Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Use the Communications Bulk Add/Delete window to:


Communications Bulk Add/Delete window key fields



Line Number

Specify the group to add. For example, line number 1 is the first group added to the communication, line number 2 is the second group added and so on. This value is used to populate the recipient's comment field to indicate the group they were bulk-added in.

This field is not used when deleting recipients.


Community members belonging to either a:

Related Campus

Include only community members related to this campus.

This field is only displayed if a constituency is selected.

Date Joined From / To

Include only community members who joined the community between these dates.

This field is only displayed if a constituency is selected.

Other Communication

List of recipients from a previous communication.

Other Event

List of attendees from a previous event.

Event Status

Include attendees with the selected status from a previous event.


Include community members by selecting:

  • Male - including only male community members
  • Female - including only female community members
  • Other - including only other gendered community members
  • blank to include both gendersall genders.

Note: You can define the list of genders used at your organisation using the luGender lookup table. See luGender lookup table.

Add as Primary Only

Add the primary contact only rather than a couple.

Tagged IDs

Tagged community members are included.

Current Recipients Only

Select this to send the communication to recipients of the current communication. If this field is not selected, both current and past recipients are added.

Must Have a Valid Address

Clear the flag if the community members selected do not need to have a valid postal address.

Must Want to Receive Mail

Include only those community members that have indicated that they want to receive mail.

Must Want to Receive a Magazine

Include only those community members that have indicated that they want to receive a magazine.

Must Want Solicitation

Include only those community members that have indicated that they want to receive requests for donations.

Must Want to Receive Raffle

Include only those community members that have indicated that they want to receive raffle tickets for selling to family, friends and colleagues.

Must Have an Email Address

Include only those community members that have valid email addresses.
Used when emailing out communications, for those community members who have nominated their email addresses.

When adding spouse

Can combine or split communications to couples, depending on whether they are in the same constituency or not.
For example, two married past students want to:

  • receive only one jointly addressed communication
  • each receive a separately addressed communication.
