Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Views have been created by the Synergetic development team to make querying the database an easier process. These views are either from the:

Additional data is sometimes also retrieved from the main Synergetic database to complement the Finance data.
Users will need to have security permission to the SynergyOneFinance database.

View name


Base tables used


Use this view to obtain listings of assets that exist within Asset Register Maintenance.
For example, you could get a listing of all assets of a certain asset type:
WHERE AssetTypeCode = 'Car'

  • Assets
  • AssetDefinitions
  • Community
  • Addresses
  • FinanceConfig
  • tGeneralLedger
  • luAssetCategory
  • Creditors


Use this view to obtain:

  • a list of assets for a depreciation posting
  • the amount that they depreciated by.
  • vAssets
  • AssetDepreciation
  • GeneralLedgerPostingControl


Use this view to list all unreconciled cheques that have not been cancelled.
The Bank Reconciliation Crystal Report for example, uses this view by:

  • getting the GeneralLedgerReportingMonthEndDate, defined in Finance Configuration Maintenance
  • including any cheques or payments that have not yet been reconciled or cancelled before that date.
  • BankingConfig
  • GeneralLedgerBankTransactions
  • GeneralLedger
  • FinanceConfig
  • GeneralLedgerJournals
  • GeneralLedgerPostingControl


Use this view to list all receipts that have been processed. The view includes:

  • payment type
  • origin
  • amount.
  • GeneralLedgerJournals
  • GeneralLedger
  • luGeneralLedgerRcptAllocations
  • Receipts
  • Community
  • Addresses
  • GeneralLedgerPostingControl
  • EnrolmentDeposits
  • EnrolmentDepositDefinitions
  • DonorReceipts
  • luFund
  • luAppeal
  • Assets
  • DebtorTransactions
  • Debtors


Use this view to list all invoices that have been entered through Creditor Invoice Entry.

  • CreditorTransactions
  • FinanceConfig
  • Creditors
  • Community
  • GeneralLedgerJournals
  • GeneralLedger
  • GeneralLedgerPostingControl
  • Assets
  • EnrolmentDeposits
  • Addresses
  • EnrolmentRepairRepayments
  • AssetDefinitions


Use this view to list all creditor invoices.

  • CreditorTransactions
  • Creditors
  • Community
  • Addresses
  • GeneralLedgerPostingControl


Use this view to list all current creditors and relevant information about them.
This information comes straight from the base table so whatever is in Creditor Maintenance will appear in a listing with this view.

  • Creditors
  • luCreditorSupplierCategory
  • Community
  • Addresses
  • luCountry


Use this view to list all creditors and the relevant information about them, including inactive creditors.

  • Creditors
  • luCreditorSupplierCategory
  • Community
  • Addresses
  • luCountry


Use this view to list all creditor invoices and payments. That is, transactions.

  • CreditorTransactions
  • FinanceConfig
  • Community
  • Creditors
  • Addresses
  • GeneralLedger
  • GeneralLedgerJournals
  • GeneralLedgerPostingControl
  • GeneralLedgerCostCentres


Use this view to view active debtor arrangements. Includes:

  • arrangements that are not yet complete
  • the oldest outstanding transaction date
  • all of the information from vDebtors, covered below.
  • vDebtors
  • DebtorArrangements
  • luDebtorArrangement


Use this view to summarise debtor instalments. Includes:

  • debtor information
  • fee code
  • total amount due or paid
  • instalment setup details.
  • DebtorInstalments
  • DebtorFees
  • Community
  • Addresses
  • Debtors
  • DebtorPaymentMethods


Use this view to list active debtor contact information, including:

  • spouse contact details
  • previous payment summary
  • current balances.
  • Debtors
  • Community
  • Addresses
  • DebtorSubLedgers
  • CommunityAddressLinks
  • FinanceConfig


Use this view to list the contact information of all debtors, including inactive debtors. Contact information includes:

  • spouse contact details
  • previous payment summary
  • current balances.
  • Debtors
  • Community
  • Addresses
  • DebtorSubLedgers
  • CommunityAddressLinks
  • FinanceConfig


Use this view to list all student concessions that are currently listed for the student and their related debtor.
All data from the Concessions tab of Current Student Maintenance is included in the view. See Current Student Maintenance - Concessions tab in the Current students manual.

  • DebtorFees
  • DebtorStudentConcessions
  • vStudents


Use this view to list all debtor charges and receipts.

  • Debtors
  • DebtorTransactions
  • Community
  • Addresses
  • DebtorFees
  • GeneralLedgerPostingControl
  • DebtorStatementControl


Use this view to list all current enrolment deposits, along with:

  • student information
  • contact or payee information.
  • EnrolmentDeposits
  • EnrolmentDepositDefinitions
  • PastStudents
  • Students
  • FutureStudents
  • StudentSemester
  • Community
  • Addresses
  • luCampus
  • luTax


Use this view to get a hard-copy of any of your finance reports.
For example, the G/L Finance Report Structure report primarily uses this view.

  • GeneralLedgerFinanceReports
  • GeneralLedgerFinanceReportLinks
  • luGeneralLedgerFinanceReport
  • GeneralLedger


Use this view to list all account budgets against actual expenses.

  • GeneralLedger
  • GeneralLedgerMonthlyBudgets
  • GeneralLedgerJournals


Use this view to list all journals that have been posted to the general ledger from any of the finance modules within Synergetic.

  • GeneralLedger
  • GeneralLedgerJournals
  • GeneralLedgerPostingControl
  • GeneralLedgerCostCentres
  • Community
  • Addresses


Use this view to get total expenses for general ledger accounts in each period for the specified general ledger reporting year.
The GLReportingGLYear value can be set on the General tab of Finance Configuration Maintenance. If required, change the G/L Reporting End Date field on the tab.
See Synergetic Financial Configuration - General tab in the Finance manual.

  • GeneralLedger
  • FinanceConfig
  • GeneralLedgerJournals
  • GeneralLedgerMonthlyBudgets


Use this view to get total expenses for general ledger accounts in each period for each general ledger reporting year.
The GLReportingGLYear value can be set on the General tab of Finance Configuration Maintenance. If required, change the G/L Reporting End Date field on the tab.
See Synergetic Financial Configuration - General tab in the Finance manual.

  • GeneralLedger
  • FinanceConfig
  • GeneralLedgerCostCentres
  • GeneralLedgerChartOfAccounts
  • GeneralLedgerDivisions


Use this view to get:

  • total expenses for general ledger accounts in each period for each general ledger reporting year
  • budget information for each general ledger reporting year.

The GLReportingGLYear value can be set on the General tab of Finance Configuration Maintenance. If required, change the G/L Reporting End Date field on the tab.
See Synergetic Financial Configuration - General tab in the Finance manual.

  • GeneralLedger
  • FinanceConfig
  • GeneralLedgerCostCentres
  • GeneralLedgerChartOfAccounts
  • GeneralLedgerDivisions


Use this view to show the following details for your general ledger accounts:

  • opening balance
  • year-to-date
  • current and full year expense figures
  • current and full year budget figures.
  • GeneralLedger
  • FinanceConfig
  • GeneralLedgerCostCentres


Use this view to list every sale made and the person or general ledger code that the item went to.

  • ItemSales
  • ItemSalePayment
  • SalesPaymentMethods
  • Staff
  • luItemCategory
  • BusinessUnits
  • Students
  • ItemSaleDetails
  • Community
  • Items
  • vDebtors
  • GeneralLedgerPostingControl
  • FutureStudents
  • Community
  • Addresses
  • FinanceConfig
  • ConfigUsers
  • StudentYears
  • GeneralLedger
  • GeneralLedgerCostCentres


Use this view to list all active items and the amount of stock on hand at each business unit.

  • Items
  • ItemStock
  • CreditorTransactions
  • Creditors
  • GeneralLedgerPostingControl
  • Community
  • Addresses
  • luItemCategory
  • BusinessUnits


Use this view to list all items, including inactive items, and the amount of stock on hand at each business unit.

  • Items
  • ItemStock
  • CreditorTransactions
  • Creditors
  • GeneralLedgerPostingControl
  • Community
  • Addresses
  • luItemCategory
  • BusinessUnits


Use this view to get pay details by line, for each employee's pay for a given pay posting.

  • PayrollEmployeePayDetails
  • PayrollEmployees
  • PayrollPayGroups
  • PayrollCodeDefinitions
  • GeneralLedgerPostingControl
  • luPayrollSuperannuationFund
  • Community
  • luPayrollSuperannuationList
  • Addresses
  • FinanceConfig
  • luPayrollPayFrequency
  • refPayrollPayCodeType


Use this view to get totals for each PayCode by posting number.
This view is:

  • useful for analysing an overall pay run
  • not useful for individual employee totals
  • used for the totals in the Payroll Journal Listing report.
  • PayrollEmployeePayDetails
  • PayrollCodeDefinitions


Use this view to extract all payroll employee information. It:

  • includes the year-to-date pay figure
  • includes the total pay figure
  • does not provide information about each line of pay.
    For information about each line of pay, see the vPayrollEmployeePayDetails view, covered earlier.
  • PayrollEmployees
  • Community
  • Addresses
  • PayrollPayGroups
  • luPayrollTaxationRate
  • luPayrollPayFrequency
  • PayrollEmployeePays
  • GeneralLedgerPostingControl
  • luPayrollEmployeeStatus
  • Staff


Use this view to extract all of the details in Purchase Order Maintenance.
Every purchase detail will return a record in a query from this view.

  • PurchaseOrders
  • GeneralLedgerAllocationCodes
  • BusinessUnits
  • PurchaseOrderDetails
  • Community
  • Items
  • Addresses
  • FinanceConfig
  • luDeliveryPoint
  • luPurchaseOrderUrgency
  • Staff
  • Creditors