Issue Type | Issue key | Summary | Component | Module/Program | Comment | Service Desk Reference Number(s) |
Bug | DSY-20499 | Period Replacement with Room Replacements imported to Synergetic via the daily org file were not updating correctly | SynDB, SynMain, SynService | Timetabling | Fixed an issue with Timetabler imports where having both a Period Replacement and Room Replacement would cause the room replacement to not sync. | 00096364, 00101042, 00111763, 00273358, 00279000, 00282383, PRB-00000084, PRB-00000645 |
Improvement | DSY-26128 | URLs opened on Synergetic Cloud displayed options for both Edge and Firefox, but Firefox was not functioning correctly. | Hosted Synergetic | AppStream | All web links in SynMain Hosted (AppStream) now open in Microsoft Edge by default./wiki/spaces/SRE/pages/2591129601 | PRB-00004281 |
Bug | DSY-25823 | Users were blocked from modifying photo settings in SynWeb | SynWeb | Student Maint - Student Maintenance | Fixed bug that prevented authorized users from making changes to Photo details in Students Maintenance, Staff Maintenance, and Community Maintenance in SynWeb. | 00286187, PRB-00004225 |
Improvement | DSY-26073 | Allows users to use SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) with your RDS instances seamlessly | Allow school to use database management tools such as SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) in cloud hosted environment. | 00284937, PRB-00004282 | ||
Improvement | DSY-26169 | Improvement that allows API clients to retrieve recently updated community data based on query parameters | CoreAPI | 3rd Party Integration | This update adds two optional query parameters to the API for precise date and time filtering: ModifiedBefore filters data modified before a specified date and time, and ModifiedAfter filters data modified on or after a specified date and time. | |
Feature | DSY-26121 | User can add new checks to Community and Staff via a Merge File Import | SynMain | Human Resources - Staff Data Import/Export | This new feature enables users to bulk import Community/Staff checks data through a formatted file into Synergetic. | |
Feature | DSY-26021 | User can add new skills to Community and Staff via a Merge File Import | SynMain | Community - Community Maintenance | This new feature enables users to bulk import Community/Staff Skills data through a formatted file into Synergetic. | |
Improvement | DSY-24934 | Community Portal - Visibility of payment method, plan and scheduled date not available | SynComPort | Payment Plans | Fixed the issue where a debtor is signed up for an active / current payment plan and the Payment Plans tab is active, when they access the Payment Plans tab, the below information were not always displayed:
| 00259281 |