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Use the Declarations tab to record details of payroll employee declarations submitted by for tax purposes.


What you can doSee...
  • Australian organisations


  • TFN declarations
  • Withholding declarations.

Once these declarations are complete you can select a submission status using the Status drop-down list. Declarations with a status of Ready to Send are submitted in the next Single Touch Payroll event. See Processing STP and Payday Filing.


  • can record TFN declarations and withholding declarations.
  • New Zealand organisations


  • can


Tax File Number status of the selected payroll employee. You can select:

  • TFN Supplied
  • No TFN Supplied (000000000)
  • TFN Applied For (111111111)
  • TFN Applied For (But not supplied in 28 days) (000000000)
  • Under 18 Exemption (333333333)
  • Pension Exemption (444444444)
  • Invalid TFN (987654321).


Tax File Number or Special Tax File Number of the selected payroll employee.

Note: Special Tax File Numbers are used to indicate a status other than TFN Supplied. See the TFN Status field above.

Note: This field only accepts numerical values and performs a validation check to ensure only valid Tax File Numbers are entered. The following window is displayed when an invalid value is entered:
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Additionally, the following window is displayed if the entered Tax File Number has already been assigned to an existing employee.
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Note: When you update this field you are asked whether the employee record is to be updated with the new value.


Residential status for tax purposes. You can select:

  • Resident
  • Non-Resident
  • Working Holiday Maker.


Tax scale that applies for the employee based on information supplied by the payroll employee upon the commencement of their employment.


Employment status of the payroll employee. For example, Full time.

Note: When you update this field you are asked whether the employee record needs to be updated with the new value.


Select if the tax-free threshold is being claimed by the payroll employee.

Australian residents for tax purposes can claim tax-free income up to a certain threshold that is set each year by the Australian Tax Office. For information about the latest threshold, see Claiming the tax free threshold.


Used to indicate whether the selected payroll employee has existing student loan debt. When this field is selected additional withholding is performed to cover compulsory student loan repayments.

This field must be selected if the payroll employee has existing student loan debt for either:

  • Higher Education Loan Program (HELP)
  • Student Start-up Loan (SSL)
  • ABSTUDY Student Start-up Loan (ABSTUDY SSL)
  • Trade Support Loan (TSL).

Note: When you update this field you are asked whether the corresponding HELP/SSL or TSL Debt field on the General tab of Payroll Maintenance needs to be updated.


Used to indicate whether the selected payroll employee has existing financial supplement debt.

This field must be selected if the payroll employee has existing financial supplement debt.

Note: The Student Financial Supplement Scheme closed on 31st December 2003. No new loans are being issued.


Estimated total tax offset amount claimed by the payroll employee on the Withholding declaration form.

Note: This field is only displayed for Withholding declarations.


Type of seniors and pensioners tax offset amount claimed by the payroll employee on the Withholding declaration form.

Note: This field is only displayed for Withholding declarations.


Single Touch Payroll submission status. You can select:

  • Not Sent
  • Ready to Send
  • Sent Manually.


Grid area fields (Australia)








Tax scale that applies for the employee based on information supplied by the employee upon the commencement of their employment.

Note: Whenever tax rates change, your administrator will receive a text file from Synergetic Management Systems that they can import. See Loading new tax rates.


Payroll Maintenance - Declarations tab key fields and buttons (New Zealand)

Details area fields (New Zealand)






Declaration Date


IRD Number used by the New Zealand Inland Revenue Department.

Supplied by the employee on the tax declaration form filled in at the commencement of employment.

Note: You will see the following window if the entered IRD Number has already been assigned to an existing employee.
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Tax code that applies for the employee based on information supplied by the employee upon the commencement of their employment.

Note: Whenever tax rates change, your administrator will receive a text file from Synergetic Management Systems that they can import. See Loading new tax rates.


Compulsory student loan repayment deduction required by the New Zealand Inland Revenue Department.

Note: For more information about SLCIR deductions including methods for calculation, see Student loan extra deductions.


Select if the payroll employee has requested to make extra voluntary student loan repayments on top of their compulsory student loan deductions from gross earnings.

This deduction:

  • is requested by the payroll employee
  • does not require authorisation from the New Zealand IRD to be started or stopped
  • does not require the employee to be earning over the pay period repayment threshold.

Note: For more information about SLBOR deductions, see Student loan extra deductions.


KiwiSaver status of the payroll employee. You can select:

  • Not Selected
  • Active KS member to indicate that the payroll employee is an active KiwiSaver member
  • Contributions holiday to indicate that the payroll employee is opting to stop making contributions for a period lasting between 3 months and 5 years

Note: Payroll employees must be KiwiSaver members for 12 months before becoming eligible for contributions holidays.

  • Not eligible for KS to indicate that the payroll employee is not eligible for KiwiSaver contributions

Note: Payroll employees must be New Zealand citizens or permanent residents under the age of 65 to join KiwiSaver.

  • Non-member to indicate that the payroll employee is not a KiwiSaver member
  • Opted out to indicate that the payroll employee has opted out of KiwiSaver.

Note: For information about when payroll employees can opt out of KiwiSaver, see Opting out of KiwiSaver.


Export status of the Single Touch Payroll submission. You can select:

  • Not Exported
  • Ready to Export
  • Exported.


Grid area fields (New Zealand)








Tax code that applies for the employee based on information supplied by the employee upon the commencement of their employment.

Note: Whenever tax rates change, your administrator will receive a text file from Synergetic Management Systems that they can import. See Loading new tax rates.


Buttons (New Zealand)






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View the Edit Employee Details for Export window. See Edit Employee Details for Export window.

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Common buttons


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Add a new declaration record.

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Delete the selected declaration record.
  • record details for the Employee details file.

Once this file is complete you can select a submission status using the Status drop-down list. Employee details files with a status of Ready to Export are submitted in the next Payday Filing export. See Processing STP and Payday Filing.



titleOpening the Declarations tab

To open the Declarations tab:


Details area fields (Australia)






Declaration Type


Type of declaration. You can select:

  • TFN Declaration to record a Tax File Number declaration for payroll new employees
  • Withholding Declaration to record payment withholding details.


Payroll Maintenance - Declarations tab - Details sub-tab

New Zealand organisations can:

  • opt out payroll employees from KiwiSaver
  • specify payroll employee bank account details for refunded KiwiSaver contributions.
Payroll Maintenance - Declarations tab - KiwiSaver Opt Out sub-tab

New Zealand can use the Personal Details sub-tab to maintain personal details for payroll employee tax declarations

Payroll Maintenance - Declarations tab - Personal Details sub-tab