Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


How to Install:

From version 71.41

Flex is a theme written to be installed at the top of the community portal to make it responsive and more usable on mobile and smaller devices. It provides advanced layout techniques to repaint the current look and feel of the whole website.

The theme is not part of the standard product and is not included in the product by default. So in order to install it, the following steps are required.

.confluence-embedded-image {

How to Install:

included as a standard part of Synergetic.

Installation of flex-custom.css, if used, remains the same as it was prior to version 71.41. There should be no need to uninstall flex-custom.css.

Step 1: Remove any site CSS files that may exist (these can cause conflicts).  E.g. from {your community portal installation path}\Site\CSS

Step 2: Uninstall flex, if installed using the method required before version 71.41. This will require removing flex-script.js from the config file. See steps 4 and 5 of the instructions for installation prior to version 71.41.

Step 3: Enable flex by setting CommunityPortal|Flex|Enabled to true in Configuration Maintenance in SynMain.

Image Added

Prior to version 71.41

To install this theme the following steps are necessary:

Step 1: Remove any site CSS files that may exist (these can cause conflicts).  E.g. from {your community portal installation path}\Site\CSS

Step 2: Download Flex.Zip file to your local machine

Version: 1.0

Release: 31/08/2018

Image Removed

Step 213


titleRelease Notes

Version 1.13

  • Fix where the Finance > Transaction History tab may not appear (DSY-16798)

Version 1.12

  • Additional updates to handle new user interface for emailing of scheduled PTI (DSY-16049)

Version 1.11

  • Update to handle new user interface for emailing of scheduled PTI (DSY-16049)

Version 1.10

Version 1.9

  • Allowed some comment boxes to expand (so as to not cut off multi-line data)

Version 1.8

  • Action Centre visual upgrades (size of fields etc.)
  • Formatting updates to cater for Confirmation of Details in My Details
    • Minimum required version for 69.22+

Version 1.7

  • Updated code for buttons when paying fees
  • Added code to ensure flex-custom.css is loaded through flex-script.js (ie no need to reference the file in the AdditionalResourceX line of the config .xml file)
  • Menu code fixes
  • Unless a new version of Portal has been installed, users may be required to refresh their cache (see Flex - Responsive Community Portal Theme#ResponsiveCommunityPortalTheme-FAQ for assistance)

Version 1.6

  • Reduced size of Events popup window when users select the Attending button. In some cases users could not scroll when a large amount of information was shown

Version 1.5

Version 1.4

  • Corrected spelling when impersonating a user. Cache refresh required to reflect change. Only affects logged in Admins impersonating users
  • Allowed PTI sessions to expand, without showing a gap if a Teachers name was especially long. No cache refresh required to reflect change

Version 1.3

Version 1.2

  • Resolved field size issue. Some fields were too small for the data being displayed.

Image Added

Unless a new version of Portal has been installed, users may be required to refresh their cache (see Flex - Responsive Community Portal Theme#ResponsiveCommunityPortalTheme-FAQ for assistance)

Step 3: Extract the flex folder into portal/site folder.

Note: These files should exist in their own separate Flex folder (ie not in the ./portal/site folder)

Site folder will contain the flex folder which contains four files as follows:

Step 34: Add the path to the flex-script.js to your config xml file. 

Use "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\SynergeticCommunityPortal\BinConfig\Synergetic.Application.CreateConfig.exe" to edit the required configuration file. The default file name is SynCommPortal.xml located in "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\SynwebCfg\SynCommPortal.xml". Note that some environments may have a different config file name or installation path.

Step 45: Your config XML file will then include the path to the theme and is ready to use.

Step 56: Reload Community Portal Application Pool (IIS)

Step 67: Customization to the Flex theme can be done through flex-custom.css which needs to be included in the config xml as one of the other AdditionalResources.


Step 8: Check pages, including any custom pages you have created