How to Install:
From version 71.41
Flex is included as a standard part of Synergetic.
Installation of flex-custom.css, if used, remains the same as it was prior to version 71.41. There should be no need to uninstall flex-custom.css.
Step 1: Remove any site CSS files that may exist (these can cause conflicts). E.g. from {your community portal installation path}\Site\CSS
Step 2: Uninstall flex, if installed using the method required before version 71.41. This will require removing flex-script.js from the config file. See steps 4 and 5 of the instructions for installation prior to version 71.41.
Step 3: Enable flex by setting CommunityPortal|Flex|Enabled to true in Configuration Maintenance in SynMain.
Prior to version 71.41
To install this theme the following steps are necessary: