Use the Communications Bulk Add/Delete window to:
Communications Bulk Add/Delete window key fields
Field | Description |
Line Number | Specify the group to add. For example, line number 1 is the first group added to the communication, line number 2 is the second group added and so on. This value is used to populate the recipient's comment field to indicate the group they were bulk-added in. |
Constituency | Community members belonging to either a:
Related Campus | Include only community members related to this campus. |
Date Joined From / To | Include only community members who joined the community between these dates. |
Other Communication | List of recipients from a previous communication. |
Other Event | List of attendees from a previous event. |
Event Status | Include attendees with the selected status from a previous event. |
Gender | Include community members by selecting:
Note: You can define the list of genders used at your organisation using the luGender lookup table. See luGender lookup table. |
Add as Primary Only | Add the primary contact only rather than a couple. |
Tagged IDs | Tagged community members are included. |
Current Recipients Only | Select this to send the communication to recipients of the current communication. If this field is not selected, both current and past recipients are added. |
Must Have a Valid Address | Clear the flag if the community members selected do not need to have a valid postal address. |
Must Want to Receive Mail | Include only those community members that have indicated that they want to receive mail. |
Must Want to Receive a Magazine | Include only those community members that have indicated that they want to receive a magazine. |
Must Want Solicitation | Include only those community members that have indicated that they want to receive requests for donations. |
Must Want to Receive Raffle | Include only those community members that have indicated that they want to receive raffle tickets for selling to family, friends and colleagues. |
Must Have an Email Address | Include only those community members that have valid email addresses. |
When adding spouse | Can combine or split communications to couples, depending on whether they are in the same constituency or not.