events Search Criteria window:
Set Absence Events Search Criteria window key fields
Field | Description |
Absence Event Type | Type of absence event, such as an all day absence. |
Year & Sem | Year and term or semester you are checking the absence events for. Defaults to the current year and term or semester. |
Campus | Campus the students are enrolled at. |
Year Level | Year level the students are attending. |
Sub School | Search for students by the sub-school they are grouped into, if applicable.
Period | Period that the absence events occur in. |
Absence Type | Type of absence. |
Absence Reason | Reason code that applies to the absence. |
Description | Comments added to the absence event. |
House | House that the students belong to. |
Form | Form that the students are members of. |
Tutor Group | Tutor group that the students belong to. |
Absent Date From | Starting date for the range of absences. |
Absent Date To | Ending date for the range of absences. |
Surname | Surname of the students. |
Preferred | Preferred name of the students. |
Gender Select: | Gender of the students. Note: You can define the list of genders used at your organisation using the luGender lookup table. See luGender lookup table. |
ID | Synergetic ID of the students. |
Tagged IDs | Select to display the absence events for the list of tagged community members. See Displaying absence events using tag lists. |
Contact Made | Select based on whether the Contact Made field was selected or not:
Contact Received | Select based on whether the Contact Received field was selected or not:
Note Made | Select based on whether the Note Made field was selected or not:
Note Received | Select based on whether the Note Rcvd field was selected or not:
Late Arrivals | Check absence events with an Absence Type of Late as follows:
Approved | If the Approved flag is shown on the Create Absence Event window, set as follows:
Bulk Created Absence | Include records where the records were created using the Absentee Bulk Entry window. |
Notification Sent | Select based on whether a notification has been sent or not. |