Version 1.9 - Allowed some comment boxes to expand (so as to not cut off multi-line data)
Version 1.8 (minimum required version for 69.22+ - Action Centre visual upgrades (size of fields etc.)
- Formatting updates to cater for Confirmation of Details in My Details
- Minimum required version for 69.22+
Version 1.7 - Updated code for buttons when paying fees
- Added code to ensure flex-custom.css is loaded through flex-script.js (ie no need to reference the file in the AdditionalResourceX line of the config .xml file)
- Menu code fixes
- Unless a new version of Portal has been installed, users may be required to refresh their cache (see Flex - Responsive Community Portal Theme#ResponsiveCommunityPortalTheme-FAQ for assistance)
Version 1.6 - Reduced size of Events popup window when users select the Attending button. In some cases users could not scroll when a large amount of information was shown
Version 1.5
Version 1.4 - Corrected spelling when impersonating a user. Cache refresh required to reflect change. Only affects logged in Admins impersonating users
- Allowed PTI sessions to expand, without showing a gap if a Teachers name was especially long. No cache refresh required to reflect change
Version 1.3
Version 1.2 - Resolved field size issue. Some fields were too small for the data being displayed.