Note |
We recommend setting a System Message to avoid users being in the application during an upgrade. |
Legacy Location (Deprecated)
Where do I find the Synergetic SDT?
Go to the server wherever the SDT tool was configured (usually SQL server)
C: Drive > SDT > Synergetic.Application.SDT.exe
You will not be able to log into the SDT at from this location anymore
Please follow the link to find more information and download the latest version of SDT ( Under files on top right) Self Deployment Tool - Requirements (synergetic.net.au)
New Location
Go to the server wherever the SDT tool was configured (usually SQL server)
There should a desktop icon. If not you can find the application here: C: Drive > Program Files > SDT > Synergetic.Application.SDT
How to update the SDT tool whenever the new build of SDT released
Click Yes > Next > select Everyone instead of only me > Next